We are the Muzzled Majority
[00:00] I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.
[00:15] {{pre-roll-cta}}
[01:01] Brics Nation
[04:18] Oath of Enlistment
[05:06] Tucker Carlson in Hungary
- Find out what is being censored – it’s probably the truth
- Find out what it is that is being censored
[08:05] The Useful Idiot
[13:12] We are the silent majority and there is an amplified minority
[15:32] Believing Anything isn’t necessarily Doing Anything
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Commando Crow:What a priveledge it is to live in the only country in the world where we can breathe that fresh air of liberty.
Commando Crow:Today we're going to be talking about being a muzzled majority and we'd like to hear from you.
Commando Crow:So why don't you send us an email to podcast@theconstitutioncommandos.org.
Commando Crow:at the constitution
Commando Crow:We're going to welcome back senior chief Joe O'Neill today.
Commando Crow:I am your host, Chris Williams.
Commando Crow:My brother, Patrick Williams is co host.
Commando Crow:We are the constitution command.
Commando Crow:We pulled out of Afghanistan.
Commando Crow:If any of our allies remain our allies after this,
Commando Crow:All American Commando: they're crazy.
Commando Crow:Oh, they're running from us.
Commando Crow:Like you can't even believe right now.
Commando Crow:I can't believe they ain't running faster to be honest because well,
Commando Crow:All American Commando: they're trying to form their dude.
Commando Crow:There's so many nations that are already in the bricks and they're trying to come up with their goldback currency.
Commando Crow:They, they're being slow and methodical and when they do it, the dollar is gone and it's not going to be that they just quit using the dollar or they start using a gold-backed currency.
Commando Crow:What's going to happen is.
Commando Crow:All of those nations that are joining BRICS, they all hold American treasury bonds, every one of them.
Commando Crow:And once they all agree, and they have a large enough charter for the BRIX, then what they're going to do is they're going to start dumping their treasury bonds.
Commando Crow:We're going to have hyperinflation and it's going to collapse our economy right there overnight.
Commando Crow:Now, when you said dumping, just for the pure, simple clarity of it all, they're just going to throw this shit in a garbage can.
Commando Crow:They're not going to circulate it back through the through the economic system.
Commando Crow:They're just going to trash it.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, yeah, well, the process would be them trying to cash them in, but yeah, there won't be anything to give them money for.
Commando Crow:So yeah, ultimately it will be in the garbage, but that will destroy our economy right there.
Commando Crow:Our dollar will be garbage.
Commando Crow:From that moment on, yeah,
Commando Joe:that's like the the dutch work was like that after World War Two, you know, right?
Commando Joe:Oh, yeah, they people was taking it take like two wheelbarrows just to get a loaf of bread People was actually using to wipe their ass with that's how valuable it was.
Commando Crow:Nothing.
Commando Crow:Yeah, and When that happens better start praying for manna because there ain't gonna be enough garbage in the dumpsters to eat out of
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, I'll tell you what I'm gonna be doing.
Commando Crow:I'm gonna be finding me a place deep in the darkest pine and oak woods I can find and I'm gonna go tactical again.
Commando Crow:I've been building up my equipment for a while, man.
Commando Crow:I can go out there and saw some trees down and I can make me a freaking house that nobody will ever see.
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:Bushcraft 101.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: And my house will withstand a direct hit from a grenade.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:Patrick was telling me, he went and had lunch with one of his airborne buddies several months back.
Commando Crow:And they were talking about all this.
Commando Crow:And Patrick asked him, he said, man, are you stocking up on gold?
Commando Crow:Are you getting ready?
Commando Crow:No, I'm stocking up on lead.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: That's me too, man.
Commando Crow:Everybody else get gold and silver, but my lead wins.
Commando Crow:Don't look like you walking around with a pocket full of gold.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, if somebody does, they need to keep it to
Commando Crow:themselves.
Commando Crow:Yeah, you might get confused for somebody that had money.
Commando Joe:It's the domestic terrorist here in America.
Commando Joe:These, these men and women in Congress, you know, you remember your open enlistment, you know, right.
Commando Joe:We took it to defend against all foreign
Commando Crow:and domestic.
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:And that's been my complaint for a long time.
Commando Crow:Why are we allowing
Commando Crow:All American Commando: that oath to the constant?
Commando Crow:Yeah,
Commando Joe:and I'm pissed off about it, and I think you guys are too, and I hope a bunch of Americans are gonna hear this and get pissed off, because they don't give a fuck about the Constitution.
Commando Joe:That's right.
Commando Joe:If you take a picture with an American flag, you're a terrorist.
Commando Joe:No, you're the one that's a terrorist.
Commando Crow:If you gotta scream that I'm a terrorist.
Commando Crow:For supporting that flag.
Commando Crow:It's automatic.
Commando Crow:You're a terrorist.
Commando Crow:Huh?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Go ahead, Chris.
Commando Crow:I, I must've hit a weak spot.
Commando Crow:I didn't know you were talking.
Commando Crow:Go
Commando Crow:ahead.
Commando Crow:Well, I mean, all I'm saying is this, this, and I, and I got this from Tucker Carlson when he went to Hungary.
Commando Crow:Not long ago.
Commando Crow:It was, I don't know if they call him president or prime minister or hungary or whatever.
Commando Crow:And the guy's real cool, but he was telling Tucker, he said, you know, I wasn't really famous until I went on your show at all.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:But he asked Tucker what advice he would give to his younger people, the younger generations in school and stuff.
Commando Crow:And Tucker told him, I said, well, look, I really wasn't that good a student.
Commando Crow:He said, but if I had to give any advice and just doing the job that I've done for so long, he said.
Commando Crow:Anytime someone wants to say something and they get censored, I want to know what they're saying because they're probably telling the truth.
Commando Crow:And I think we talked about this in one of our very first podcasts, Patrick, when I was saying, how do we, how do we talk to these people because they just believe in so much bullshit, right?
Commando Crow:And I think Tucker's answer was dead on.
Commando Crow:If somebody's being silenced, don't just join on the bandwagon and silence them.
Commando Crow:Find out what that person's trying to say, because that probably is the truth.
Commando Crow:And all these people that are being knocked off of social media.
Commando Crow:I mean, I'm about half tempted to just start locating and find out why they got cut off and I'm not interested in why you got cut off so I can ask you I want to know why you got cut off because you probably got something to say, you
Commando Crow:know, and I mean, you know, these dumbasses that are censoring people they don't understand, you know, the one simple thing about human nature that That is absolutely biblical is something that King Solomon wrote in the Proverbs.
Commando Crow:Everybody's story sounds good until his opponent takes a stand.
Commando Crow:I want to know what his opponent says, you know, and you know, you can get something, you can get something good from anybody, everybody.
Commando Crow:I say a lot.
Commando Crow:I learned more from my two younger kids.
Commando Crow:I didn't know my oldest daughter, unfortunately, but my two younger ones, I learned more from them before they were able to talk than I did from my parents and 16 years.
Commando Crow:I lived at home.
Commando Crow:And that was simply because I think I was just paying attention to him.
Commando Crow:And so, you know, anybody that's being shut up or being pushed back in a corner, or somebody just, you know, taking them off of some social media network, they probably got something to say, right.
Commando Crow:And they're probably saying the right things and that's why they are being cut off.
Commando Crow:So, you know, the bandwagon bullshit needs to stop.
Commando Crow:And I don't know how to convince a bunch of American civilian pukes that they need to stop this shit and make Dance like Michael Jackson.
Commando Crow:Okay.
Commando Crow:I've got to get their attention because
Commando Crow:All American Commando: we're not going to be able to say anything to them, Chris, what's going to get their attention.
Commando Crow:The only way it's going to be able to reach them to get through their skull is when they become the target.
Commando Crow:And if they would study some old history, they would understand that the useful idiot was the next target.
Commando Crow:You know, they were some of the first ones.
Commando Crow:Once the objective was initially the prime.
Commando Crow:Very objective was achieved, then the useful idiots were taken out.
Commando Crow:Now that's gonna be the only thing, huh?
Commando Crow:Yeah, go ahead.
Commando Crow:That's gonna be the only thing that's going to reach 'em.
Commando Crow:I think that these apathetic, dumb asses that are in the.
Commando Crow:country now that refused to look at factual evidence and utilize critical thinking.
Commando Crow:I believe they'll probably still be happy eating out of the dumpster or killing their dog for food, or they'll probably still be happy doing that.
Commando Crow:But when they become, when they are straight Republican.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:And that, that You and me or Joe or anybody is going to break through to them.
Commando Crow:We're not going to be able to get them to understand or to see reality.
Commando Crow:It's going to take the absolute worst coming at them, you know, before they start.
Commando Crow:That'll be the point of no return at that point.
Commando Crow:I mean, there's just, yeah, it's
Commando Joe:too
Commando Crow:little too late.
Commando Crow:I think that's what it is now.
Commando Crow:And yeah.
Commando Crow:But I, I mean, some part of me still tells me that there's people out there that would like to know that don't know there's people that have been this way all their life, but something ain't working.
Commando Crow:They don't understand why I think there's still a lot of people there that are like that, but then you just have your simple plain old dumb asses.
Commando Crow:Oh, I'm going to vote Democrat no matter what, or I'm gonna vote Republican no matter what.
Commando Crow:Now, when you see a Kennedy get off the Democratic ticket to be an independent.
Commando Crow:That should be a wake up call for people who want to know.
Commando Crow:Quite frankly, I don't think I know of a Kennedy that's ever been anything other than Democrat.
Commando Crow:Do you?
Commando Crow:That's all they ever been.
Commando Crow:Okay, I mean, but they're grassroots Democrats.
Commando Crow:I mean, they're about America.
Commando Crow:When we, when we talk about a Kennedy being a Democrat.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: They got some dirty, they got some dirty motherfuckers in the Kennedy family.
Commando Crow:Oh, without a doubt.
Commando Crow:I mean, you, you can't, you can't be, you can't have that kind of status without having dirt.
Commando Crow:You know what I mean?
Commando Crow:Joe Kennedy was the dirtiest of all the Kennedys, but you know, I, I don't remember ever seeing a Kennedy that was not a Democrat, but when Robert Kennedy jr switched tickets to independent, I mean, that blew me away.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I was like, Oh shit, man.
Commando Crow:He's going to get ousted from his family now, but yeah.
Commando Crow:It's crazy.
Commando Crow:Or you get a Kennedy, this Democrat.
Commando Crow:I don't know.
Commando Joe:Well, I'll tell you my post that I put and I
Commando Crow:didn't do it.
Commando Crow:I tried to pull it up earlier, by the way, and it has been taken.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:One
Commando Joe:I just did it cause I was frustrated, but the thing about it, I didn't realize how much feedback I was going to get.
Commando Joe:I didn't, you know, I just did it cause I was pissed off at that moment.
Commando Joe:I said, here's why I think I got so much more positive feedback.
Commando Joe:We agree with you.
Commando Joe:Fuck man.
Commando Joe:You're right.
Commando Joe:I gotta learn what the hell's going on here.
Commando Joe:Now I got, I got some that was damn negative, but I wanted to piss them off too.
Commando Joe:Some of 'em wrote back and said, Hey, I read it, man.
Commando Joe:I'm gonna start doing that.
Commando Joe:That's the only point I was trying to make, and I didn't even, I didn't even think this was going to
Commando Crow:happen, you know?
Commando Crow:Well, you know, I told you when, when you called me, and so.
Commando Crow:He called me Patrick and he was telling me about all the feedback he was getting.
Commando Crow:And then he told me Marjorie Taylor Greene messaged him and was like, what the hell's going on?
Commando Crow:And I was like, podcasting for three years.
Commando Crow:And I had that many listeners.
Commando Crow:I said, you made one post and you're famous.
Commando Crow:But that's what a lot of people need to hear.
Commando Crow:I had gone ahead and done something like that when I was writing my congressman, trying to write to Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cruz and all these people.
Commando Crow:And was like.
Commando Crow:And I'm, I'm telling him, look, this is pissing me off.
Commando Crow:I mean, y'all really need to get off your asses and do something and quit playing politics and do what's right for the country.
Commando Crow:If you need my help, I'm still a proud veteran.
Commando Crow:I will do whatever you asked me to do.
Commando Crow:And that didn't garner anything, but thank you for your email bullshit thing.
Commando Crow:Maybe I should have gone about it the way you did, but either way, now that that attention is there, you got the avenue, use that voice, use
Commando Crow:it because there are a lot of people I still believe that would like to see a lot of different shit happen.
Commando Joe:All I was saying is everybody just standing in the room.
Commando Joe:A lot, most of them, a lot of them thinking that, but they didn't say nothing out of frustration.
Commando Joe:Yeah.
Commando Crow:And I told Patrick this too, you know, a lot of times what we're saying, you know, it may sound like we probably don't need to cuss a damn
Commando Crow:much, but the bottom line is, I think there's people listening to us who are hearing us say things that they want to
Commando Crow:All American Commando: say.
Commando Crow:Well, see, that's the thing.
Commando Crow:It's, we're not the silent majority.
Commando Crow:We're the muzzled majority.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:And you have the amplified minority there.
Commando Crow:Look, even driving a truck, man, I go all the way.
Commando Crow:I go all the way to Portland, all the way out here to the east.
Commando Crow:I've been all over this fucking country.
Commando Crow:I can't tell you how many times I never see a Biden sign, decal or nothing.
Commando Crow:And I have not yet met somebody on the road, an average everyday person, whether it be a steel worker or a warehouse worker or somebody at a construction site, and we don't start political.
Commando Crow:But it comes back to it.
Commando Crow:And I haven't met anybody that has supports Biden.
Commando Crow:Everybody.
Commando Crow:I know even the ones that don't necessarily like Trump support Trump because they all say the same thing.
Commando Crow:His policies
Commando Crow:were good.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:We talked about that before.
Commando Crow:And you know, cause I told you, I was surprised to find out really that Tucker Carlson's a liberal.
Commando Crow:I was surprised to find out Ben Shapiro is a liberal.
Commando Crow:I was surprised, you know, all these people.
Commando Crow:I'm honestly surprised because I didn't know their background.
Commando Crow:I'm just listening to their shows.
Commando Crow:Right.
Commando Crow:And
Commando Crow:All American Commando: yeah, well, they're the original definition of liberal.
Commando Crow:They're not, well, yeah,
Commando Crow:but you know, we really haven't made that distinction over recent years, you know, because, you know, we just all been listening to politicians, I guess, but I was
Commando Crow:honestly truly surprised, especially Tucker Carlson, because I listened to Tucker Carlson and he does what I, what I would like to think we're doing.
Commando Crow:You know, he presents the issue and he's like, why, you know, and, and, and really, that's what I would like to start seeing people do.
Commando Crow:You don't ever get answers until you ask the questions.
Commando Crow:And I think if we can get people to just ask the questions, you know, Tucker Carlson's obviously been very good at that.
Commando Crow:I would like to see more of that.
Commando Crow:And if it takes a couple more shows of us doing this, get that then okay, but you know, well,
Commando Crow:All American Commando: this is the thing you got to look at.
Commando Crow:Okay, Tucker Carlson gets around 100 million views.
Commando Crow:Joe Rogan is over 11 million subscribers every show.
Commando Crow:Then you turn around and look at Russell Brand.
Commando Crow:He's a Brit, but he says the exact same shit and they're trying to put him in jail.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:Okay.
Commando Crow:Then you turn around and you dude, all these people, do you think they have all of these viewers?
Commando Crow:These people, they believe the same thing.
Commando Crow:That's what I'm saying.
Commando Crow:We're the muzzled majority.
Commando Crow:Everybody out here is disgusted
Commando Crow:with what's going on.
Commando Crow:Well, not disgusted enough, being disgusted and doing something about it.
Commando Crow:Now that's, now we're talking, you know, in the Navy, they told us real early.
Commando Crow:If they asked us a question and the response was, I don't know, wrong answer.
Commando Crow:I don't know, but I'll find out and I get to moving.
Commando Crow:That's an answer.
Commando Crow:Don't tell me I don't know.
Commando Crow:So I'm saying, I mean, if you're disgusted, well, then wipe your ass and get up and do something about it.
Commando Crow:It's time to do something about it.
Commando Crow:Disgusted ain't getting it.
Commando Crow:And that's getting nowhere for me.
Commando Crow:Just getting me more disgusted.
Commando Crow:I mean, people might ask, well, why aren't you doing more?
Commando Crow:Well, I'll tell you what, if I wanted to be on a suicide mission, I would do that.
Commando Crow:But you know, being a martyr for the cause doesn't mean you were stupid about carrying out the cause.
Commando Crow:Shit, man.
Commando Crow:We're Americans.
Commando Crow:Get off your asses.
Commando Crow:I mean, Jesus Christ.
Commando Crow:Pull your head out of your ass.
Commando Crow:I mean, it's not, I mean, yeah, it's hard.
Commando Crow:I mean, it's brutal.
Commando Crow:So fucking what you've been enjoying a free life your whole life, get brutal about saving it.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:They've been brutal about taking, oh, we suppose, oh wait, we're Republican, right?
Commando Crow:No, I ain't no Republican, but I ain't no
Commando Joe:Republican.
Commando Joe:I'm a patriot.
Commando Joe:I'm an American patriot.
Commando Crow:Yeah, I was just fixing to mention, oh, Alex Jones too.
Commando Crow:A lot of people don't like.
Commando Crow:He's already got.
Commando Crow:So what?
Commando Crow:That son of a bitch ain't Republican or Democrat, but he gonna tell you what the hell's going on.
Commando Crow:And he'll let you know.
Commando Crow:I ain't voting for nobody because of some party ticket.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I hope this damn speedway has got some truck parking because my ass, I'm getting ready to wind up in the woods and I don't know where to park.
Commando Crow:I ain't got 38 minutes.
Commando Crow:I get up here on these two lane roads.
Commando Crow:Oh, there's some pilots up here too.
Commando Crow:Well, they're going to have somewhere for me to park.
Commando Crow:Anyway, go ahead, man.
Commando Crow:I'm sorry.
Commando Crow:I'm sitting here.
Commando Crow:I'm like, Oh man, I didn't even notice my GPS is telling me to go do the bushes.
Commando Crow:It's telling me to take this exit.
Commando Crow:And I'm like, Oh, and then I look up and there's two pilot signs and a speedway.
Commando Crow:So I'm like, I'm going to have somewhere for me to put that's
Commando Crow:pretty cool.
Commando Crow:Two pilots and a speedway.
Commando Crow:What are they going to do with that?
Commando Crow:Must be an air, air show or something, I don't know.
Commando Crow:Well, I, I know, you know, the military may not be recruiting, but we are.
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:Sign up.
Commando Crow:Yeah, yeah, I mean, the country is on its way downhill fast.
Commando Crow:You know, I, I, I've said it for a long time, you know, it's like we're going down this slippery slope, and you know what, I mean, you talk about slippery
Commando Crow:slope, there's no traction, there's no friction, you just, you ever been on a mudslide, you know what I'm talking about.
Commando Crow:I'll wait.
Commando Crow:Not this generation, but but yeah, I mean, it's no longer slippery slope.
Commando Crow:I mean, it's almost like we done gone over the edge of the cliff.
Commando Crow:We went base jumping without a parachute.
Commando Crow:Now that's stupid as hell.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Hey, well, I know how to break people of all this shit.
Commando Crow:If they're reluctant of getting involved, I'll just let them pick up their teeth a few times, and they'll start coming around.
Commando Crow:They so?
Commando Crow:Oh, I know so, man.
Commando Crow:Hell yeah, I know so.
Commando Crow:Oh,
Commando Crow:yeah.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Oh, yeah.
Commando Crow:Well, that concludes our show for today, and we thank you for being here with us.
Commando Crow:If you like today's show, rate it and review us on podchaser.com.
Commando Crow:It only takes a moment, and it will help us tremendously.
Commando Crow:Subscribe to get our weekly emails and your personal copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Commando Crow:Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the Constitution Commandos, signing off.