The Second Amendment



I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

And to the Republic for which it stands,

One nation, under God, indivisible,

With liberty and justice for all.

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Commando Crow:

Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Commando Crow:

Republic for which it stands.

Commando Crow:

One nation under God.

Commando Crow:

Good morning, fellow Americans.

Commando Crow:

And welcome to the third episode of the season.

Commando Crow:

As we continue our discussions on things we can do to build

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communities and get prepared for whatever situation lies ahead.

Commando Crow:

Get your free membership by signing up for our weekly emails to get notifications

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about new episodes, and I'll send you a copy of the Declaration of Independence

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and the Constitution of the United States.

Commando Crow:

I'm your host Chris Williams, my brother Patrick Williams's co host,

Commando Crow:

and we are the Constitution Commandos.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I'm going to jump into the another part of security

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that is obviously not for everybody but

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still on personal dwelling.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah, and but this is so important for being

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able to communicate a plan of action with the people in your home.

Commando Crow:

And this is, in my opinion, the easiest way to defend and preserve

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life is the second amendment.

Commando Crow:

And if anybody wants to tell you the second amendment is for hunting,

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stop listening to their opinions.

Commando Crow:

The second amendment is to defend yourself and your property.

Commando Crow:

Point blank, that's doesn't matter who you're defending yourself against.

Commando Crow:

That is the 2nd amendment is to defend yourself and your property.

Commando Crow:

Let me says I've been here because I have heard this in

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questioning of Marjorie Taylor green.

Commando Crow:

The 2nd amendment was not there for the people to overthrow the government.

Commando Crow:

That was not the purpose.

Commando Crow:

However, in case the government gets too big, it is there for that purpose.

Commando Crow:

But that was not the reason for it.

Commando Crow:

The reason for it was If this country had to go to war against another

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country, the government would call on its citizens would come armed to the teeth.

Commando Crow:

That's what it's there for.

Commando Crow:

Just so we're clear on that Second Amendment thing.

Commando Crow:

Go ahead.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah, but when we talk about firearms in a defense

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situation, if you go buy a firearm, having the firearm is absolutely useless

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if you don't go spend time at the range.

Commando Crow:

You have got to get to the range.

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You have got to train with that weapon.

Commando Crow:

That weapon is useless.

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If you do not know how to properly holster it, to clear it, to put it on

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safe, to take it out of the holster, to charge it, the proper storage and use.

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Commando Crow:

Firearm safety.

Commando Crow:

I don't care what anybody says.

Commando Crow:

The first and most important thing that you do with a firearm, any

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responsible gun owner, is firearm safety.

Commando Crow:

And I don't know how they do it in the military,

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except for what we got in the Navy.

Commando Crow:

And believe me, we push buttons, we don't pull triggers unless you're

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in the SEALs or SeaBees . But, as far as firearm safety, it was keep

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your weapon pointed downrange.

Commando Crow:

That's pretty much it.

Commando Crow:

Now growing up, firearm safety meant we were shown a firearm.

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An empty one.

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And we were taught how to hold it, where to and not to point

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it, how to load it, and that was before we ever saw the ammunition.

Commando Crow:

And so firearm safety is probably more critical than the use of the firearm.

Commando Crow:

So I want to throw that in there because firearm safety is absolutely critical.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah, because there, there are no bad guns.

Commando Crow:

No, there are poor operators.

Commando Crow:

If you do not understand firearm safety and you have an accidental discharge, or

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you don't understand trigger discipline and you shoot somebody in your family or

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in a house, That is not the gun's problem.

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That is your problem.

Commando Crow:

So that's not to say that some very experienced gun

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owners haven't had things happen.

Commando Crow:

And they do happen.

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We're people.

Commando Crow:

We make mistakes.

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But the more you know firearm safety, the fewer mistakes you can plan on having.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: That firearm should be an extension of your body.

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You should not have to think a fraction of a second how to properly

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deploy and use that firearm.

Commando Crow:

It should be muscle memory.

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Commando Crow:

So if you get a firearm, and I will say, everybody will look at this differently.

Commando Crow:

My personal opinion, a pistol is not the greatest thing for

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personal defense in a home.

Commando Crow:

To me, a pistol is one of the hardest weapons to utilize,

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deploy, and to hit targets.

Commando Crow:

Now, if you choose to have a pistol for your personal defense, now, sure, if

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you're in your vehicle, you're going out roaming town, a pistol mandatory.

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Commando Crow:

But if you choose, and I understand not everybody's just rolling in cash,

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especially in today's economic time.

Commando Crow:

If a pistol is the first thing that you can afford, Then when

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you buy your pistol, then you need to find a firearms instructor.

Commando Crow:

I could give two shits about concealed carry.

Commando Crow:

I could give two shits about any of that crap until you know how to use.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

And if you find somebody to teach you how to use a pistol and they

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do not teach you firearm safety, you find you another instructor.

Commando Crow:

And I will say this just to add in, and maybe it's

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because I'm a little bit partial, the firearms instructors that I have.

Commando Crow:

Met or have known to be firearms instructors, I would probably

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trust them before just anybody that claims to be a firearms instructor.

Commando Crow:

But I would find somebody's prior service press, preferably somebody, special teams.

Commando Crow:

And there's a reason why I recommend that, not just because I'm biased, 'cause

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I'm a veteran, but there's a reason I recommend them to be firearms instructors.

Commando Crow:

Those guys go full blown, they go high speed, live fire.

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And they managed to not kill each other, and they're very

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trying to do that as well.

Commando Crow:

Oh, absolutely.

Commando Crow:

There's a lot of police that have extreme training, but that's what I'm saying.

Commando Crow:

Regardless when it, and I want a lot of those people, you have very capable

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instructors out there that never did a day in the military or we're not on the force.

Commando Crow:

But the thing that I'm saying is, number one thing, the instructor should

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not be your husband, or your wife, or somebody that you are friends with.

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You are going to get talked to, and you need to understand the

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possible consequences of not learning and appreciating that weapon.

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You need somebody that is sole focused on not who you are, what you are doing.

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If you have a weapon.

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They need to be able to teach you firearm safety.

Commando Crow:

Learn firearm safety, learn how to deploy your weapon and to acquire your target.

Commando Crow:

That's the first and foremost.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, that's important.

Commando Crow:

And check your feelings at the door.

Commando Crow:

Don't even worry about taking your feelings with you

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because you don't need those.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: You don't need them.

Commando Crow:

But, and the reason we came to the second amendment talking about site

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security is Once you get the weapon and I would leave it up to each

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individual because everybody's situation is different everybody's So talk to

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somebody prior to purchasing a weapon.

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Tell them what your immediate needs are for that weapon.

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Explain to them the environment that you are immediately trying

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to defend, being your home.

Commando Crow:

Is it a brick structure?

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Is it a wood structure?

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Is it stucco?

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Does it, everything about it.

Commando Crow:

Tell them that you are trying to have a self defense weapon for your property.

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Get a lot of different Input.

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Input on the type of weapon.

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Commando Crow:

Now, once you have determined which weapon that you're going to purchase, and that

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you have started taking some type of firearm safety class, and an instructor

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is teaching you proper use of the weapon, then you need to start understanding.

Commando Crow:

Ask, There is no better way to find out about a firearm and I'm military trained

Commando Crow:

and I still buzz people's ears because the technology changes all the time.

Commando Crow:

It's not static.

Commando Crow:

It is rapidly changing.

Commando Crow:

I'm not ashamed to say it.

Commando Crow:

I don't know everything.

Commando Crow:

And I'm going to ask if you use a pistol, you're probably going

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to want to utilize hollow points.

Commando Crow:

And this goes into the communicating part.

Commando Crow:

If you have a firearm, and you have a family in your home, and

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you have a weapon, and you have to engage a perpetrator, 911 is

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already on the phone, it's already on speaker, it's already on document.

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And if you have Children, they need to know if somebody comes in

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this house, lay flat on the floor.

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That way, if you engage a perpetrator and you shoot them and it goes through

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the wall, then it's going to go over the head likely of your Children.

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If your spouse is there.

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Your spouse needs to know what to do.

Commando Crow:

Anytime a firearm is deployed, you always, I don't care if it's combat, I

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don't care if it's personal defense, I don't give a shit if you're at a range.

Commando Crow:

You always identify your target, period.

Commando Crow:

Before you squeeze the trigger, before you put your finger on the trigger,

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Yeah, don't be a gangbanger and just start waving your gun around

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with your finger on the trigger.

Commando Crow:

That's dangerous for everybody.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Absolutely.

Commando Crow:

Because you have to think of the safety of your family.

Commando Crow:

Remember, preservation of life.

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That is the mission.

Commando Crow:

That is what is on your mind.

Commando Crow:

It is not badass or Billy the Kid or it is to protect life.

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Commando Crow:

And quite frankly, on a personal level if it's gonna be inside my

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dwelling, I'm just going for a knife.

Commando Crow:

I'm just saying . It's

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All American Commando: just that's me.

Commando Crow:

And sometimes the situation won't allow for that if

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there's multiple as statements.

Commando Crow:

That's true.

Commando Crow:

That's true.

Commando Crow:

True, that's true.

Commando Crow:

But you need to understand the type of bullets or ammunition that you're using.

Commando Crow:

Some bullets will go clean through the house and exit the front or the back,

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and it might go in the neighbor's house.

Commando Crow:

You don't want that.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: learn.

Commando Crow:

Your ammunition, get the appropriate ammunition for the firearm that

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you chose to best defend your home.

Commando Crow:

Including the grain load.

Commando Crow:

That's important.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, but yes, not as important probably as whether or not you use them.

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Commando Crow:

It is important because it determines how much

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velocity is behind that round.

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Commando Crow:

You can get a hypersonic load that will mushroom, and it will still pass through

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a few walls, but it depends on the bullet.

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The bullet is just as important as the gun.

Commando Crow:

You go to the range, you're gonna use probably, let's just say AR,

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you're gonna use an AR platform.

Commando Crow:

A 2 23.

Commando Crow:

Heck, when I go to the range, I'm gonna use the cheapest bullets I can a 55 grain.

Commando Crow:

I usually use American Eagle.

Commando Crow:

There's a bunch of quality bullets out there.

Commando Crow:

I'm not sponsored by anybody.

Commando Crow:

That's what I use.

Commando Crow:

And it's more efficient.

Commando Crow:

It's a range bullet.

Commando Crow:

It's cheaper.

Commando Crow:

I was say, if you're going to the

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range, you don't want something that you're going to use for any other

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purpose, but the range, you don't wanna spend top dollar on range rounds.

Commando Crow:

Don't want something that's gonna gunk up your gun and cause it to jam either.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: On top of your instructor, when you decide

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the weapon that you want, the gunked up gun, cause it is ineffective.

Commando Crow:

It's a paperweight.

Commando Crow:

Let's say that again.

Commando Crow:

You get your instructor, if your instructor.

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does not take the time to teach you how to properly clean your weapon.

Commando Crow:

Find another instructor.

Commando Crow:

Cleaning the weapon is just as important as knowing how to properly

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use it in a safe fashion and acquiring and engaging a target.

Commando Crow:

Cleaning a weapon is part of, it's no different than owning a car.

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If you have to add water or oil, you do it.

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And if you don't do it, the car will break down.

Commando Crow:

Have to say that the cleaning weapon falls

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under the category of safety.

Commando Crow:

Unless you pulled the trigger and heard that thunk, you have no idea.

Commando Crow:

You don't want to hear that.

Commando Crow:

But you know what I'm saying, it falls under the category of safety all day long.

Commando Crow:

If you don't have a clean weapon, you're looking at all kinds of problems down

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the road that you really don't want.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Oh, absolutely.

Commando Crow:

There's numerous malfunctions that unclean weapon is an dirty weapon is an unsafe

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weapon and it should not be used period.

Commando Crow:

If you choose to buy a weapon, ask questions, figure out the best weapon for

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the purpose that you're getting it for, explore munitions, ask questions, get

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the right munitions for the environment that you're going to deploy that weapon

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in, and learn how to clean that weapon.

Commando Crow:

Now, if anybody out there has any favorite weapons that they like to use

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for home defense, or if anybody out there has any tidbits of information that

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might have more training than myself.

Commando Crow:

It doesn't even matter if it's less training than me.

Commando Crow:

If you have an interesting perspective on this, I really do want to hear

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it because I'm here to learn just as well as I am to spread a little

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bit of the knowledge that I do have.

Commando Crow:

Most definitely because I would love to think I know a lot.

Commando Crow:

I'd like to think that, but it seems the more people I meet,

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the more I learn, I don't know.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: So yeah, I know a little bit about a lot of shit and

Commando Crow:

that's about the extent of my knowledge.

Commando Crow:

It's fun to think, everything for about 30 seconds.

Commando Crow:

That's as far as it goes.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Now, another thing that I would talk about back

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to pace, you got a primary, you got an alternate, you got a contingency,

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and then you got an emergency.

Commando Crow:

Fallback positions, primary position, defend your own right

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now, an alternate position.

Commando Crow:

Everybody should use their brain.

Commando Crow:

Sun Tzu even says the wise warrior will avoid the fight.

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Commando Crow:

If you are utilizing a weapon that has a higher capacity to defend your home and

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you have multiple assailants come in your home, you are still at a disadvantage

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because there are multiple assailants.

Commando Crow:

You're not going to know for sure if they're coming in the same entry point.

Commando Crow:

You're not going to you don't know all the breach points, but if it's

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one or two people coming in your home and you're using a high capacity

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magazine, you have an advantage.

Commando Crow:

Now, when you're at the range and you're shooting targets, they do not shoot back.

Commando Crow:

You might be able to hit the target 10 out of 10 times, 20 out

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of 20 times, 30 out of 30 times.

Commando Crow:

When the target shoots back, your accuracy is going to fall off immensely.

Commando Crow:

For a lot of reasons, but a lot of times you got to take cover.

Commando Crow:

So if it comes to a point that you have to go to an alternate location

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and you cannot preserve life anymore at your home, then you have to

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be able to bug out of that home.

Commando Crow:

So you need to have some type of a go bag.

Commando Crow:

Now, I can get into a million different scenarios and situations.

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It would be impossible for me to cover each of them and provide adequate

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information on any of them if I did that.

Commando Crow:

So let's just say you had to bug out and you had to bug out for up to 72 hours.

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Your home is being overrun.

Commando Crow:

You cannot protect the lives of you or the people in your home.

Commando Crow:

Forget about your property.

Commando Crow:

Your property doesn't matter.

Commando Crow:

If you have to grab a bug out bag, it should be set for 72 hours.

Commando Crow:

Because if you can come back home in 72 hours a period, if you weren't

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able to defend it and you flee, your home will probably be cleaned

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out by the end of that 72 hours.

Commando Crow:

So chances are it will be of no use to anybody trying to break in it later, and

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you might be able to come home again.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Bug out bags.

Commando Crow:

There's some research.

Commando Crow:

I could definitely go through a whole bunch of, I could list a bunch of

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things to go into a 72 hour pack.

Commando Crow:

That would be like an assault pack for me.

Commando Crow:

That would be something that I could go.

Commando Crow:

Something that's very light.

Commando Crow:

I still remain quick and agile.

Commando Crow:

Emergency shelter, some type of weather protection, like

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from rain or cold, layers.

Commando Crow:

You obviously, depending on how many people you have, you could go

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three days without water, but you don't want to go one without water.

Commando Crow:

You can go three weeks without food, but you don't want to.

Commando Crow:

This right here?

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

This is a bugger out bag and yes, it looks quite large actually.

Commando Crow:

If you expand it all the way, how many large is that?

Commando Crow:

This was 45, 45 liters.

Commando Crow:

You can carry more than enough for three days in this bag, and you

Commando Crow:

can actually attach extra external stuff,

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: but if you look at the MOLLE system on it,

Commando Crow:

that's correct.

Commando Crow:

For anybody interested, and I'm spreading this apart because I don't

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have it filled up right now, however, this is probably more than enough.

Commando Crow:

For a typical 3 day, bug out and absolutely

Commando Crow:

quite frankly, I think this is probably a little

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larger than what I would need.

Commando Crow:

I actually had this 1 for Laura to carry in case she needs to carry something.

Commando Crow:

Because that 70 later that you send me, that's entirely too much for her.

Commando Crow:

And I know that I would put quite a bit in it, but just for the sake of.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: People watching this is a bag right there would be ideal

Commando Crow:

for a get home bag something to pack And high energy food if you're away and you're

Commando Crow:

just trying to get home, wind protection rain protection Yeah, and I have I mean

Commando Crow:

I do have here I'll make sure I got them the next time

Commando Crow:

we bring something up, but I have I actually have a small medical bag And

Commando Crow:

when I say small, it is very sm Look, I don't know if you can see it very

Commando Crow:

well on here, but this pouch right here is about the size of my medical bag.

Commando Crow:

That's about it, okay?

Commando Crow:

And quite frankly, it has most everything you need in it, as far as

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gauze it's got tape, self adhesive tape, you got band aids of different

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sizes, alcohol swabs, stain swabs, And I forget what they call them, Patrick.

Commando Crow:

What, I guess it's just a sting wipe or,

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: it's what I'm talking about.

Commando Crow:

It's not for anti itch cream for, or a wipe for if you get a

Commando Crow:

bites or, yeah.

Commando Crow:

And that's what it comes with that now also have a sewing kit

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that I have separate, but it fits in my metal bag, medical bag.

Commando Crow:

And all of that will fit in that one pocket I just showed you.

Commando Crow:

So don't do like I didn't get carried away with how much stuff

Commando Crow:

do I have to have and what all do I need to carry anything like that?

Commando Crow:

And look, this right here, or your bug out bag,

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: you need it.

Commando Crow:

Don't go without it.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

That's exactly right.

Commando Crow:

And that would be if you have to prepare for more than 72 hours, a

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standard bug out bag, you figure 72 hours, you're probably good.

Commando Crow:

Once again, anybody disagrees with me, share your thoughts and feelings on that.

Commando Crow:

Everybody's different.

Commando Crow:

Everybody's environment is different.

Commando Crow:

Some people are urban.

Commando Crow:

Some people do not have a secondary place that they can go.

Commando Crow:

I would just be interested

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in knowing what other people Might have to deal

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with and what they think, what they feel is best for them to carry.

Commando Crow:

And yeah, because quite frankly, even though we may live in different

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hemispheres, somebody else may have their bag set up for an emergency

Commando Crow:

situation and have something in that bag that would probably be beneficial.

Commando Crow:

I would like to hear it.

Commando Crow:

I think it would be good to hear it because we're not local,

Commando Crow:

we talk to people everywhere.

Commando Crow:

But all in all, and that video that I watched that you sent me, I don't

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think that guy would disagree.

Commando Crow:

This is all you need for 72

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: hours.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, you're probably right.

Commando Crow:

The bag he was carrying wasn't this big.

Commando Crow:

I personally, I'm going to look for a little bit more space.

Commando Crow:

No, everybody's got their own preference.

Commando Crow:

And mind you, I'm used to, and the day I was in, I carried Alice pack, so

Commando Crow:

that was a large bag and external frame that's not needed for communications,

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equipment and everything else.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

That bag's definitely overkill for a 72 hour bug out.

Commando Crow:

That would be very much overkill, but, and this.

Commando Crow:

You need some of these.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Oh, yeah.

Commando Crow:

Just ask around.

Commando Crow:

We're trying to do things to aid people in being prepared.

Commando Crow:

We're not trying to set the standard.

Commando Crow:

Everyone is different and unique.

Commando Crow:

Everybody's physical ability is different.

Commando Crow:

Everybody's needs and requirements are different.

Commando Crow:

So if you talk to anybody that

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does survival training or evasion training,

Commando Crow:

They'll tell you the same thing.

Commando Crow:

Everybody's situation is going to be unique to them and that situation

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: their environment That's right.

Commando Crow:

So nothing here is set in stone.

Commando Crow:

These are ideas.

Commando Crow:

And, again, we want to hear yours too, because your ideas

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may benefit us in ways we didn't

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: consider.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Man, I hate to do this, man.

Commando Crow:

I really do.

Commando Crow:

I'm gonna have to get this damn shoulder up here.

Commando Crow:

But yeah, it's, people need to start, and I don't mean to say need

Commando Crow:

to, I do mean it, I don't mean it.

Commando Crow:

I don't mean it.

Commando Crow:

It look at it like a game start paying attention to things and like a

Commando Crow:

self, when you talk about things like situational awareness, we've talked

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about this on a previous episode, everybody goes to convenience stores.

Commando Crow:

Convenience stores get robbed regular.

Commando Crow:

You go into a convenience store.

Commando Crow:

Take note of everybody in there.

Commando Crow:

Take note of the possible exits.

Commando Crow:

Take note of whatever you can take note of in there just in case something

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negative happens outside of your control to where you can preserve your life.

Commando Crow:

That is your goal.

Commando Crow:

Life preservation.

Commando Crow:

No matter who you are, where you are, it doesn't just have to be at home.

Commando Crow:

So always keep your eyes open for things that look funny or out of place.

Commando Crow:

Or, you just, you, if you get a feeling in your gut that something

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is not right, you know what?

Commando Crow:

Something is probably not right.

Commando Crow:

I'm gonna also go back a little bit on self defense, site defense.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I don't, like I said, don't matter if it's a house or an apartment,

Commando Crow:

never arm your assailants.

Commando Crow:

So if you have things outside that are like shovels or pickaxes, axes, anything.

Commando Crow:

If you have any tools that are outside that can be utilized as a weapon against

Commando Crow:

you or a way to bust in windows or doors, keep that stuff policed, pick it up,

Commando Crow:

store it in a proper location so that.

Commando Crow:

Out of sight, out of mind is a big factor.

Commando Crow:

If somebody is going to break into your house, they're probably not going to

Commando Crow:

go just digging through a storage shed.

Commando Crow:

I'm not saying they won't, if they can't get in and they see a storage

Commando Crow:

shed, of course, they're probably going to see what kind of tools they

Commando Crow:

can find to breach your perimeter.

Commando Crow:

But then again, if it's a locked storage shed, that'll give

Commando Crow:

you a heads up that somebody's out.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

So don't leave things out that can be utilized as weapons against you.

Commando Crow:

That's part of just perimeter security.

Commando Crow:

It would never behoove you to leave weaponry in the hands of whoever

Commando Crow:

it is that's coming to get you.

Commando Crow:

It's just not a good idea.

Commando Crow:

I think that goes back to, making sure you know where everything is, policing

Commando Crow:

the perimeter, policing your borders.

Commando Crow:

Thank you.

Commando Crow:

However you want to put it.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, you don't want to leave things lying around.

Commando Crow:

Look, I think you and I both know pretty well that anything

Commando Crow:

that moves can be a weapon.

Commando Crow:

If you can pick it up, it can be a weapon.

Commando Crow:

So try to minimize.

Commando Crow:

What anybody who calls, who wants to cause you harm can get their hands on.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

It's of the utmost importance.

Commando Crow:

I would like to see what the stats are of the number of people that have

Commando Crow:

assaulted homeowners with their own stuff.

Commando Crow:

I wonder what the.

Commando Crow:

I could tell you what

Commando Crow:

the stats are of Paul Pelosi being invaded by men and underwear.

Commando Crow:

Let's hit the bed.

Commando Crow:

I don't know what the other guys do.

Commando Crow:

But we're going to hear from you.

Commando Crow:

Just send us an email to podteam at the constitution.

Commando Crow:

Fernando's dot org.

Commando Crow:

And don't forget.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: so that.

Commando Crow:

Out of sight, out of mind is a big factor.

Commando Crow:

If somebody is going to break into your house, they're probably not going to

Commando Crow:

go just digging through a storage shed.

Commando Crow:

I'm not saying they won't, if they can't get in and they see a storage

Commando Crow:

shed, of course, they're probably going to see what kind of tools they

Commando Crow:

can find to breach your perimeter.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

then again, if it's a locked storage shed, that'll give you

Commando Crow:

a heads up that somebody's out.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

So don't leave things out that can be utilized as weapons against you.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Uh,

Commando Crow:

that's part of just perimeter security.

Commando Crow:

It would never behoove you to leave weaponry in the hands of whoever

Commando Crow:

it is that's coming to get you.

Commando Crow:

It's just not a good idea.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Well,

Commando Crow:

I think that goes back

Commando Crow:

to, you know, making sure you know where everything is, policing the

Commando Crow:

perimeter, policing your borders.

Commando Crow:

Thank you.

Commando Crow:

However you want to put it.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, you don't want to leave things lying around.

Commando Crow:

I mean, look, I think you and I both know pretty well that anything

Commando Crow:

that moves can be a weapon.

Commando Crow:

If you can pick it up, it can be a weapon.

Commando Crow:

So try to minimize.

Commando Crow:

What, what anybody who calls, who wants to cause you harm can get their hands on.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

It, it, it's of the utmost importance.

Commando Crow:

I mean, I, I would like to see what the stats are of the number

Commando Crow:

of people that have assaulted homeowners with their own stuff.

Commando Crow:

I mean, I wonder what the.

Commando Crow:

I could tell you what

Commando Crow:

the stats are of Paul Pelosi being invaded by men and underwear.

Commando Crow:

Let's hit the bed.

Commando Crow:

I don't know what the other guys do.

Commando Crow:

But we're going to hear from you.

Commando Crow:

Just send us an email to podteam at the constitution.

Commando Crow:

Fernando's dot org.

Commando Crow:

And don't forget.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

It's on podchester.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Leave us a review, let us know how we do it.

Commando Crow:

It takes a moment and it helps us out tremendously until next time.

Commando Crow:

And on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the constitution

Commando Crow:

commandos and we're signing off.

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