Tucker Carlson and Others
[00:00] The Pledge of Allegiance
[00:15] {{pre-roll-cta}}
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Tucker Carlson
- A true liberal who weighs facts
- Observes events through a moral lense
- Association with Fox News makes him appear far right
Other Liberals Like Tucker
- Ben Shapiro –
- Alan Dershowitz
- Tim Pool
- Joe Rogan
Meeting Ted Nugent
A pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Chris Williams:of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands,
Chris Williams:Good morning, my fellow Americans.
Chris Williams:It's awesome to have one more day to breathe the fresh air of liberty.
Chris Williams:Hey, we're glad you're here and welcome you to episode 18 and
Chris Williams:Hey, we encourage you to weigh in on the topic.
Chris Williams:And you can do so by emailing us at podcast@theconstitutioncommandos.org.
Chris Williams:I'm your host, Chris Williams.
Chris Williams:My brother Patrick Williams is co-host and we're the constitution commandos.
Chris Williams:I asked Stella already if dad listened to Tucker Carlson.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:And apparently he doesn't.
Chris Williams:And I said, why didn't you listen to Tucker Carlson?
Chris Williams:Tucker Carlson is a liberal, Ben Shapiro is a liberal.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:I didn't know he was a liberal.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:You know, Alex Jones is just straight up against all he is against
Chris Williams:So, yeah.
Chris Williams:But, but you know, dad doesn't like Alex Jones because he's
Chris Williams:Okay.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:But,
Chris Williams:but you know, I was thinking about that yesterday when
Chris Williams:just sat on one side or the other, but seems to me they would listen
Chris Williams:Or, you know, Republicans would listen to diehard Republicans or something.
Chris Williams:I don't know, but I wonder why they're not.
Chris Williams:Yeah, I got an idea why they're not, especially with Tucker Carlson,
Chris Williams:I mean, but really all he is doing is weighing out facts.
Patrick Williams:Well, he, he states the obvious and he does it with a level of
Patrick Williams:Well, it's noticeably sarcastic, but Sure it is.
Patrick Williams:You know, I don't, I don't know if you've watched many interviews where
Patrick Williams:Oh, yeah.
Patrick Williams:He doesn't have a, he doesn't have a tv He doesn't keep up with, he
Patrick Williams:He, he don't, he don't really, that's right.
Chris Williams:You know, he gets a lot of his news from people
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:So he looks at things like, just, just any subject you can think of.
Chris Williams:Well, I mean, just like, what does Trump
Chris Williams:do?
Chris Williams:He, he looks at it from the way he, he was taught the difference
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:He tries to take each thing he hears.
Patrick Williams:Through a, a moral lens in a sense, yeah.
Patrick Williams:That it fits in the scope of right or wrong, but as a, and not just from a
Patrick Williams:So right.
Patrick Williams:He'll hear something and to him of sound, mind and body, he's
Patrick Williams:I can't that really that's, that's going on.
Patrick Williams:So
Chris Williams:you almost did too.
Chris Williams:You almost had the laugh and everything.
Patrick Williams:So he states the obvious.
Patrick Williams:But from a standpoint of a neutral person or a bystander.
Patrick Williams:An outsider, yeah somebody from the outside looking in and somebody
Patrick Williams:Per se, you know, he's not stuck in a, oh, I, I'm, I'm Democrat because this, this,
Chris Williams:He's on the fence.
Chris Williams:He hears something that's going on that's current and he views that for what it is.
Chris Williams:So, well, the interview that I saw that, that he was in with Ben Shapiro,
Chris Williams:I can understand that.
Chris Williams:But what he is doing, from what I've, what I've seen in his interviews now, he'll
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:Okay.
Chris Williams:He says that his friends in Washington, DC they know they're messing up, but
Chris Williams:Right.
Chris Williams:And of course, if you can do Tucker Carlson, he's like,
Chris Williams:Why can't they just accept that it's a failure?
Patrick Williams:Learn from it.
Patrick Williams:I make a course correction.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:Right.
Chris Williams:And, and every, every interview I've seen him in, that has
Chris Williams:It is not so much that the Democrats are wrong, it's, I mean, he even
Chris Williams:You know?
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:He's not, it's almost like he's not taking sides, but he, he's just stating facts.
Chris Williams:That's it.
Chris Williams:Which is why I think more people ought to listen to him.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:Even from the Democratic side.
Patrick Williams:Well, and I have a feeling that what happens when
Patrick Williams:Initially it was because, oh, he's on Fox, so he's a right winger, or.
Patrick Williams:They hear him talk and it comes across as conservative to them and they're
Patrick Williams:Or it is so far outside of their ideological beliefs, they don't, like you
Patrick Williams:They don't wanna, you know, have a level of they don't wanna look
Patrick Williams:It's, it's, it's automatically, it's not what I think it's become so tribal.
Patrick Williams:Everybody's like, and, and they're in this group think mentality.
Patrick Williams:Okay, well, oh, I don't agree with that.
Patrick Williams:So he's a far right wing extremist.
Patrick Williams:I mean, that's just the way people don't give him a chance because that's
Patrick Williams:They don't wanna listen to him because their preconceived notion or
Chris Williams:look at it so much as he's right wing or,
Chris Williams:I mean,
Patrick Williams:well, I, I think it's a culmination.
Patrick Williams:I think it's a culmination.
Patrick Williams:Everybody associates, Tucker Carlson with Fox News, which he's not with anymore,
Patrick Williams:It's the far right media outlet.
Patrick Williams:You know, that's so that automatically is the first strike.
Patrick Williams:When people hear Tucker Carlson, they're like, oh, far, right?
Patrick Williams:Or when he brings his perspective to the table and talks from a logical standpoint.
Patrick Williams:It totally conflicts with their ideology so automatically
Patrick Williams:You're far right.
Patrick Williams:You know what I mean?
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:So it's, it's a culmination.
Patrick Williams:I think it's a culmination of all those things, but I just
Patrick Williams:Fox ideology's off.
Patrick Williams:Right.
Patrick Williams:You know, they don't even want, if they would listen to other
Patrick Williams:And just listen, set aside their differences.
Patrick Williams:Sit there neutral for a second.
Patrick Williams:Say, okay, I'm gonna hear what Tucker Carlson is about.
Patrick Williams:They might change their mind, but I think they are so ingrained into
Patrick Williams:Right.
Chris Williams:And that's, and that's probably true.
Chris Williams:And to be honest, I thought Tucker Carlson was a right winger.
Chris Williams:Just because of the way I, you know, the way he comes
Chris Williams:But you know, I didn't even find out until he did that interview
Patrick Williams:years.
Patrick Williams:I don't remember how long he had been there.
Patrick Williams:It hasn't been long,
Chris Williams:but I, I mean, it was like, you know, Ben even asked
Chris Williams:He said I just filled a position that was, but you know, Tucker
Chris Williams:And that amazes me because his insight into politics is incredible.
Chris Williams:But the way he analyzes it, knowing now that he is a liberal is, is even better.
Chris Williams:You know?
Chris Williams:But then he's not the only one.
Chris Williams:You know, like I said, Ben Shapiro's a liberal and even Alan Dershowitz
Chris Williams:Vote Republican, especially for Trump, and I mean, apparently he doesn't like
Chris Williams:Right?
Chris Williams:But if you know Alan Dershowitz, he's in Defense of the Law.
Chris Williams:I'm glad we got some fair players out there like that because it does say
Chris Williams:You know what I mean?
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:Are you familiar.
Patrick Williams:Podcast Tim Poole.
Patrick Williams:I heard that name.
Patrick Williams:He does what is it?
Patrick Williams:I think Tim podcast.
Patrick Williams:I I I, and I don't, forgive me if I'm getting it wrong.
Patrick Williams:You introduced,
Chris Williams:I think you introduced me to him once.
Chris Williams:Lemme see.
Patrick Williams:Well, he is Escape guy, Tim Poole, right?
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:He actually was one of the first people like vice.
Patrick Williams:Brought him in to start Vice News.
Patrick Williams:Basically, you know, he's worked for major media outlets and you
Patrick Williams:He's, but he, you know, he used Hello to align with Democrats,
Patrick Williams:Can you hear me?
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:Hear me?
Patrick Williams:Yeah, I got you.
Patrick Williams:Alright.
Patrick Williams:He said it's only been recently where?
Patrick Williams:You know, his belief system has been more aligned with the Republican party
Patrick Williams:But I don't agree with everything that Tim Poole says, and I don't, let me
Patrick Williams:And, you know, his insight.
Patrick Williams:So I don't agree with all of his perspectives a hundred percent of the
Patrick Williams:What he does is he's an opinion guy, you know?
Patrick Williams:Well, Tim Poole right, is the same way he reads the news, and then he's got a
Patrick Williams:I mean, dude, he gets people like Matt Gaetz, he gets big
Patrick Williams:Right.
Patrick Williams:Not just Matt Gaetz.
Patrick Williams:He's had Joe Rogan.
Patrick Williams:I mean, dude, you could go down a list of people that he's had on a show.
Patrick Williams:I think he's had Bernie Sanders on there.
Patrick Williams:I mean, he's had a lot of people.
Patrick Williams:Right.
Patrick Williams:And but anyway, on both sides of the aisle.
Patrick Williams:Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Patrick Williams:And one of his shows, oh, you remember the band?
Patrick Williams:All that remains right.
Patrick Williams:Yep.
Patrick Williams:Okay.
Patrick Williams:Well, the lead singer from all that remains is one of his regular pa
Patrick Williams:Okay.
Patrick Williams:And they give a, you, you really ought to watch it.
Patrick Williams:But basically what I was saying was he, you know, he, he is a liberal,
Patrick Williams:That's what he does.
Patrick Williams:He's a, he's a skateboarder.
Patrick Williams:Okay.
Patrick Williams:But right.
Patrick Williams:He said a lot of his friends or a lot of people that have known him, acquaintances,
Patrick Williams:He, he, he just says Trump was the first one that he got on board
Patrick Williams:He didn't start any wars.
Patrick Williams:You know, he's, he's one of the, he's a liberal, he want, he wants
Patrick Williams:You know what I mean?
Patrick Williams:He wants everybody to live and let live, right?
Patrick Williams:But a lot of people call him a freaking Republican.
Patrick Williams:It's no different than what we were talking about with Tucker.
Patrick Williams:Some people won't even give Tim Poole a chance.
Patrick Williams:Look at Joe Rogan.
Patrick Williams:He is a hardcore liberal.
Patrick Williams:He is hardcore liberal, but he's fair.
Patrick Williams:He was a, yeah, it was he a Bernie bro or was he a Hillary fan or something?
Patrick Williams:But anyway, I wanna
Chris Williams:say Hillary, but I don't know for sure.
Patrick Williams:But now you look at him.
Patrick Williams:Yeah, he'll say it.
Patrick Williams:Point blank.
Patrick Williams:He's going to vote Republican because of the lunacy, not because he's a Republican.
Patrick Williams:Mm-hmm.
Patrick Williams:But there's a lot of people now that say he is sold out and
Patrick Williams:He's a curious man.
Patrick Williams:He has great questions to the people that he interviews, you know?
Patrick Williams:Right.
Patrick Williams:I look at people like that, like the Tucker Carlson, the Joe Joe Rogans,
Patrick Williams:I look at 'em as not just people that want to hear the other side to hear
Patrick Williams:And that's what we used to do and that's what's so.
Patrick Williams:It's, it's a stark reality and contrast between today and say 15, 20 years ago.
Patrick Williams:Right.
Patrick Williams:15, 20 years ago, that was common life in America.
Patrick Williams:Mm-hmm.
Patrick Williams:Everybody knew everybody that had I mean, everybody knew somebody that had
Patrick Williams:Get canceled from, you know, whatever and fired from your job or call a speciesist.
Patrick Williams:Oh my gosh.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:That, yeah.
Patrick Williams:I, I wish the left would just stop inventing words, man.
Patrick Williams:I mean, it's, it really does show the intell or the lack of intellect.
Patrick Williams:I mean, it's, it's horrible.
Patrick Williams:Go learn some grammar.
Patrick Williams:I stopped trying to subvert grammar by inventing stuff.
Patrick Williams:I mean, just sounds stupid, but anyway, yeah it, just trips me out because
Patrick Williams:People won't give 'em a, because logic, what they're talking about is outside of
Chris Williams:Is the same thing as being logical.
Chris Williams:I'm good with that.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:I mean, but you know, a lot of the people too that are, you know,
Chris Williams:Rogan and all these people, they're old enough to, you know, been liberal when
Chris Williams:I mean, You know, it wasn't quite the John Kennedy type of Democrat, but
Chris Williams:Kamikaze Nazis that we have in power now, but, but a lot of those people
Chris Williams:You know, they're old enough to remember what the Democratic party was back
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:And you know, and back then, I mean, if I remember correctly, even
Patrick Williams:Right?
Patrick Williams:Oh yeah.
Patrick Williams:Hell, I remember going to the airport and watching Jimmy Carters speak.
Patrick Williams:Oh
Chris Williams:my
Patrick Williams:gosh, I remember that.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:I mean,
Chris Williams:that was, we watched him get off the plane, right?
Chris Williams:They were on the tarmac.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:And looking back, I'm like, what were mom and dad thinking?
Patrick Williams:I mean, really.
Patrick Williams:I mean, was that was one of the worst we went.
Patrick Williams:I mean, and hey, I'm, I'm cool if they just want to go here with the
Patrick Williams:It was the president, right?
Patrick Williams:It could been, and I'm, it was one of those two things as opposed to, Garner
Patrick Williams:I, I'm just, I'm praying that's not the case.
Patrick Williams:You know, you gotta
Chris Williams:give mom and dad a little credit now because Jimmy Carter did not
Chris Williams:So,
Patrick Williams:well, you're, you're absolutely right about that.
Chris Williams:He at least remembered where he was.
Patrick Williams:Well, I.
Patrick Williams:Okay, I got, I got two memories of my history that are always, they're going
Patrick Williams:Number two was watching Donnie and Marie Osmond for my first concert.
Patrick Williams:I've like, wow.
Patrick Williams:And you just let the cat outta the bag, man.
Patrick Williams:We wasn't supposed to tell that.
Patrick Williams:Well, I know.
Patrick Williams:It is embarrassing.
Patrick Williams:That's a tough one to talk about.
Patrick Williams:But once again, I am sheltered from the blame on that because we
Patrick Williams:The first concert I decided to see was Brian Adams, summer of 69, so I.
Patrick Williams:Redeemed myself with that right there.
Patrick Williams:Well, look, I can save
Chris Williams:base with my first requested concert, which was my birthday.
Chris Williams:In fact, Ted Nugent in 38 special.
Chris Williams:And then I got the honor of meeting Ted Nugent in
Patrick Williams:Austin.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:Was that, was Molly Hatchett?
Patrick Williams:Was that the one with Molly Hatchett that day?
Patrick Williams:No, no, it
Chris Williams:he came, I thought it, it was a really twisted bill
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:Three songs into 38 special.
Chris Williams:It was proven that Ted NuGet should have opened, I mean, headlined
Chris Williams:But but I, I never would've imagined in a million years I would've ever been able
Chris Williams:But I did.
Chris Williams:And it, I, he blew me away really.
Chris Williams:First thing.
Chris Williams:He looked at me and said, I mean, I don't know if you remember,
Chris Williams:Oh.
Chris Williams:The apartment manager's brother.
Patrick Williams:Oh, you, oh, you're talking about in Austin?
Patrick Williams:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Chris Williams:Well, I went with him to the back room and
Patrick Williams:yeah, his name was Perry.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:He went on one side of the bar to do something and wanted me to go
Chris Williams:Right.
Chris Williams:So I went and found a table and I mean, we're in Austin,
Chris Williams:Right.
Chris Williams:Long hair, earrings and everything.
Chris Williams:And so when I found this table, I went to the table and next to me, I said,
Chris Williams:And they said, yeah, bad company and damn Yankees.
Chris Williams:I said, oh, I walked in the wrong side of the bar.
Chris Williams:And they said, you're not from here, are you?
Chris Williams:Does it show, you know, as it turns out, it was Jason
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:And
Patrick Williams:yeah, but dude, nobody in Austin at that time was from Austin.
Patrick Williams:No, nobody.
Chris Williams:Well, Jason was, but Jason asked me, he says,
Chris Williams:And I said, Ted, who?
Chris Williams:I was like a moron, right?
Chris Williams:And I said, yeah, I'd love to meet Ted.
Chris Williams:He said, where is he?
Chris Williams:He goes, he's at the sound booth.
Chris Williams:He'll be coming up in a minute.
Chris Williams:As soon as he walked by, Jason stopped him and started talking to him, and Ted looked
Chris Williams:So awestruck.
Chris Williams:I'm not awestruck, believe me.
Chris Williams:He said, what's the problem?
Chris Williams:So I told him about going to the concert.
Chris Williams:Him and, well, I didn't tell him it was him and 38 specialists.
Chris Williams:I said, I went to his concert three years prior on my birthday.
Chris Williams:I said, man, and I could have sworn you were hopped up on
Chris Williams:He said, I've never done drugs in my life.
Chris Williams:Never drank a drop in my life.
Chris Williams:And I said, wow.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:I mean, but if you, you've talked to Ted before.
Chris Williams:Have you ever been around
Patrick Williams:him?
Patrick Williams:No.
Patrick Williams:Or just listened to him on, man, I've listened to him quite a bit, but I've
Patrick Williams:Look, man, that guy
Chris Williams:blew me away.
Chris Williams:His intellect is far beyond anything you would expect from a rock and roller.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:But when he told me music was his hobby, I was like, well,
Chris Williams:But I, I was really impressed with him.
Chris Williams:I mean, I thought he was gonna be, I mean, if you think about it, every time
Chris Williams:But talking to him, it's a whole different personality.
Chris Williams:I mean, he's a great guy though.
Chris Williams:I mean, I wish I could talk to him some more.
Chris Williams:Yeah, that was an interesting one, especially since that was my first time.
Chris Williams:So it special.
Chris Williams:That concludes our show for today and we thank you for being here with us.
Chris Williams:If you like the show, rate it podchaser.Com.
Chris Williams:It only takes a moment and it help us tremendously.
Chris Williams:Subscribe to get our weekly emails and your personal copy of The Declaration
Chris Williams:Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the