S2E3 You are Slaves, Owned by the FED

 I Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation, under  God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

Hello everybody. This is the third episode three. We’re about ready to crank it up. I, if you notice, but it looks like we got the attention of the censorship police means we’re doing the right thing. Patrick is ready to go. My name is Chris. Are you listening to the Constitution Commandos. 

Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. I had to get my dang Bluetooth hooked up. But anyway, yeah. The C B D C is a bad thing and people really need to start preparing for that. It is definitely coming. 

what got me started doing this was the study on this C D V C with the Central Bank digital currency.

And I went back and started studying a Federal Reserve Act last night. And I don’t understand legal jargon the way lawyers will tell you legal jargon is supposed to be understood, but to me, it’s simple English. And in 1913, Woodrow Wilson pretty much told the country you just got took period.  And look, this is crazy stuff.

I don’t know how much you know about what was going on back then, but in 1895 was the last time that our country leaned on a wealthy tycoon to bail this country out. Yeah. And that was JP Morgan. He was the last one to bail the country out, as an individual. But what boy, JP Morgan . Yeah.

He went and started back in 19, in 1910, I believe it was 1908, somewhere around in there that he got together with a bunch of other people, bankers, investment bankers, whatever you wanna call ’em, rich people. And they had these little secret meetings all over Europe, in the capital of every European country.

and has several meetings even here in the United States. And in those meetings, what they were doing was devising a plan for the Federal Reserve. And for those who might be confused, the Federal Reserve is not your friend. As a matter of fact, it’s not even a government institution. Let’s get better than that is not even really a federal reserve.

It is the central bank, the very one Putin doesn’t want in his country. Very one we didn’t have in this country up until 1913. We call it the Federal Reserve. Make it sound like First National Bank. That is a Federal Reserve bank. That’s actually a central bank, which is not our friend. And I find out a lot of weird stuff about this thing, this institution.

Do you even know who the board members are? The Board of Governors? 

At the moment, I don’t let us know that Yellen was appointed as a Fed. I don’t, yeah. But I don’t know who the board members are. I know they’re all bankers. Yep. 

And if you ever hear about ’em, you may not have known that national settlement.

Yeah. If you hear about ’em, you don’t know that’s who they are because they’re only gonna give you your first name. They don’t want to be known. Yeah. Now see, that raises red flags for me already. If I can’t know who you are, why do I want to do business with you? You don’t have a choice. Yeah.

There’s not a bank in this country that has a choice really, you. . And back in 1913 when Congress actually ratified this bill, or actually in 1912, all these investment bankers and wealthy rich folk who had been involved with all these meetings, secret meetings by the way,  they brought this bill to Congress, basically told Congress they would need, they needed to sign the thing. They didn’t have to push too hard because a couple of other bankers were in Congress. Amazing. But basically, yeah, once the bill was signed, any bank that was operating at that time, had 90 days to apply and become a member of the federal banking system, or they lost their charter.

I didn’t know that. There’s no such, I’m saying, there’s no such saying. It’s banking at a bank that’s not tied into the Federal Reserve. 

And see, this is another thing that people have to go back to the understanding of the purpose of the Central Bank and we got the Federal Reserve and but the Federal Reserve has Central Bank, that’s what I’m saying.

Other countries have their central banks and they’re not called the Federal Reserve, they’re called whatever that country has deemed them. But the purpose of the central banks is control. What they do is they go in and they promise developing third world countries and even first world developed countries to either cover their debt or to build bridges, infrastructure, water production, facilities, things like that.

And. , then they attach such an ungodly interest rate. You’ll never pay it back. That it could. Yeah, it can never be paid back. And the central bank is, what it doing is it is taking in collateral, the natural resources of that country. So to occlude 

it’s people, 

right? So the purpose behind the central bank, and so my, why so many world leaders have rejected them is because the Central BR bank comes in, they enslave view.

That’s what it’s, look, if you go on the Federal Reserve website, okay, their website, this is on the website it says the official title, but if you look at the address bar, this is called their preamble. It’s an act to provide for the establishment of Federal Reserve banks to furnish an elastic currency.

To afford means of re-discounting commercial paper to establish more effective supervision of banking in the United States and for other purposes. Now that is so wide open, I would never sign a contract like that. Yeah. It’s too wide open. 

Yeah. And we don’t even know who’s running it. And then nobody does, but Right.

They’re all in cahoots with each other. And that is the plan is to put all the citizens of all the nations of the world in servitude. And that’s it. And 

which is exactly what started with the Rothchild, was Nathan Rothchild when he bought up he actually sold out all his stocks so that the stocks, all the stocks would go down.

And when they did, he said there are people allowed to buy up everything. Then he owned all the currency in England. That is why when you look at the royal family, they don’t hold the power. They have no power whatsoever. No. The crown is actually in a glass case in the middle of London somewhere. That’s where the power is, cuz it’s owned by the Rothschilds.

Every now and again, they’d let the queen wear the crown every now and again.


Not anymore. She’s dead. She’s dead. But I’m just saying that I hadn’t seen 

Prince Charles, well, King Charles, whatever he is now, he ain’t worn it yet, I don’t think, has he? 

No, I don’t think so. But yeah, when they talk about the City of London, that is also a corporation. It’s not. That’s right. It’s not even a country, but it is one of the big threes that run the world.


right. See that’s when I found out that England had already turned in all of their paper currency in exchange for this polymer digital currency, when, that happened a couple of months ago. They had a deadline to turn theirs in. A lot of people didn’t believe me when I was selling them.

I That was actually pretty widely known on any news channel really. But people didn’t believe that. They don’t even believe that the Queen didn’t hold power. She is, the royal family is powerless to do anything without the Crown, which is two separate entities altogether, which makes sense why our country’s been running like it has been since 1913 because we’ve basically been under, we’ve been under British rules pretty much ever since the founding of the country.

yeah. Ever since Revolutionary War.  

And. That’s why all this other information that I started learning recently about how we are under interstate commerce rules or interstate commerce law didn’t make any sense to me because the government wants us to believe we’re still under the constitution, but ever since 1913 That’s right.

We have been operating in this country, just like England operates its country because we’ve been under their authority ever since the founding of the country. So That’s 

right. Hence the bar, the British Accredited Registry. That’s right. I Everything is dictated by British Authority. Yeah.


authority. That’s it. And you know, we can go a little deeper than that too. All of the media outlets in this country before were all completely controlled by five people. Literally five people. 

Huh? Four six. But that’s, it’s five. It’s five or six.

Yeah. Yeah. But if 

you’re watching the news, you’re watching what belongs to five or six different individuals and they’re all buddies in these secret meetings that keep happening. And guess what? They’re all implanted, with somebody from British Intel. That’s who controls your information. And the CIA’s pretty much under British Intel rule.

Yeah. So really doesn’t matter.  You know in that book The Conspirators Hierarchy, I had no idea Ed Sullivan was anything more than a guy that brought people like “Pelvis Freshley” and the Beatles and the doors on his show when really he was the one that went and met The Beatles to figure out how to package and market the Beatles to come over here so that the CIA and the FBI could actually start handing out acid and bring drugs into the United States, lemme, lemme give you another one. Do you know who Bob Woodward is?


Or do you know what he was before he became a reporter at the Washington Post?

He was British intel, wasn’t he?

Naval Intelligence. And do you know how he got moved to the Washington Post? Do you know what event happened?


I don’t know that Whitewater with Nixon.

That makes sense. Watergate. Yeah. Yep. He was the one that ran the first story in the Washington Post about Watergate.

And, the break-in at the Watergate office building or hotel. Do you know who the five perpetrators were? 

Yeah, they were foreign nationals, but they were also, they were CIA assets. They are CIA agents.

Yeah… Yeah. They were all CIA assets.

Uhhuh, Naval Intelligence works closely with CIA. Everything in this country is a show and it is all social engineering at the basics.

 And it’s all done to manipulate and to direct us where they want us to be and how they want us to be. That’s right. 

That is exactly right. And that’s, that’s, let’s go one step further. Lemme go ahead and step up, into my little conspiracy theory. Everybody keeps telling me I need to shut up for years. They tell me, you need to shut up about this. You need to shut up about this John F. Kennedy assassination. That was so enriched.  with CIA, assets, and planning. British Intel was in on that too. And George Bush was right there overseeing the dad-gum thing.

And JFK, and you gotta think of it this way too, one of the big things that he was trying to do was abolish the CIA. Which is why he established the Special Forces. Yeah. 

But the CIA couldn’t have him abolish it, they couldn’t work anymore if he did that. 

Yeah. So he was actually grabbing a bigger bull by much bigger horns, I think than even he realized. 

Of course, he did, but he did right by forming the special operations.

He knew there was a lion behind the bars. He just didn’t know the appetite of the lion. That’s right. He knew what was there. He just didn’t know what was there. caused it, the secret group, the secret organizations, that desire to rule the world. Yeah. That was I’m, I would imagine that was the extent of even his knowledge, and for people who think that the president of the United States is the most powerful man in the world.

You can hang that idea up. 

Yeah. He’s presented as the most powerful man in the world, which once again is social engineering. It’s a farce. They’re giving you a perception of what they want you to think. 

It’s a, it’s the illusion of safety. Yeah, that’s exactly what that is.  And look, how many times have we talked about Ron Reagan?

I’ve always said my favorite president I wasn’t even old enough to vote for. And sadly when he took office, he didn’t even appoint his own cabinet, which I didn’t know. That’s what’s scary to me to find out. Ron Reagan didn’t even get to appoint his own cabinet. It was appointed for him, and he was presented with a list of instructions on what he could or could not do as president.

Now, if the president of the United States is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world, I would think he could stomp on the floor in the earth a crack. 

You would think that he sure as hell wouldn’t need to ask permission. No. 

Exactly. So the commander-in-chief is just like every one of his subordinates who will say sometimes it’s better to ask forgiveness and to wait for permission.

I think that was Trump’s ideology. , 

I do believe so. A lot of people got really pissed off at Trump for that too. Yeah. And I’m not gonna lie, he made me nervous when he did it but that was because he went outside the purview of safety, or what we presume to be safe.

And I’m glad he did, to be honest with you, because I think that opened the country’s eyes to a lot of things. 

I know it did. I think it did more than just open the country’s eyes. I think it opened the world’s eyes. Cause I think a lot of the, I don’t want to even really say rebellion. A lot of the world’s, people of the world’s stance and arguments nowadays is that they see the government doing things that go directly against them.

Exactly. And I don’t think that would’ve happened if it, sure there’s always been nations where the people had revoked it against the powers to be, but 

Not in the way it has been lately. Yeah. 

Not like this. So I think Trump did a lot more than just open the eyes of Americans.

I think he really stimulated an eye-opening ordeal worldwide about this powerful cabal that intends to dominate the world and lead all of the people of the world into servitude. I think he really showed everybody 

. Oh, he did that Indeed. And. I, it’s just, it’s really scary what’s happening right now and.

And anybody who’s listening who doesn’t know what scary is or thinks, you know what scary is? Lemme put it that way. If you think, he’s to be scared. You ain’t got a clue. Fixing to find out though. Fixing to find out. Yeah, and all the things, for instance, I’ll say this, all the people who told me to shut up about conspiracy theories that I’ve had about J F K, I didn’t just derive these theories because I didn’t like the fact that JFK got assassinated.

I did a lot of research on JFK’s assassination, starting with the Warren Commission, and be advised the Warren Commission is not even worth toilet paper value. Really? It’s garbage. Gerald Ford sat on that commission. Did you know that?

I did.

And that was the sole reason he was enough. He was the first president that was not elected to anything other than Congress or Senate.

Then that’s something Congress, yeah. He was installed. Hence Bob Woodward. Hence the CIA. Because JFK was gonna abolish the CIA. The Warren Commission, they were all about the cabal per se. That was their whole thing. That was their whole agenda. Yeah. And that’s why that son of a gun got appointed.

 the dang presidents. He was the only person offered… 

Oh, and look, check this out. This is another name that I have grown to just about one puke, every time I hear his name. And he was actually one of our Secretaries of State, the name Henry Kissinger rings a bell, doesn’t it?

Oh my gosh.

I guess who was appointed as chair to oversee the investigations of 9 1 1.

Yeah. There you go. And he was immediate not immediately, he was immediately appointed as chair by George Bush, by the way. And soon thereafter was had he had to be removed as a chair because of the stink that so many people raised about here. New Kissinger. But bear in mind now, Henry Kissinger pretty much singlehandedly. assassinated two world leaders. . 

Yeah. And, 

but nobody knows about that dude and these people, even the 388 legislatures that were on that. Brunson case that was listed as defendants in the Brunson case includes, by the way, vice President Kamala Harris, president President Joe Biden, and ex-vice President Mike Pence, who by the way, is buying the presidency in 2024.

And it’s looking like he’s gonna be guaranteed a presidency because of his work with the cabal. 

These people, I don’t know if we can say he would be guaranteed the presidency. We can’t 

be He in his world, in his eyes. In his eyes. He will, he was pretty much promised that he would get all the electoral votes he’d need to be president if he did not kick the votes back to the States for a recount.

And what’d he do? He certified the votes. Yeah. Now he’s been telling. He’s been telling the nation everywhere he goes, that he did what he thought was constitutionally right. Unfortunately, some people do read the Constitution. Mr. Pence, you messed up. You didn’t go when you have a, yeah. When you have a hundred congressmen come up and say point blank, that and that.

They had evidence of, I don’t care how flimsy the evidence was. And the only reason I say flimsy is because these were, most of the investigations were done by private citizens more than the government because the government didn’t want to touch it. 

And the evidence can be as flimsy as you wanna call it, but most of it came from what?


From affidavit. That, yeah, the sworn affidavits under the threat of perjury. So a sworn affidavit. Is as good as hard physical evidence. That’s right. And because there were a hundred congressmen that came and a mixture of congressmen and senators that said no, there was election interference, whether it be called fraud or what.

There was election interference by Constitution. They had to investigate, at least send 

it back. That’s right. And that is in the Constitution. But those of you who have never read the Constitution, go read it. It’s there. And you might wanna read it for as long as it counts for anything because pretty soon it won’t count for anything at all.

I’ve got multiple copies of the Constitution. I maintain my copies, and for the rest of my days, I’m gonna live by the Constitution. That’s right. I don’t care about anything else. Cause any law made or passed that goes against the Constitution is, no, it’s not a law.  

and the Constitution does say that too.

And in very plain, however old English it may be, is very plainly stipulated that anything written that violates the Constitution as it stands, it’s like it doesn’t count. It’s outta bounds. 

That’s right. And it really wasn’t old English back then. It was just a better use of English. 

Oh yeah. I think so.

Yeah. We were talking a little while ago about getting prepared for certain things and I’ve had people come over here wanting to borrow my printer until I ran outta ink under the promise. Or I’ll help you buy ink. Guess what, , nobody helped me buy ink. So I finally broke down and spent $85 on ink for my printer when I probably should have just gone and bought a $50 printer.

But I spent the money on my ink. So I can do one thing, one thing only. I’m gonna print out a copy or two of Tsun-Tsu’s Art of War. Got it on every digital device I’ve ever had. But now I’m gonna have a hard copy of that, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and I believe I’ll be pretty well set for whatever comes afterward.

Besides the Bible I’ve got a couple of hard copies of the Bible, so I’m not gonna worry about printing that out. But those are the things that I’m going to keep on hand as hard copies cuz when all this digital stuff is no longer useful, which I don’t think it really is now, but when it gets to the point where it’s no longer operational, I will still have everything I need.

To live out the rest of my life and as much peace as I could possibly live. 

And I’ve also got 1984 and Animal Farm on that list. . Yeah, I got all those books you just mentioned. Hard copies plus, and that 

reminds me of George Orwell, Orson Wells British Intel. Did you know that?? 


But do you think they just dreamed this stuff up? No, this stuff’s been written about for years and years 

and years. Yeah. It wasn’t prophetic. It was what they knew, just, 

It’s just like all these sci-fi movies, everybody likes to watch about aliens and, oh, this alien, for example, yeah. What’s his name? Steven Spielberg actually went to the White House to. I guess just to watch a movie with Ronald Reagan. He just happened to be et and during that movie, Ronald Reagan leans over to Steven Spielberg and he says, isn’t it crazy that it’s only the six people in this room that know this is really true?

He’s the aliens do exist, I’m still up in the air on why we call ’em aliens. I don’t think they’re really aliens. As we would like to presume, aliens are from some Andromeda, whatever, some other Galactic, Galax, Gala Gallery, galactic Galaxy, or some other star system or whatever.

I’ve told people ever since I got saved. If you wanna call ’em aliens, that’s fine, because they’re alien to us, but I don’t believe. For any reason that God created all of this and wouldn’t have created some other life form if he wanted to. It’s, but yeah, our Bible says, in the beginning, doesn’t talk about his beginning.

It doesn’t talk about all of his doings. It talks about to 

us. I gotta get diesel, so I’m gonna be off-screen for a minute, but I’m still on my headset. All right. 

Yeah. I’ll tell you what, hold on just one second. Hold on just one second. I’ll be right back. All right.

Sorry about that. Seeing my coffee cup has a much bigger hole than I 

remember. Yeah, I’m getting ready. Have to go in and take care of mine. I guess it sung a leak cause I ran out. 

Yeah, that’s what I was saying happened to mine. I don’t know why it was empty just now, but had to go refill it. 

Yeah. But 

But yeah, back to 1913. Aside from the fact that this act was actually passed as Federal Reserve Act, I think it was passed long before it made it to Congress if you asked me. But here’s the question. Oh, I’m sure it was. Now, here’s the question that I used to ask people all the time when I was doing work as a financial advisor.

Here’s the question, are you gonna get financial advice from somebody who was bankrupt? Not me. Okay. So apparently the leaders of our country couldn’t keep us outta bankruptcy. But whatever reason, I’m working on a third time. Yeah. 

And is there a particular reason why we’re still dependent on our country and can’t seem to stay out of bankruptcy now?

Now bear in mind you. The 45th president of the United States went bankrupt three times in his life. His corporation did. His corporation did. However, he also rebounded from his bankruptcy. Yes. In other words, he did was learned from the mistakes that put him into bankruptcy, and didn’t do those things again.

But see our country’s leaders, no matter who they were, didn’t learn from the mistakes that put ’em into bankruptcy. So they just kept going into bankruptcy. Yep. To me, that’s a problem. But for the banking cabal, that wasn’t a problem because they know how not to go into bankruptcy. The only problem is their interests are not ours.

Are our interests? That’s right. 

Exactly. . These are things that we need to really be paying attention to. And it’s good that the bankers know how not to go into bankruptcy. Okay? That’s wonderful. That’s why they’re bankers. Okay. Or is it that they are bankers, so they control how you go into bankruptcy?

All right? And that being the case that simply translates into their interests don’t belong, or not our interests. So why would we even rely on these people at all?

It doesn’t make any sense at all. This is where we as a people need to come together and say, we don’t want this. I’ll forever say, I am not a Putin supporter, but Putin’s doing it. Keep the central bank out of my financial system, yeah. But we have created a nation to believe that cheap money is good money and easy money.


It’s not. Yeah. It’s not at all. You know, all the way back to the first settlers that came here back in, what was this? 1490, right? 1495, somewhere around there. 1492. Yeah. So these people came over here, and believe it or not, there weren’t paved roads, there was no tv, there were no video games and all that kind of stuff.

It was a wilderness, pretty much. And they had to start from nothing. There were no houses built. There was no infrastructure, there was nothing. If they wanted horses, they had to go out in the wild and capture a few and tame them. So yeah, that translates to. There’s gonna be hard work. There’s gonna be long hours of hard work.

This is gonna be a lot of having to trust the people you are around in the community. And your family’s a place to start with learning how to trust people, learning hard work, learning how to be honest, and that sort of thing. And a resting community, you pretty much trust them cause they’re doing the same thing and you had to trust each other.

If you wanted to survive, you had to trust each other. But nowadays, yeah, we have allowed these outside sources to convince us that we don’t even need to know each other. How do you trust, Oh, that’s going. Oh, that’s gonna change pretty soon. , 

that’s gonna change real soon. And that goes to why I went and spent this $85 on Inc.

If you ask me in this day and age, that is probably one of the wisest investments I have given into in the last 15 years. Because when everything finally drops off, the end of the earth, I’m gonna have a copy of laws and other things that will help me either develop a community or live within a community where people can actually trust each other and live as peacefully as possible.

Because there’s not gonna be a whole lot of peace living, at the end of this little stretch. 

Oh no, there’s gonna be mass chaos, violence, theft, anarchy. To put it mildly. We’ll be looking. , Portland, Oregon, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Chicago, New York. Atlanta is coming to a place near you. , most definitely.

And I’ll say this, if I went anywhere with, first of all, without the Bible, there’s nothing good that’s gonna, that’s gonna come from that. And no, I’ve, I have said since I started studying the Constitution, probably what, 20, 22 years ago, 25 years ago, whenever it was, I couldn’t believe that the Constitution was written almost like the Bible was written.

That’s why I called it the second-greatest document ever penned by a human being. Because it offers the same thing. The Bible does liberty and justice for all. And who could argue with that really? Anybody that knows the Constitution really can’t argue with that. They may not like it, but I think everybody needs to live in peace, really.

And sometimes that comes with a little bloodshed, as bad as I hate to admit it, but we’re human beings and that’s what we get to deal with. 

In a peaceful society, there will always be those among us who choose to not be peaceful.  And you have to expect that I, I’m not one that wishes to resort to violence at any time, but I’m also not one, not gonna run from it.

Shy away from it. No. And some people would say that I am quick to violence, which like my, like my dad once thought that I was quick to get on one of our friends, and I was like, no, this isn’t something that just happened today. This is something that I’ve overlooked and overlooked. We’ve talked about it.

I’ve overlooked it. There comes a point where you have to draw the line, right? You have to take action. Cause inaction is also negative for a good wholesome living, environment, inaction leaves you open for all kinds of bad things. Leaves you open to tyranny, pretty much. And I, the, those, that type of thing, right?

There are things that I’ve thought about a lot. I used to look at Dad and his ability to be able to read somebody’s character wouldn’t even meet him, as far as I know. And he could leave him. That’s the type of person I don’t want around me, and I’ve al I’ve often thought that Granddaddy was quick to judge because he’d shake a man’s hand.

He could tell you right then. I don’t like him. . Yeah. And, but, You have to understand, when thinking about granddaddy, you have to think about where he came from. He came from a time when people really did have to rely on each other. I’m, and when I say trust each other, you had to really believe that person next to you is somebody you could depend on.

Yeah. And that came with dedication, hard work, and, a lot of selflessness. But, Granddaddy met people in my generation that didn’t experience any of that. So when he shook hands, he knew most people that came through the depression had a, had that ability. That was, that’s right. They didn’t choose to live during a time of depression.

But the depression definitely molded their thoughts. It was their experience. So it taught them certain things. Thanks, man.  and a lot of their perception and perspectives were formed because of times like that. 

The worldview was formed through all that and which is what surprised me when I say surprised me, I don’t even think that’s really the right word.

I would say more like shocked me when Granddaddy told me I think I was 15 or 16, I told you this before, but Granddaddy had just out of the blue one day, he said to me, he said, I’m glad I’m not growing up in your generation. And I said, why? He said cuz y’all got it hard. And I was like, whoa, wait a minute, did I miss something?

I was thinking about Granddaddy was born, in what he was born 1912. I. But I don’t think, don’t anybody really knew. 

Don’t think he really, no, they didn’t. Really? Yeah. I don’t think he doesn’t even really know what his birthdate was, because I think the hospital that he was born in actually caught on fire or something.

It was the, yeah, the courthouse where his birth certificate was filed. Yeah. He wasn’t born in a hospital. Was he? Uhuh, He was born by a midwife. Yeah. And he yeah, he really didn’t know when he was born. He knew what his mother told him. And his brothers and sisters apparently had a, their memories were a little strewed about when he was actually born.

So he went by what his mother told him. You still have Yeah, I’m, but I’m sorry. Sorry, I cut off for a second, but I think about, yeah, can you hear me? 

Yeah, I can hear you. Can you hear me? Yeah. Okay. 

But. When he told me that, it just really blew me away. And every time I was around granddaddy, he inevitably would say something that would knock me off balance, but he would always fill in the gaps.

Maybe not immediately, but he would fill in the gaps at some point. Yeah. And that was the only thing he ever said to me that I can remember that he didn’t just fill in the gaps if because he, I asked him how can you say that we’ve got it hard? Even with me thinking, my life sucks.

Even with that thinking, I knew somehow that my life couldn’t be near as hard as Granddaddy’s was. And he just told the only thing he told me, I so bitch, the only thing he ever told me was, you’ll find out soon enough.

Yeah, so I don’t know if he just, huh? 

I’m trying to figure out how much this glass mount for my phone is. It was on an odd rack. I don’t wanna pay $40 for it, but since it ain’t got a price tag on the rack, I’m wondering if it’s free. It’s free. 49,

lemme see. It’s 29 for the one in a cupholder, which holds with that’s holder.

Why is 1 29 and one 49? Okay. I, I’m still with you, man. I’m getting ready to find out how much this thing is. I guess if I have to use points, I’ll use ’em cause I can’t find a price on it. But Go ahead, Chris. Yeah, I was just saying I don’t know if Granddaddy just didn’t know how to put it into words, what was going on, what made it so difficult for our generation, or if he really just didn’t know, you know what I’m saying?

I think he, he was very, I think he knew insight well. I think he knew. I just think he just didn’t know how to say it or didn’t. I’m not sure. And maybe that was just one of those things that he felt I just needed to figure out on my own. Yeah.

How many Sure appreciate it. Oops, sorry, say again.

Oh, it said accepted just a second ago. I had to slide it.

Yeah, it gave me a card error there. Okay.

All right. No ma’am. Thank you. Yep, you too.

Sorry about that Chris. It seemed like last week I had a problem with the card reader too. I, that’s one of them TAP readers and I tried to tap, but it didn’t work. I tried to slide it in cause I got that chip on my card. Then it said card error. So I said, lemme try the Lash Resort. I swiped it, it said accepted.

I grabbed my stuff and she said it didn’t accept. I’m like, it just said accepted on there. Yeah. So I had to do it again. I’m like, you gotta be kidding me. . But anyway, sorry about that. I Oh, it’s all right. I’m, I guess I’m getting ready to provide a little better, visual. Cause I bought this damn window mount for my phone which I’ve been needing anyway for a long time. And it needless to say, they usually run so much dang money that I’ve been shy, shying away from the purchase. 

Yep, that makes sense. 

So I guess I need to pull up out of the way so this guy behind me can get out of the fuel island. Cause I don’t wanna be that guy.

Always thoughtful. Try to be all right. Try to be thoughtful. Try to be considerate. I fall short on many occasions, but yes, we all do. It is never intentional.

Definitely why I carry a damn pocket knife with me everywhere I go. This damn thing got these big old beefy zip ties. Yeah, I guess that’s another anti. Yeah. I’m saying that’s another sad display of where our society is. When you go into a dang store and you gotta have somebody unlock almost everything, it’s really man, people are actually stealing this item.

Oh no. That is not a sad state of where it’s not a sad view of where our society is. What’s a sad view of where our society is? It’s when you have to put locks on the front doors of churches. Oh yeah. Absolutely. Some, a place that’s supposed to be open for worship around the clock.

Yeah. When you have to lock a church, you’re living in a really bad society. Yep. And we’ve been so conditioned to the type of society that we live in that we don’t even consider something so small as locking the front doors as a church. And that’s not a small thing, in my opinion, by the way. So it is, it’s a horrible thing when you have to lock your church doors 

that it is.

And this one thing I did not get to look up before I actually got too tired to do anything was to look up the Aldrich Breland Act of 1908. Are you familiar with that? 

I am not. 

This was the precursor to the Federal Reserve Act, the way I understand it, but I haven’t read it. But It is this federal res, the Federal Reserve Board, first of all, although there is a Federal Reserve Act in the United States, it is not a government institution, okay? It’s a private institution. That institution for all rights, should be shut down as of, what was it, 1999, and the people don’t know this, so they’ve been allowed to continue their operations in the United States simply because the people of this country don’t know anything about this.

It just, it is too easy to just believe what’s being said.  on the news or from politicians or whatever, then to go check things out. So we just let it happen. And according to this, let’s see, on May 27th, 1908, the bill passed the house mostly on a party-line vote of 166 to 140 with 13 Republicans voting against it, and no Democrats voting for it.

Wow. On May 30th, it passed into Senate with 43 Republicans for the ACT and five Republicans joining the 17 Democrats against it. President Roosevelt signed the bill that same night. The ACT also allowed national banks to start national currency associations in groups of 10 or more, with at least 5 million in total. capital To issue emergency currency. The banknotes were to be backed by not only government bonds but also almost any securities the banks were holding. The ACT proposed that the emergency currency had to go through a process of approval by the offices of the National Currency Associations before they were distributed by the comptroller of the currency.

That was the beginning of the Federal Reserve because this is this national currency association that they’re talking about. Yeah, that’s the National Monetary Fund.

There was, Hey, lemme ask you a dumb question. I’m jumping off topic. Does that camera make me look too fat?  was, would be preferred.

A Geico commercial was honestly really honest. Hunter, does this dress make me look fat?

Yeah. . . Yeah, it’s just the glasses. They don’t make you slim outta. 

Hey, I’ve lost, I’ve actually lost a few pounds in the last two weeks and I still need to get something off of me, but, I cut the beer out. I’m trying to stay busy. I went back to drinking whiskey  Well, I’m only having three drinks in the evening. That’s what I had this weekend. So I’m trying to make a major change in my lifestyle. Bought me some dumbbells with me too, so I’m gonna start working out when I can. 

Yeah. I’m, I gotta, of course, I’m gonna eat when I can.

chocolate donut coffee as a, with chocolate coffee man. 

But so basically what I’ve been reading in the Federal Reserve Act, is that was our last push for enslavement. And I say last push because really that’s in my eyes. They pretty well had the, the PSS was starting to kick in about, then they were starting to research and all that kind of stuff, and behavioral sciences and what you could do to a large group of people to make them comply.

And so with the monetary fund kicking in their operations in this country, that pretty much was the last lock for total slavery. Yeah. In our country now, if we move forward a hundred years, I learned what, back in November, Joe Biden was supposed to be pushing for another bill to go through, which literally shut down the economy in the United States by the middle of the year.

Yea. And I think that Omnibus Bill was probably it and.. I’ve heard Kevin McCarthy talking about they were gonna stop all this useless government spending but we got 247 years of evidence that our government doesn’t know how to not uselessly throw money away.  

They, Congress, they killed passed. No, Congress passed a bill, but then, what Congress passed will never go to the Senate and pass. But what Congress can do is they can fence the money that was appropriated to the IRS to fund the additional 87,000.

Now what they mean by a fence, the money has already been appropriated. But they can take that money and hold it up. They do not have to give the i r s those funds so they can fence it off and they need to fence it until next September when they can vote on this bill again and then propose for it to go through the Senate.

But we only had we, we need more people in the Senate that will vote for it. Do you mean a vote against it? Vote against the extra 87,000, For vote for the bill. That takes a right of funding. Yeah. And that’s gonna come into a lot of political or strategy, I do believe on the Republican side and Congress, but I’m still not sure that the Republican, I’m not sure that.

The Republican majority has the Republican fortitude to maintain that until September. We’re just gonna have to see either, either way. I think we’re looking now at, it really doesn’t matter what happens, I don’t think at this point in the legislature because the country has gone far enough now that we’re just, everything is moving along as planned by, these few people who wanna rule the world, and there’s nothing that can be done to stop it, which tells me that we just need to be prepared as best we can for life after this.

I’m sorry, I’m eating on camera. Ma’am. I’m hungry. You’re making me hungry. , but 

Yeah, about time. My belly starts talking to me, man. I can barely drive this truck. Oh. I already I can drive it, but I can’t drive it without my eyes shooting off at every exit. What’s over there to eat what’s over there to eat, what’s over there to eat. Then it doesn’t do anything but irritate me when I see something over there to eat.

But there ain’t nowhere to park. So I had to get something to hold me over. But I would like to say I have faith in the Congress that was elected, but I. I just don’t have faith in the government. Nobody thereof. And I just I don’t know. I think if this central bank digital currency does kick in, or people try to make a run to the bank, pull their money and they can’t access their money, that’s already happened.

That’s Bank of America and Wells Fargo is already consuming people’s money. They’re taking it literally, taking it. And that brings me to another thing. I’ve got, I don’t know, you’ve been with your bank for a while, but the last couple of financial institutions I’ve been with, now those that don’t know me, I travel maybe a mile and a half, two miles from my house.

At any given time, I don’t do anything. I’ll go anywhere. All my purchases come from the same locations every time. , it doesn’t matter because I’ll make three purchases using my card and then I gotta call the bank to get ’em to unlock my card. Why is this fraud protection? I told my bank yesterday, I would appreciate a call if you think there’s some kind of fraudulent activity on my account.

You call me before you lock up my card. I am. I am thoroughly capable of wasting my money or budgeting my money on my own. I do not need your overreaching help to make sure that my money is not fraudulently spent. Okay? Now they told me that I had to call somebody else in the bank to talk to them about it, and I’m like, this shouldn’t be a discussion.

You lock up my card. Yeah, don’t lock up my card until I call you and tell you there’s a fraudulent expense. But once this started happening, this is when I knew they were fixing to strip everybody of the money they got. Oh yeah. This is one way to keep you outta your bank account. And it’s, and this is one of those things that they’re doing, and I’m sure I’m not the only one, but this is one of those things that the bank is doing to get you prepared for that day.

Like you were talking about earlier, Patrick, like to go cut out one day and when it comes back on, they’re gonna say, oh, we don’t have any trace of your money. We know how much you had, but we don’t know where the money is. 

Yeah. So here’s your money in a digital form. . 

And now I could very easily. Be a lazy individual and say to the bank, oh, okay, that’s cool.

I appreciate y’all doing that for me. But then where is my responsibility in this matter? I’m not gonna let the bank sleep on it. No. Partly because this is money that is paid to me. It is not paid to the bank. Okay. That’s my money. So don’t touch my money. You leave my money alone. 

And for people that are misconstrued evil, we are not lucky. Say that again. Our money. Say that again. I said love. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can now. Can you hear me? Okay. The love of money is the root of all evil. That’s right. Us making an adamant stance on our money is not, this is not the love of money, loving of our money.  It is.

That is a copy. Be good. Not even that is from my, my sweat from my brow. I earned that money. , that money is no different than my motorcycle, my car, or anything. , that is my money… So it’s my money to do what I want. And it’s not, ’cause I’ll get, I’ll probably be downright belligerent.

I’m not gonna lie. If the banks take my money, there’s no probably to it. I’ve already been that way. Yeah. , I’ll be very belligerent. 

I’ll become an I C B M when they start messing with my money. That’s, and that’s why I left my last institution because they kept locking up my card. And they don’t tell you, they don’t tell you, they don’t owe you a courtesy call.

They just shut it down. Yep. And for those of you who have never been in line at the grocery store with $400 worth of groceries, in other words, four bags of groceries, and the bank and the cashier says your card is declined, and you didn’t know it, you haven’t experienced it yet. , it’s 

just, and a lot of this stuff on the financial markets as being driven by what’s going on in Ukraine and the media, the Western media is trying to convince the people in the West I e the European Union, England, America, central Latin America and shit like that, they’re trying to convince us that Ukraine is winning the war.

That is one of the biggest lies. Ukraine is not winning the war. No. Russia, as a matter of fact, is right now, getting 600,000 troops together… Now, this is what people need to realize. We got a mad dump of cash going that way and all it is being laundered and going, getting kicked back to certain people.

Alright, now where are we getting 110 trillion, billion dollars to send? It’s the Fed. The treasury is printing money that we do not have. We cannot cover it. It’s phon phony money. Money. Yep. Alright, now another reason this war will be ending sooner than a lot of people or your prognosticators, your alleged intel experts, and your retired generals that are saying Ukraine is winning and it’s our obligation to fight for democracy and give them help Poland right now.

Is in the middle of a draft in a sense. They’re calling up I think like 150,000, no, 300,000. They right now have 150,000 active in their military, and they’re trying to get another hundred and 50 for a total of 300,000. It’s going to take close to six months for Poland to actually get their troops trained up and combat-ready.

Putin wants to be done in Kuwait before Poland. Does that, you mean in now not in Kuwait? In Ukraine. 

In Ukraine. Correct. And Putin himself has even said that the people of Western Ukraine identify more with the polls. , it used to be poll Poland. The people in Eastern Ukraine.

Still, identify as Russians. So Putin says he has absolutely no problem with Poland governing the West. He doesn’t get it, he doesn’t care about the western part of Ukraine, but he is right now putting 600,000 troops on the border. And by the way, now 600,000 troops have two moms. 

Yeah. But this tells me that he is gearing up for a major push.

Yeah. He’s getting ready to be onto an offensive campaign and 600,000 tells me that this is going to be Ukraine’s Fisher to get wiped out. They’re getting ready to be destroyed.  And the burn rate comparison, Ukraine is losing eight soldiers for every Russian soldier. That’s good. Odd. , it is unsustainable.

, the Ukraine cannot win this war, and Russia is about to put it away. Now, the problem I have with that, and mind you, this is driven by the globalist, by your powers to be this whole campaign to fight Russia using Ukraine as our proxy. . Okay. 32 of 32 nations just sent their military generals to include Millie from here to Poland, and the world’s generals just had a meeting.

So this makes me think that NATO is considering adopting Ukraine as an attack. Oh. And that will be the beginning of World War iii. Which is n. Yeah, I didn’t even think about that aspect. I didn’t even know about the generals having this meeting, but yeah, they did last week. 

For several months actually, while Dave Wild Davos was going on, while the World Economic Forum was going on.

Yeah. And there has been a lot of talk about the W E F, but here’s the thing, Putin, I know it for well at least since what middle of October, he has been calling for talks. He’s ready for somebody to sit at the table and have this conversation. Yep. And nobody wants to have the conversation. I guess everybody thinks they got bigger cahones or something, I don’t know.

But well, aside from the talks, if you go back a hundred years, these bankers, these wealthy elites who have wanted to control the world for as long as they’ve been around, They know they can’t run the world as long as Russia and the United States are the powers that they are. So yeah. Even before Putin started calling for talks, there has been a push for the United States to fight against Russia, even to the point of trying to, send the propaganda out to the American people that Putin’s threatening a nuclear war.

And it is saying put not threatening Putin. Yeah. He does not want to use nuclear arms. That’s right. But see, he is capable. He is the, but this is the problem. And he has already said if Western involvement, then there will be, that will be it. That’s right. But listen, Angela Merkel, even though she’s not the chancellor of Germany anymore, she was the chancellor of Germany when the Mensk Accord was written up.. Okay. Angela Merkel came out and openly said that the West was never going to honor the Minc agreement. That the Minc agreement was only to allow Ukraine eight more years to build up its army. This guy, back to put the idea of Putin stealing to the table now is not gonna happen signed by Russia in good faith and the West never intended on adhering to the agreement. No. Putin is now back to get in the corner. And if the NATO nations think that they’re going to go get engaged in. , the world has a problem.

. Cause I believe that Putin and Russia will die, martyrs, before they die and let the u NATO forces come in and try to destroy ’em. I believe that. But they’ve got every reason in the world to take that stance. 

And for people that haven’t heard this before from us, we are not Putin or Russian sympathizers.

. That is not what this is. And Putin tried to get talks before the war ever initiated. That’s right. Before the first special military operation was conducted in Ukraine. Before they lined up on the board have talked, right? That’s right. He tried to have the mince agreement followed through with but go to the table except for him.

Yep. And those are just facts. That’s not being a sympathizer, that’s just the facts, right? Now. The other, there, there was propaganda that already got almost saturated here when, when Putin was lining up on the border, we started here that Putin was threatening nuclear war. guess that’s cause we don’t understand Russian.

That wasn’t the case. Putin specifically said, and I would love to say I’m quoting, but I’m not. He said, if anybody thinks they wanna start a problem here with nuclear warheads, just remember I’m capable. That wasn’t a threat. That way you leave me alone. Get off my back. 

Yeah, that was a deterrent. Yep.

That was all that was. No different than what we’ve done… 

I hate to say it, but in his defense, it’s a lot different. Yeah, . Cause he’s not kicking in somebody’s back door just cuz he wants to start a war. He’s in Ukraine for a reason and yeah, I think he has a valid reason for being in the Ukraine and I think he also has a valid reason for calling for these talks for over a year now that haven’t happened.

And we really, I think that avenue, I think the avenue of diplomacy is off the table now for Putin. Who would he trust? 

Oh, why wouldn’t it be off the table? He’s tried, he’s made efforts and it’s I’m sure he’s sitting thinking Man, I’ve been trying to get these peace talks done now forever and all I am able to do now is build, bol some my troops up in Ukraine and I know what these people are gunning for. and we’re just in a situation now where we just can’t avoid it. It’s gonna happen. 

I know that the NATO Union is the nato’s number one, and all of the NATO treaty countries need to step back. They need to take a deep breath and they need to be serious about their evaluation of the situation and what the possible scenario is.

On the other side, this isn’t Russia beating America. This isn’t Russia beating the West. 

Russia’s not even fighting us. Yeah. This is Russia trying to defeat a very evil Nazi inundated, corrupt Ukrainian government that is actually run by the West. But he’s, he’s trying to get rid of.

Basically the genocide of the Russian people in the eastern part of Ukraine. Before he went into Ukraine, Ukraine housed a very serious threat. Not just Russia either. Oh no. The world threat with those damn biological laughs. 

Exactly. So you know, again, not a Putin sympathizer. However, we need to be shaking Putin’s hand because he’s destroyed a lot of those labs.

Seriously, Putin has done more for the world than bad, and people should really, they would be well advised if they would go back and do some honest-to-God research on the history of the relationship between them. And America or the West… That’s right. They also need to understand how Putin came to power.

Putin was put in power and the green light was given by President Bill Clinton. He was basically chosen to be the Russian leader by an American president. Correct. And by the way, is attached to one of those secret societies called the Bilderberg. 

But Putin, the reason he was the man for the job was he was going to stomp, stomp out a lot of what was happening in Russia.

 That was bad. And he did, his purpose was to actually revitalize their economy. The rubal is doing well now, and it’s also back by the gold standard. That’s right. Which means it’s a very strong economy. 

And people need to look at this. This is another reason you have to expect their banks are getting ready to fold under and the C B D C is about to kick in.

Saudi Arabia is already considering, I think they have already decided to take other nations’ money in payment for oil. The reason we were the world currency was because Saudi said you will pay for oil in American dollars. That’s not the case anymore. They’re not even providing us with oil anymore.

They are, but no, they reduced it so much. It was a slap in our face or slap in Biden’s face. Not a slap in our face. I think it’s hilarious. Slap Biden’s face. I really do think it’s funny. We’re the ones paying for it, but it is funny. , but there’s a lot of, and people need to also look into Eastern European history.

They are so ignorant to the fact of the color revolution that took place in 2014. They are so oblivious and ignorant. When the Nuremberg trials came, there were three countries that took the bulk of your Nazis.  One was America. Yep. Yep. One was America. That’s how we went from the OS and S to the CIA because of the Nazis.

That’s how we wound the scientists and the physicists to make rockets. That’s how we got NASA. That’s how we got to Cia. A lot of Germans fled to Argentina. That’s actually how we got our Argentina bomb and our A-bomb. 

That’s. , and as a matter of fact, Russia was trying to get those scientists also. , they, we just happened to beat ’em through the punch.

But in the Nuremberg trial, German Nazis, the ones that didn’t go to Nuremberg, had dealt with other nations and that’s where they went.  America, Ukraine, and Argentina. 2014, Victoria Newland is the one that crafted and designed the color revolution that overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine.

They installed a Western sympathizing president then ever since 2014 Ukraine, the Western Ukraine has been bombing its own people in Eastern Ukraine. Yep. The ones that actually identify as Russians… People also need to understand and realize we are not, and they need to get outraged by this. They keep sending your money.

My money, American taxpayer money. Actually not even our money, our grandkid’s money, our great-grandkid’s money over there. And the story they’re telling us is that we are fighting to defend democracy. Let’s tell y’all Zelensky has arrested his political opponents. He has arrested open and free news publications and outlets.

He has seized the remaining news and media outlets, which are now government-run. He is the last thing from a democratic nation. Yeah. We are not defending any form of democracy over there. It is a dictatorship. 

I don’t think we’re really funding anything over there at all. I just think that they’re a laundromat.


They send over there, boy, it comes back. 

Yep. You know when and I know you keep saying that this digital currency is supposed to be getting implemented, but according to what I’m learning, there are already nine major financial institutions who are already as a report goes, they’re testing the digital currency.

Now, these nine major financial institutions, mind you, are part of the Federal Reserve. Actually, just about every bank in the United States is somehow or another tied to the financial. If you have F D I C on that, on, on that bank window, it belongs to the Federal Reserve. Yeah. You can, you, a lot of your credit unions and places like that are more standalone, and they have to ensure their own money. But then the way the Financial Reserve Act was designed, there are 10 locations throughout the country that are financial or that are Federal Reserve locations that are directly tied to the Federal Reserve Bank. And I think we can quit calling it the Federal Reserve Bank.

It’s a central bank. It’s the one thing that we don’t need, the one thing that shouldn’t even be here right now, but it’s the way it is. , these nine major institutions, whatever they are, they’re already implementing digital currency. And bear in mind, I’ve said this before, England has already turned in on, no, it’s on record.

They’ve turned in all their currency and replaced it with digital currency. And I knew when that happened. We’re next. And so just be prepared that those promissory notes you hold in your wallet right now aren’t worth toilet paper now, but they’re really gonna be worth nothing pretty soon. Digital currencies.

It is. It’s here. It’s, and it’s fixing to get, it is fixing to take over.

Yep. So y’all better start reading up on trades and special skills that might be of use to somebody. And I don’t think playing video games is one of them. 

No… It’s not. And I’ll even go so far as well, actually, I like telling this story. When I was writing my book, I had to put it in my book.

But I remember one time in junior high school, I called my dad from the office and I told him I didn’t feel well. And he said going home. So I go home and I was, didn’t feel bad. It was just one of those gloomy days and I didn’t wanna be at school, that’s all it was. But I went home and I put my Motley Crew record on the record player, for those of you who don’t know what that is, we’ll just call it an old-time cd.

Okay? And I am jamming out to shout at the devil. And dad walked through the door,. I was like, oops… And I asked him what he was doing, homie. He said, oh, I’m not feeling too good. The next morning I woke up with the flu. . So I learned the hardest way not to pretend like I was sick and yeah, probably bite you. 

Yeah, it bit me pretty well.

I ended up missing school cause I didn’t want, even when I didn’t wanna miss school. Now I’m at home sick because Dad came home sick on a day. I pretended to be sick, . And the lesson I got from that is don’t pretend to be something you’re not, because it will come back and grab you. So all this that’s about to happen and trust me the lights are going out eventually, you don’t have to believe me.

Just trust that it’s gonna happen, okay? The lights will be going out and we will be living like they did in the Stone ages for a while and gonna have to learn to adapt. And I promise you if you’re not one of those people that’s willing to get up and watch dishes cuz of dirty, you’re gonna be in trouble.

If you’re not one of those people that wants to go apply for a job and just keep saying I’ve been trying when you hadn’t done anything, get ready. Yeah. But I’ll tell you who’ll be happy, your climate cool people. 

Oh man, they’re gonna be loving it. 

Yeah. They’re gonna be loving protecting the climate, but they’re gonna hate their life.

Yep. And it is sad because it’s, I have a feeling there are gonna be a lot of talks around campfires. Like you remember when we were the land of the pre and the home of the parade? That’s right. Now you’re about to see what it’s like to be the home of the slaves. That’s exactly what it’s gonna be. Hey, look, all this community talk that we’re doing too, people probably listening to this and going, oh, they’re just talking.

They’re just talking. Okay, we’re just talking. Just remember that we talked about it. Community, remember? That’s right. Word’s go look that word up. Memorize the definition and make sure you don’t forget it because I have a feeling you’re not gonna have a hard copy of it when the lights go out.

You need to know what community is, and you’re gonna have to know how to live in that community. Or you’re just gonna be one of those people going around blowing people away because they’re in your way. And believe me, there’s gonna be people like me and Patrick who will be waiting for you. So yeah, you better learn what community is, and right now, if you don’t know your neighbor, you’re not ready.

That’s all there is to it. 

Yeah. And the people that will be, the law enforcement in those communities will be veterans. More than likely. More than likely. And believe me, they are well trained. So if they have to enforce the law, there’s not gonna be any. Watch your feelings. I guarantee your feelings will be the last thing I’m worried about.

And yeah your feelings are no consequence to me. They’re not gonna change the way I operate and they’re not gonna change the way I live. And I’m just gonna say it now. I don’t care about your feelings, what I care about. It’s taking care of the community. And if you have any ideations about disrupting that community, you’re gonna have a pretty bad day.

That’s all there is to it. Yeah. 

So I wonder if we can go back to Biblical or Muslim areas. We can just go to the town square, tie ’em to a damn post, and then have everybody come, Chuck rocks at ’em, That day’s coming. That, that’s pretty much what we are facing right now. And can you imagine seeing a young metrosexual man with a hair bun being tied to his steak and getting rocks chucked at him? Can you imagine? Boy, he cries. River. Y’all going puts down there Desai that shit. You’ll water.

Yeah… I look, I was in high school when yeah, we showed up for band practice one morning and there was somebody taped to the gold post. We don’t have any idea how long they had been there. We know it wasn’t there when we left school the day before, but we showed up on the practice field and there’s somebody gray taped to the goalpost on a football field.


I said if his flesh didn’t come off, it wasn’t in there too long. It wasn’t there too long. Yeah, he was there long enough to be scared out of his pants though that duct tape. I’ll take it off of you. No, it was, yes, sir. Yeah, that’s yeah, what we were talking about earlier with this digital currency and I’ve been saying it for a long time, the lights are going out, but you had brought up something that I didn’t think about, but it sounds logical enough to me that once this digital currency does get implemented in, into our way of life fully, I believe I believe it’s gonna be completely in place before the lights go out.

But whether when the lights go out before or after, I don’t think it really matters because when the lights do go off, they’re going to be off long enough for everybody to start getting antsy and., they’re not gonna be prepared for what happens when the lights come back on. I can promise you that. Yeah.

And I don’t think they’re gonna be on very long. They may be on longer than I expect, but I don’t think they’ll be on very long before they go out again to never come back on and think, well, I think we’ll have continual rolling blackouts. Kinda what’s going on in some countries in Europe right now where you just, France is doing it.

There’s a number of places that you like, they just can’t use power, they can’t use the electric system. 

It’s just oh, I guess it’s California, is it Arizona? I think, they constantly have to watch how much water they u I mean it’s, it becomes a criminal offense to r use too much water.

Yeah, that’s California. 

And we’re starting to see that those countries you just mentioned, are having that issue with electricity. Oh yeah. And so for all you people who think fracking is not a good idea, congratulations. 

Yeah. That’s why Germany is actually looking at trying to bring some nuclear power plants back online.

But you’re not gonna hear about that in our media. 

Oh, surely not. I don’t think it’s gonna be on much media anyway. Even if it is in the media, it’s not gonna be readily available. But I just think it’s funny that the guys that have there, when I say guys, I’m non-gender specific, for all of you sensitive people out there I think everybody that has their eyes open right now, they’re gonna be the ones to deal the best with this

And that’s not gonna be good. No, but I’m gonna, I’m sorry I’m just going laugh. As I said, I got my bag of popcorn. I’m just watching the movie. 

There you go. Yeah, I think that does need to be clear though. Those of us who are aware that these things are about to happen and even prepared for these things to happen, it’s not gonna be easy.

Oh, no. It’s gonna be, it’s gonna be quite uncomfortable, but for those of you who don’t even want to look at it, give it up, the game is lost over with. 

Yeah. Y’all, y’all are gonna be shocked. And I don’t want anybody to suffer, but I, I also want people to educate themselves, but that’s not happening.

So you’re suffering. If you are one of those that’s going to be ill-prepared and suffer due to your willful ignorance and rejection of the truth. , then I have no pity for you, and you’re going to have a very difficult time, and don’t expect me to be your go-to for all this information and help, because once it happens, all I’m gonna tell you is you were warned.

Yeah. And remember they say there are over a million veterans in the country. So if you think you’re gonna turn to cannibalism, you might wanna ask, might well rethink that one. If the guy on your diet, is he a veteran? Cause he might be old and in a wheelchair and still whoop that ass.. 

Better. Better backup.

And remember he is a veteran and old. Do you see this guy behind me? Yeah. That’s the way we’re gonna live it… 

Yeah,  hell. Even the people that ain’t veterans and are old, they don’t have the endurance, they don’t fight fair. You know what I mean? Exactly. They did it over with. You’re not gonna get an old man to come up there and go toe to toe with you.

An old man’s gonna bring some stuff. Yeah, he’s coming. That, it’s like I have told people in recent years I’ve only got about five minutes of fight left in me, so I’m gonna go ahead and take you out in two so I can use the other three to rest. 

That’s right.

As always, we want to thank you for hanging out with us and hope you enjoyed it. And if you did, please recommend us to all your friends and family. Don’t forget to leave your comments in the comments section. Let us know what your thoughts are on today’s show. My name is Chris Williams and on behalf of Patrick and myself, we’re the constitution commandos.

We’re signing off. 

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