The PSYOPs Agenda: Unveiling the Truth
The Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction: Good morning! Patrick and I welcome you to our first episode! My name is Chris and we are The Constitution Commandos. In today’s episode, Patrick and I will discuss the assault on our liberty, the dismantling of our Constitution, and our permissive compliance.
Psyops: military operations usually aimed at influencing the enemy’s state of mind through non-combative means (such as the distribution of leaflets).
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
I. Educational Institutions
- Reduction of educational standards and removing curriculum
- The government strips individual rights easily; people don’t know what rights they have
II. The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the 300
- For nearly a century, psychological and behavioral research received unlimited funding
- PSYOPs have been used since wars began. Today, it is a scientifically advanced weapon.
- It is a means by which the control of people, even on a large scale, is terribly effective
- The American people have unknowingly been targeted for destruction for years, via PSYOPs.
III. 11 September 2001
- False Flag PSYOP deployed to provoke a prescribed reaction
- The Bush/Cheney administration planned to invade 5 countries for their resources
- International laws, treaties, and agreements prevented invasion without provocation
- They also needed the support of the American people but, they could not justify it
- The government reported W.M.D. in Iraq for months prior to 9/11: Priming the Americans
- The death of 3,000 people in N.Y. sent a shockwave through the nation
- Terror mixed with “Iraq,” “terrorists,” and Middle Eastern hijackers won the support of the people in America and worldwide.
IV. The Patriot Act
- The American people did not complain about new laws of protection
- The laws of protection actually stripped many of America’s rights
- No longer is probable cause required to conduct a search of a person or property
- All calls are recorded and text messages are also monitored and recorded
- Over 250 J6’ers are still detained without due process in the gulags of Washington.
V. We are a nation divided
VI. The Oppressor and the Oppressed
- Critical Theory
- Critical Legal Theory
- Critical Race Theory
- All of this is to keep us divided – this is the path to Marxism and Communism
- All who are legal citizens of the U.S. are American – period
- We are so racist that we have to stage a hate crime
VII. We are American!
- Believe nothing you hear without doing your own research or you will end up fighting people with whom there is no problem.
- Understand that a majority of the politicians in office are not representing the people of the United States, they are serving a different master.
- We the people of the United States (mostly) are descendants of immigrants, but we are Americans. We possess a diversity of culture like no other country in the world, but we are still Americans.
- We need to quit attacking each other! The politicians are the problem. They kill us daily as if it were a sport because it is to them. They strip us of our rights, instigate wars, or kill our own people and blame another country so that we will agree to break many international laws and treaties to invade other nations.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
Commando Crow:and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible
Commando Crow:with liberty and justice for all
Commando Crow:All American Commando: PSYOPs aren't just what have been going
Commando Crow:on through the media and Hollywood.
Commando Crow:Through magazines or other publications, it's been in education, they've
Commando Crow:removed classes like civics, which were directly designed to teach us about the
Commando Crow:constitution the function of government, how the government works, and when they
Commando Crow:removed that over the years, people are thinking we're learning stuff about
Commando Crow:American history because of some BS little class that they're giving your kids.
Commando Crow:And your kids don't know anything about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution
Commando Crow:or how the government's supposed to work, the three branches of governments.
Commando Crow:So you're looking at a period of a multi-generational time where
Commando Crow:people don't know their rights.
Commando Crow:And now the government can easily take whoever's rights away from you cuz
Commando Crow:you don't even know what they are.
Commando Crow:One thing I've noticed in that book too, and I guess I've
Commando Crow:always known this and part of that siop, they do things to where they
Commando Crow:can keep the populations fearful.
Commando Crow:And the best way to control even large numbers of people at one time is through.
Commando Crow:When we went to war with Iraq, There were 3000 people who died
Commando Crow:in one day in New York and the people were ready to go to war.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: And I'm not besmirching anyone in this country that
Commando Crow:has strong held value views on nine 11.
Commando Crow:Nine 11 was, I'm gonna call it a false flag.
Commando Crow:It did happen.
Commando Crow:We did lose almost 3000 people, but the false flag aspect of it was
Commando Crow:that it had absolutely zero to do with anything other than we needed
Commando Crow:public support to engage in a.
Commando Crow:So that the military industrial complex could maintain a hell
Commando Crow:of an income, and it was,
Commando Crow:it would line the pockets of a few people.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:And it was a perfect way for people to be willing to take the fear that
Commando Crow:they fell, Oh, we were attacked on American soil, and it was an atrocity.
Commando Crow:So they came in with the Patriot Act.
Commando Crow:And the Patriot Act was one of the biggest things that actually removed and then.
Commando Crow:It took our personal rights and threw it in the crapper and yeah, it gives
Commando Crow:the government the right to come into your home without a warrant, the arrest,
Commando Crow:and detained you without due process.
Commando Crow:They turn around and they get labeled a terrorist under the Patriot Act.
Commando Crow:If you want to go to a large rally and you have the wrong political view, we're
Commando Crow:gonna arrest you, throw you in a hole for God knows how many months now, what
Commando Crow:we're looking at, 15 months, 16 months.
Commando Crow:Most of them are still sitting there
Commando Crow:without even seeing a judge.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: And it's all under the guise of the Patriot Act.
Commando Crow:And people think that this can't happen to them.
Commando Crow:I guarantee you those 250 something people sitting in the gulags Washington,
Commando Crow:never thought it would happen to them.
Commando Crow:And they can do it to all of those people.
Commando Crow:They can do.
Commando Crow:The each and every one of us and people need to wake up and not be
Commando Crow:fooled because I love my country, I am a constitutional conservative,
Commando Crow:but I cannot stand my government.
Commando Crow:And not the government is become distinguished.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Not since 1870.
Commando Crow:When we became a corporation since 1971, where they decided to take us off of
Commando Crow:the currency being backed by Go Bank.
Commando Crow:One other aspect about 9 1 1 2 that plays into the PSYOPs Manifesto.
Commando Crow:The people, I, and I'm not saying everybody else.
Commando Crow:I was one of those people when 9 1 1 happened, I was on the phone with the
Commando Crow:recruiting office trying to get back in because we knew we were going to war.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah me too.
Commando Crow:And
Commando Crow:It's not like I'm talking about everybody else I'm included
Commando Crow:in that, but we were victims of this PSYOPs manifesto in that it was designed
Commando Crow:specifically, not just to put us in fear so that they could control us.
Commando Crow:There is another aspect that needs to be noted.
Commando Crow:The manifesto was designed.
Commando Crow:Do things to the population so that we not only would be easily controlled,
Commando Crow:we would not only agree with what the government said we needed to do, we
Commando Crow:would actually petition the government to do it, which is exactly what happened.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Who will sacrifice a little bit or a little freedom
Commando Crow:for the sense of security deserves.
Commando Crow:That is correct.
Commando Crow:And again I can't iterate this enough.
Commando Crow:I was victim of that same thought pattern and I believe 9 1 1 is probably
Commando Crow:one of the better examples because it's one that is very well remembered
Commando Crow:by who is still alive right now.
Commando Crow:But since that incident, it has taken far less.
Commando Crow:for the people who funded this IOPS operation to get what they're looking
Commando Crow:for and ultimately what we're seeing now is this huge divide in our country.
Commando Crow:A country against itself will fall.
Commando Crow:That too was part of the PSYOPs plan.
Commando Crow:I don't know what the numbers are, but I would dare to say about
Commando Crow:half the country is screaming.
Commando Crow:They hate the country and the other half of the country is
Commando Crow:saying, This is my country.
Commando Crow:I love my country.
Commando Crow:And I think it would take a step back and look at just what's
Commando Crow:going on in our country right now.
Commando Crow:I think we'll see something we we never really wanted.
Commando Crow:. It's, I almost forgot what I was saying.
Commando Crow:But the thing is we're seeing a divide in our country.
Commando Crow:We're seeing it is basically, let's go to the very original form
Commando Crow:of government, the family unit.
Commando Crow:And Patrick, you and I have witnessed this because we grew up in it, but when
Commando Crow:a family is divided, it will separate it.
Commando Crow:It's gonna fall.
Commando Crow:But as we were growing up , there was so much confusion and so much turmoil
Commando Crow:inside our family unit that it got to the point where we wouldn't even talk to
Commando Crow:each other and in not talking to each.
Commando Crow:, we could not figure out the problem and we just went with what we knew.
Commando Crow:And that was so and so made me mad.
Commando Crow:So and so did something that shouldn't done and we just didn't talk to each
Commando Crow:other mad at each other all the time.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:And that is exactly what we are seeing in this country right now.
Commando Crow:And I think if we all just take a breath, take a time out and back away
Commando Crow:from and look at it realistically and just open up that line of communication
Commando Crow:with the people you think you hate.
Commando Crow:You might find you don't hate 'em.
Commando Crow:You've been programmed that way.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: It's been designed to, this goes
Commando Crow:back to critical theory, right?
Commando Crow:The first form of the theories was critical theory whether it's critical
Commando Crow:race theory or critical theory There's actually three of 'em, the
Commando Crow:first one morphed into critical legal theory, they all do the same thing.
Commando Crow:They are based on the premise of an oppressor and oppressed.
Commando Crow:These are the roots of gearing a population to go to Marxism,
Commando Crow:which is the sister of communism.
Commando Crow:Now, as long as we have people divided into categories, a lot
Commando Crow:of people find it easier to be oppressed and check off blocks.
Commando Crow:And the other people, rich white liberals particularly, Love to virtue
Commando Crow:signal about how they're so good to the oppressed, and everybody else is bigoted
Commando Crow:or xenophobic or homophobic or some stupid name to keep us all in little
Commando Crow:boxes and at each other's throats, right?
Commando Crow:Ultimately we need to see each other as Americans we are brothers and sisters.
Commando Crow:Under the same banner.
Commando Crow:There is no gay pride banner that I stand under that doesn't unite us.
Commando Crow:Now the American flag.
Commando Crow:Covers all people.
Commando Crow:Transgender, gay, white, black, native American, all ethnicities of immigrants.
Commando Crow:It covers everybody.
Commando Crow:You come here and you assimilate.
Commando Crow:We are all Americans.
Commando Crow:And we have to get this mindset of white, black, Asian, or Latino,
Commando Crow:and I'm not ever gonna call a Latin person a Latinx, not, I don't know
Commando Crow:if it's offensive to them or not.
Commando Crow:I hear it Is.
Commando Crow:I just feel stupid saying that.
Commando Crow:I've never even heard it.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:Latinx.
Commando Crow:What a chuck.
Commando Crow:What is that?
Commando Crow:I don't know, man.
Commando Crow:I keep hearing it nowadays.
Commando Crow:Like they're trying to be inclusive to somebody.
Commando Crow:I'm nOt.
Chris Williams:is there an 800 number attached
Patrick Williams:to that ? I don't know, but I keep hearing this stupid.
Patrick Williams:That's correct.
Patrick Williams:If you're Latino, that means you came from a Latin speaking country.
Chris Williams:Yeah, I'm glad you said that because I have,
Chris Williams:All American Commando: have Farmer Jim over here.
Chris Williams:We're from the door.
Chris Williams:Yeah, man.
Chris Williams:I'm from Boston.
Chris Williams:Yeah, I'm, I think that was pretty distinguished.
Chris Williams:I
Commando Crow:forgot all about him.
Commando Crow:But being from the south we know about we got a firsthand
Commando Crow:look at what racism was all about.
Commando Crow:We grew up around I think you'll agree there's, at least for me
Commando Crow:anyway, there's about 15, 20 years where you really just it was like
Commando Crow:you could actually say what is racism?
Commando Crow:It's a thing of the past and yeah.
Commando Crow:It's crazy to me now that I hate to lay it on any one administration, but, it seems
Commando Crow:race talk has come up a lot over the last year or two, and it started putting that
Commando Crow:divider line between different races, and I'm not talking white and black,
Commando Crow:I'm talking the whites, the blacks, the Mexicans, the Asian Americans that are
Commando Crow:here and what for, I mean we had near.
Commando Crow:I would like to say anyway, because I feel like that I would say we nearly
Commando Crow:did away with the race issue and now all of a sudden it's back again and I
Commando Crow:think if you wanna point out an obvious thing that has been going on in our
Commando Crow:country that's created divide, I think you could start there because that is
Commando Crow:the one topic they love to throw into our platter and say, now divide yourselves.
Commando Crow:And I guess my big thing especially right now is that my fellow Americans
Commando Crow:realize that we are fellow Americans.
Commando Crow:And let's hold on to that because not just because we're Americans,
Commando Crow:but what does it mean to be American first and foremopst.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: We almost had it gone.
Commando Crow:There was a number of administrations where you heard about inner city problems
Commando Crow:or you heard about school choice.
Commando Crow:A lot of your inner city people are of African.
Commando Crow:American descent, which I hate that term too.
Commando Crow:Unless you came from Africa, you're an American, you're just a black American.
Commando Crow:That's what you deal with here in our region of the country.
Commando Crow:And you go west and it's gonna be the Latino community
Commando Crow:that has to hear this, but
Commando Crow:All American Commando: The thing about it for me is the ruling class.
Commando Crow:Everybody do not be fooled.
Commando Crow:There is no Republican and Democrat.
Commando Crow:There is a uniparty in American.
Commando Crow:They all work for the same goals and same purpose.
Commando Crow:Now if they, if there is nothing from them to save you from, then they have nothing
Commando Crow:to stand on when they try to get elected.
Commando Crow:But they create the problem so they can fool you to think they're
Commando Crow:gonna swoop in and fix the problem, when in fact, if it wasn't for
Commando Crow:them, the problem wouldn't exist.
Commando Crow:That's correct.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: So when people start talking, Oh, blacks are being this
Commando Crow:is a racial, No, it is not racial.
Commando Crow:And if you really look at what they call a racially motivated crime.
Commando Crow:99% of it is bs.
Commando Crow:America is so racist that we have to literally.
Commando Crow:stage Hate crimes.
Commando Crow:We are so racist that there aren't enough racist acts that the media
Commando Crow:can just walk out there and cover it.
Commando Crow:Somebody actually has to stage it, has to fake it.
Chris Williams:Perfect example of this too.
Chris Williams:You remember the the subway shooting in New York?
Chris Williams:All American Commando: Yeah,
Commando Crow:the Democrats came straight to the forefront.
Commando Crow:It was white supremacist that did this, and we need to take guns off the streets.
Commando Crow:All right.
Commando Crow:First of all, guns don't have anything to do with it, but the guy that they
Commando Crow:were calling a white supremacist was a middle aged black man.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: That's right.
Commando Crow:That's how they promoted it was white supremacy and
Commando Crow:. All American Commando: So and see this.
Commando Crow:And this is another thing about it too, and this is where the PSYOPs comes in.
Commando Crow:They cherry pick stories.
Commando Crow:They'll exclude certain details and claim it to be one way.
Commando Crow:And then they will wall to wall cover a lie.
Commando Crow:So people think that the problem is a hundred thousand times worse than it is.
Commando Crow:Recommendation there would be to just turn the
Commando Crow:TV off because you're getting ambushed every time you turn it on.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:If you have a news on, and I don't care News Max, msnbc, cbs, cnn, bbc.
Commando Crow:It's
Commando Crow:I count on it now.
Commando Crow:I do.
Commando Crow:And.
Commando Crow:Again, the whole purpose for this show is to look, if you like certain
Commando Crow:news channels, okay, that's fine.
Commando Crow:But Patrick, you and I grew up on, on this whole if we learned anything
Commando Crow:about life our dad and our grandfather told us, do not believe everything
Commando Crow:and believe less what you hear.
Commando Crow:That's my motivation here, is not to talk about anybody's desired
Commando Crow:news channel or anything like that.
Commando Crow:Just don't believe that everything you're hearing check it out.
Commando Crow:It's, it causes you to do a little work, but a little work never hurt anybody.
Commando Crow:But what, I don't
Commando Crow:All American Commando: mind calling out news
Commando Crow:channels.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I don't mind calling out news channels.
Commando Crow:But what my concern is?
Commando Crow:Is that we as Americans are Americans.
Commando Crow:We need to work together and that's how this country was founded.
Commando Crow:Patrick, you and I talked about this just a little while.
Commando Crow:Everybody knows the name of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson.
Commando Crow:These are great names in American history, but these men did not do anything
Commando Crow:toward independence by themselves.
Commando Crow:It was an entire 13 colonies that came together and said, We need to do.
Commando Crow:So when that Declaration of Independence was signed by these
Commando Crow:great statesmen it, No, I'm sorry.
Commando Crow:They don't even teach 'em anymore.
Commando Crow:But think about this.
Commando Crow:63 men delegated to one Congress to decide what to do.
Commando Crow:Made a decision to severe ties with England.
Commando Crow:You know the 13 colonies, I don't even think the population was as big as the
Commando Crow:English army at the time, but those men that we hear about and we reve as
Commando Crow:the founding fathers of our country, they didn't do this on their own.
Commando Crow:And the entire nation came together to fight against the tyranny of England.
Commando Crow:that's what I would like to see this country come back to.
Commando Crow:Quit listening to the garbage that's coming down from the tyrannical
Commando Crow:rulers of not just our country, but the people that are controlling them.
Commando Crow:We're a nation of brothers and sisters of American.
Commando Crow:We, we are Americans, I would say, of American descent, but we're not
Commando Crow:all Native American or from Mexico.
Commando Crow:Most of us are from Germany, England, Ireland, you know Iceland, all these
Commando Crow:countries from around the world.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: So we, that country, they're here.
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:And this country was founded on immigration, but we were not founded
Commando Crow:on the flooding of illegal immigration.
Commando Crow:And we do have an American heritage and we do have American values and virtue.
Commando Crow:and if we keep listening to what the news is telling us,
Commando Crow:it's gonna be another civil.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Is another thing.
Commando Crow:You have 125 different countries in the world.
Commando Crow:You've got 'em of all different types of government governance, right?
Commando Crow:If you wish to be socialists for communists, man, take a pick.
Commando Crow:You can go to one of.
Commando Crow:I wish to have a free America.
Commando Crow:I wish to maintain what we have and to reclaim what we have.
Commando Crow:So if you wish to have Communist or Marxist or socialist, or
Commando Crow:a hierarchy or a monarchy
Commando Crow:Oh they're there for the picking.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:You could find go all and go to the four corners of planet and you can,
Commando Crow:You're for, just leave my house out of, this is my home America.
Commando Crow:It's free.