The Government Hates You
[00:00] I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.
[00:15] {{pre-roll-cta}}
Question Everything
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Chris Williams:Good morning, my fellow Americans.
Chris Williams:Hey, what a privilege it is to live in the only country in the world where we can breathe the fresh air of liberty.
Chris Williams:Hey, we're glad you're here and welcome you to episode 27.
Chris Williams:We encourage you to share your thoughts on today's discussion by emailing us at
Chris Williams:I'm your host, Chris Williams, and my brother, Patrick Williams, is co host.
Chris Williams:And we are The Constitution Commandos.
Patrick Williams:People just got to understand every question, everything.
Patrick Williams:I mean.
Patrick Williams:I don't care if it's a box of cereal you buy, there's probably something on that, you know, some type of programming, you know, it's everything.
Patrick Williams:What you listen to on the radio.
Patrick Williams:What you listen to is your artists that, you know, your music, you like TV shows, you watch everything is some type of a program just to,
Chris Williams:to stimulate response.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:And that's, and that's it.
Patrick Williams:And people need to start questioning what they're, you know, but.
Patrick Williams:filth in, you'll get filth out.
Chris Williams:That's right.
Chris Williams:Now, you were talking about not listening to rap.
Chris Williams:Oh, and I didn't listen to a whole lot of rap.
Chris Williams:A lot of rap, I don't even like.
Chris Williams:Mainly because
Patrick Williams:of the content.
Patrick Williams:Well, I don't even, I can't even get past the repetition in the songs.
Patrick Williams:So, I don't even listen to the content.
Patrick Williams:Well, that's,
Chris Williams:that's like your BS crap today, though.
Chris Williams:But, I mean, like, Now, see, when N.
Chris Williams:W.
Chris Williams:A.
Chris Williams:came out, Remember, they were hit hard for being gangster rap and this, that, and the other.
Chris Williams:And, Yeah.
Chris Williams:I mean, nobody can deny they, I mean, it came out of Compton.
Chris Williams:So it's not like they
Patrick Williams:were, you know, well, who all was that?
Patrick Williams:That was ice cube and ice
Chris Williams:cube, yellow Dr.
Chris Williams:Dre,
Patrick Williams:Dr.
Patrick Williams:Dre.
Patrick Williams:Easy.
Patrick Williams:Yep.
Chris Williams:And, and you know, I don't know how much of NWA you listen to, but I was actually kind of drawn to him, not because it was rap, but because they were actually talking about their life in Compton.
Chris Williams:What it amounted to and I mean, was it glamorous though?
Chris Williams:Indeed?
Chris Williams:It was not, but they
Patrick Williams:were storytellers in their own little way, but I mean, I remember listening to nwa, I mean,
Chris Williams:Right, but the thing is they didn't really just do like they do today pushing a dope screwing your dog Beating up your sister all that kind of stuff.
Chris Williams:They didn't do all that Now the stories they told about living in compton.
Chris Williams:I mean if you can't face real life, I mean What's the problem, you know, and that's really about all they were doing Look, when I met them accidentally, I should say what really happened.
Chris Williams:I ran right smooth into ice cube and hell and gold chains on.
Chris Williams:I thought he was Mr.
Chris Williams:But they're actually, I mean, down to earth, decent people, not the kind of guys you really want to get on the bad side, but all in all decent people.
Chris Williams:Now that they're away from Compton and.
Chris Williams:But while walking out of Compton into the music business, wasn't a whole lot of difference, but, but, you know, they're not, they're not bad people, you know, but then you got these other people, man, they got some pretty awful lyrics.
Chris Williams:I mean, not even stuff that I would rate him a, you know, you know, like I don't, I don't, I'm sure you remember this back when Judas Priest and Ozzy Osbourne and Iron Maiden, all those, all those bands got.
Chris Williams:They got taken to court because of a spike in teen suicides and their music was the cause of it.
Chris Williams:And, you know, they get Ozzy on the stand and they hit him for that song, Suicide Solution.
Chris Williams:And I can't do his British accent from Birmingham, but he was like, have you ever read, have you ever read the lyrics?
Chris Williams:You The whole song was...
Chris Williams:Talking about his dad who drank himself to death, right?
Chris Williams:Basically committed suicide, drinking too much.
Chris Williams:And he was saying there is a solution to this problem.
Chris Williams:Quit drinking.
Chris Williams:But they wanted to hem him up for a spike in teen suicides over that song.
Chris Williams:But...
Chris Williams:And Iron Maiden, Number of the Beasts.
Chris Williams:Boy, did they catch a lot of flack for that.
Chris Williams:Oh, I know it.
Chris Williams:Boy, they were Satan worshippers, weren't they?
Chris Williams:Nobody ever
Chris Williams:Patrick Williams: listened to their lyrics.
Chris Williams:I remember when Metallica and The Cult came to town.
Chris Williams:Yeah, The Cult, Sepultura.
Chris Williams:And people out there, listening to these Satanists, and it's like really?
Chris Williams:And it was because of The Cult, you know, it's like.
Chris Williams:Right.
Chris Williams:Or non metallic at the time, I think was doing For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Chris Williams:No, no, there was Ain't Justice
Chris Williams:for All.
Patrick Williams:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I mean, yeah, freedom is,
Chris Williams:freedom is, freedom is
Patrick Williams:gone.
Patrick Williams:So, I mean, but they were calling them Satanists.
Patrick Williams:I'm like, who?
Patrick Williams:Who is
Patrick Williams:Satanists?
Patrick Williams:What the hell are y'all talking about?
Patrick Williams:But, yeah.
Chris Williams:Well, I think that was, I think that's just the Southern Baptist Coalition.
Chris Williams:They didn't like rock and roll period because remember right about that same time they banned striper for coming here
Patrick Williams:Yeah, it's like a straight up Christian band
Chris Williams:Yeah, band that throws Bibles at the audience.
Chris Williams:Come on now and they got banned because they wore leather pants and look when we went to the girls girls girls concert for Motley Crue Choke Wicker
Chris Williams:and I actually went to Chastain one day because I wanted him to meet my English teacher, whom I loved to death.
Chris Williams:I know you remember me talking about Mama Stokes.
Chris Williams:Yeah, but she was the Chastain version of Mama Jacobs at Clinton and that's the one I told you when first day of class rolls around she introduces herself,
Chris Williams:talks about the class, and then she tells us, now when you get old enough to vote, don't you vote for my son?
Chris Williams:But yeah.
Chris Williams:Anyway, we went back up to the, we went over to Chast State to see her and she just happened to be walking down the hall saw us wearing our Motley Crue t shirts and First thing she asked me, Did you go to that concert?
Chris Williams:And I said, Yes ma'am.
Chris Williams:She said, Did that man really pull his britches down?
Chris Williams:And then Chuck started laughing.
Chris Williams:It was like, He was showing off his tattoo.
Chris Williams:Mama Doug said, Well, I don't know why these parents always want to cry and complain about what these kids are seeing at these concerts.
Chris Williams:If they don't want them to see it, they should have let them go.
Chris Williams:And that's about right, isn't it?
Chris Williams:It's kind of like what we were talking about the pregnancy and inflation thing.
Chris Williams:I mean, you don't need an abortion, just close your legs, quit having sex.
Chris Williams:Yeah, that's simple.
Chris Williams:If you get down to the nitty gritty, I mean, the woman doesn't close her legs, keeps having sex, keeps getting pregnant.
Chris Williams:You're, you're the reason for inflation.
Patrick Williams:And people aren't having babies.
Patrick Williams:You know, we're having a population reduction.
Patrick Williams:And this is coming from the people that want.
Patrick Williams:Late term abortions.
Patrick Williams:You mean after birth abortions?
Patrick Williams:I don't know how they call it an after birth abortion.
Patrick Williams:I don't know.
Patrick Williams:And that's called murder, but I mean, it's, it's, it's so funny to me that you're talking out of both sides of your mouth, you're pushing for abortion.
Patrick Williams:And then you're going to turn around and say, because we have a dwindling population.
Patrick Williams:We need to have more illegal immigrants, right?
Patrick Williams:That is so stupid.
Patrick Williams:Get rid of abortion.
Patrick Williams:Stop killing a million of kids.
Patrick Williams:And our population was sustained.
Chris Williams:There was a guy I saw on one of these social media networks yesterday.
Chris Williams:It was really kind of cool because he's on one side of the street, pretty much by himself while everybody else is on the other side picketing.
Chris Williams:For abortions and he's standing right in front of the abortion clinic and he's hollering at these women saying y'all don't want abortions You don't want abortions because you're here.
Chris Williams:Yeah, and then he said He ran it for about five or six minutes at him And never stopped and every point he made was valid and then he said do you realize that in this country?
Chris Williams:If a pregnant woman is walking across this street gets hit by a car and dies The driver of that car is going to be charged for two counts of murder
Patrick Williams:Why is that because even the judge considers that?
Patrick Williams:That that fetus unborn child, a person, a person,
Chris Williams:and so it's, but it's okay to go have an abortion.
Chris Williams:Does it make sense?
Chris Williams:Does it?
Chris Williams:And I mean, their arguments argue against themselves.
Chris Williams:I mean, if we just let them talk long enough, they'll defeat themselves in a really bad argument.
Chris Williams:Yep.
Chris Williams:Of course, I haven't heard one of them make a really good argument yet.
Chris Williams:Whatever happened to Pelosi anyway, she lost a gavel.
Chris Williams:So what happened to her?
Chris Williams:She take a vacation.
Chris Williams:She went to go visit Mr.
Chris Williams:Underwear Man.
Patrick Williams:Apparently, she's going to be leaving.
Patrick Williams:I don't even think she's going to run again.
Chris Williams:No, she's not going to run again.
Chris Williams:She's going to have her britches all tied up.
Chris Williams:I wouldn't be surprised if she resigns before her next election.
Chris Williams:Yeah, I'm kind of expecting that to be honest, but because she's going she's going to be butthurt about losing that gavel
Patrick Williams:Oh,
Chris Williams:yeah, but just deal with mcconnell.
Chris Williams:He's got to go.
Chris Williams:He has to go.
Patrick Williams:Oh, yeah Well, i'm not a fan of mccarthy either.
Chris Williams:I'm not a fan of mccarthy, but the only Semi good thing about mccarthy taking the gavel is that Well, the Republicans got the house, but that's, I don't know what the good thing is about McCarthy getting the gavel.
Patrick Williams:Well, he already said point blank.
Patrick Williams:He's not going to do anything to lead for impeachments for Mayorkas or anybody.
Patrick Williams:It's like, dude, Well, that's what I'm saying.
Patrick Williams:I mean, he'll be an ineffective leader and I'm sorry, the people want Mayorkas gone.
Patrick Williams:The people want attorney general what's his name?
Patrick Williams:Dipshit up there.
Chris Williams:Gall Garland, Garland, Garland.
Chris Williams:I mean, we'll see that the Biden administration gone
Patrick Williams:really.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:But I mean, we can see that their acts are blatantly against American interest and those people should not be there because they signed, I mean, they swore an oath.
Patrick Williams:You know, Article 10 is the oath.
Patrick Williams:Joe Biden's oath is
Chris Williams:to, is to uphold, to defend.
Chris Williams:What is it all?
Chris Williams:Oh my goodness.
Chris Williams:His job, his oath requires him to basically.
Chris Williams:Hold on to that constitution for dear life.
Chris Williams:And he's doing everything he can to wreck it.
Chris Williams:Which is why I've been saying for two years now, all of us veterans and every service member in this country knows.
Chris Williams:We do not negotiate with terrorists.
Chris Williams:We had zero problem putting, what's his name, Al Salamani out.
Chris Williams:We didn't have any problem taking out people.
Chris Williams:We had no business taking out.
Chris Williams:So why are we leaving these people in office?
Chris Williams:I've been having to bite my tongue about that lately because people have been crawling in my case about saying things about the...
Chris Williams:About that.
Chris Williams:About what particular about we as a country need to get these people out of office?
Chris Williams:Because I mean, I mean, look, we were talking about this yesterday.
Chris Williams:If you don't care about this country, you don't care about the rights that you have here.
Chris Williams:You don't care about your liberties, you don't care.
Chris Williams:You don't care about being free to be, you get the hell out.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:But the rest of us, we need to get the Biden administration out.
Chris Williams:I mean, if we can't look around and see the damage that's being done.
Chris Williams:And I've gotten to the point now where I, I mean, I apologize if you're a Biden supporter, but you don't want to have that conversation with me because I'm getting, I'm already past irritated.
Patrick Williams:But when I'll have, no, I'll have that, I'll have that conversation with anybody.
Patrick Williams:I don't care if they Biden supporter or not, because personally, and I would love for a Biden supporter to call me up and say, or send me a message or.
Patrick Williams:Leave it in the comments about what, okay.
Patrick Williams:Anybody in support or number one, tell me what has Biden done for this country in his 50 years in Washington.
Patrick Williams:Number two, tell me what policies he's enacted that are for the betterment of this country as president.
Patrick Williams:And number three, tell me if you honestly believe that Biden is not compromised.
Patrick Williams:Then give me an argument as to why you think he's not because I will produce receipts saying that he is compromised.
Chris Williams:Hold on.
Chris Williams:He is compromised what?
Patrick Williams:He is compromised or he has portrayed the, the image of being compromised.
Chris Williams:Oh, he's way beyond compromised.
Chris Williams:I mean, the evidence
Patrick Williams:is there already.
Patrick Williams:I mean, well, that's why I'm saying, I don't care if somebody likes badness listening to us or not.
Patrick Williams:You know, I got no problem with a Democrat president.
Patrick Williams:I have no problem with a Democrat president as long as they're doing right by the country.
Patrick Williams:Now, look, I'm not
Chris Williams:saying that at all.
Chris Williams:What I'm saying is I've had too many conversations and believe it or not, it's only like three or four people that I know that are Biden supporters.
Chris Williams:And I have, I have pretty much had my fill of listening to people who are Biden supporters, because what I have a problem with is they're not willing to look at facts.
Chris Williams:They're not willing to accept that Biden has done anything when you talk about defund the police They are I mean these people are telling me oh, well each state does that where do you think
Chris Williams:the states get their money from the bottom line is the Biden administration has stepped in and All I had to do was go into that Oval Office set his
Chris Williams:Tired butt down, prop his feet up on an ottoman, grab him a diet coke, turn on the movie, and just sit there for four years and we'd have been fine.
Patrick Williams:But yeah, well, I'm the president.
Chris Williams:I tell
Patrick Williams:you, man, the people that say that I think they're just trolls.
Patrick Williams:I really do.
Patrick Williams:Or they're honest to God.
Patrick Williams:They're just stupid.
Patrick Williams:They don't understand economics.
Patrick Williams:You know, it's just like that.
Patrick Williams:Oh, the president doesn't affect or control the price of fuel.
Patrick Williams:Okay.
Patrick Williams:Then why is it the last place that you were
Chris Williams:blaming for all the problems that you say you were having that gum and went out again?
Patrick Williams:But, but, and they always want to blame the war on Ukraine.
Patrick Williams:Oh, it's Putin's price hike.
Patrick Williams:No, it's not.
Patrick Williams:Because before then, America has only imported 3 percent of our energy from Russia.
Patrick Williams:That is three.
Patrick Williams:One, two, three.
Patrick Williams:Three percent.
Patrick Williams:And the reason it is, true enough, a global problem.
Patrick Williams:But when America was energy, an energy energy dependent, I mean, independent, and we were producing our own energy, we were also exporting it.
Patrick Williams:What happened was we were producing enough energy to add on a world market, more energy per barrel.
Patrick Williams:Then what Saudi and Iran and Venezuela and Russia were doing together.
Patrick Williams:If you take, yeah, but if you take America's production away, Then you probably just cut the global supply in half.
Patrick Williams:Okay.
Patrick Williams:So that's where the globe, sure.
Patrick Williams:It's a global issue because we don't produce any more.
Patrick Williams:People don't seem to understand.
Patrick Williams:It's well, here,
Chris Williams:here's what gets me.
Chris Williams:Okay.
Chris Williams:And this isn't a matter of not understanding.
Chris Williams:This is a matter of, I'm just going to be blind because that's who I voted for.
Chris Williams:And I just don't want to accept it.
Chris Williams:This is what gets me.
Chris Williams:And we're going to stick to the oil issue.
Chris Williams:Joe Biden's very first day in office, there were a stack of executive orders that were signed by Donald Trump that he went through and overturned just because Trump's name was on them.
Chris Williams:Now, one of those issues was a Keystone pipeline.
Chris Williams:That was ours.
Chris Williams:That was our pipeline.
Chris Williams:Now that pipeline was going to provide a lot more energy production.
Chris Williams:That is now cut off and he cut off the ability for these people to get any kind of permits to drill anywhere else.
Chris Williams:And that cut how many thousands of jobs?
Chris Williams:How many
Patrick Williams:families were put out on the streets?
Patrick Williams:Well, the Keystone XL pipeline was over 10, 000 jobs right then.
Patrick Williams:Just, just that one.
Patrick Williams:Yeah, and, and the thing about it is, it wasn't just that he stopped leases.
Patrick Williams:What he did was he halted for future exploration.
Patrick Williams:He halted all drilling in federal lands and, and the waters.
Patrick Williams:Then he turned around the leases that were already granted.
Patrick Williams:Well, he didn't necessarily cancel them.
Patrick Williams:What he did was he implemented all these damn regulations.
Patrick Williams:So they were in plus because the pipeline was halted.
Patrick Williams:You can't just drill.
Patrick Williams:What do you, you got to transport it from where you are pulling it out of the earth to a refinery.
Patrick Williams:That's what the pipelines are for.
Patrick Williams:Well, then they turn around.
Patrick Williams:Because the pipeline was ended.
Patrick Williams:You just took away the transportation of it.
Patrick Williams:So I don't care if you had an active well, you can't drill it because you can't export, you can't transport it.
Patrick Williams:Well, then they put in so many regulations that a lot of the leases that were granted, they couldn't do any, well, they couldn't do anything with them because of the regulations that were stacked on top of them.
Patrick Williams:So now, yeah, I got a lease, but it might as well be garbage.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:How many thousands of jobs is that?
Patrick Williams:I mean, the jobs
Chris Williams:I was talking about was just a Keystone pipeline.
Patrick Williams:Yeah, but it's, it's amazing how many jobs were lost over this.
Patrick Williams:I, it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands because people think, oh, well, they can just go do some.
Patrick Williams:Solar panel work or something.
Patrick Williams:Now, what do you think it takes to make those solar panels?
Patrick Williams:What is another thing?
Patrick Williams:about it?
Patrick Williams:OK, you turn around like the Dakotas man booming.
Patrick Williams:You had a pipeline XL pipeline.
Patrick Williams:It came out of Canada, OK?
Patrick Williams:And it was going across America.
Patrick Williams:So what happened?
Patrick Williams:And then the Alaska pipeline.
Patrick Williams:Oh, and more.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:But see, then you got all these people that were working in these very remote rural places, towns popped up because of the pipeline workers, because it isn't like they just built the pipeline and then evacuated that area.
Patrick Williams:Mm.
Patrick Williams:Somebody's got to be there to maintain it.
Patrick Williams:Yeah, that's right.
Patrick Williams:So these towns popped up, those towns were sustained by the income of the pipeline workers.
Patrick Williams:So now those towns are going to wind up being ghost towns because there's no workers on the pipeline who made the good money to support the local jobs in those towns.
Patrick Williams:So if you're talking about direct result of oil employees.
Patrick Williams:Pipeline employees.
Patrick Williams:I wouldn't know, but when you're talking about it, jobs directly, they, they were supported by that industry.
Patrick Williams:Oh my gosh.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:I mean,
Chris Williams:what you're doing right
Patrick Williams:now.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Patrick Williams:Go look at Lake Charles, Lafayette.
Patrick Williams:You go look at Port Allen.
Patrick Williams:Those towns wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for those damn refineries down there.
Patrick Williams:That's
Chris Williams:absolutely right.
Chris Williams:But now let me add insult to injury because this is what Biden ultimately did.
Chris Williams:He shut down Keystone Pipeline and all the other pipelines.
Chris Williams:And all this in the name of what?
Chris Williams:The Green New Deal.
Chris Williams:So, if we're supposed to be going for the Green New Deal, and we're pushing this as a global narrative, why are we sending Putin all our money to finish the Nordstrom Pipeline?
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:That doesn't make sense.
Chris Williams:Except that now he just aided Putin in cutting off just about half of East Europe.
Chris Williams:But, who cares, right?
Chris Williams:Oh, wait a minute.
Chris Williams:Didn't, didn't that pipeline blow up
Patrick Williams:not too long?
Patrick Williams:Oh,
Chris Williams:and that was our tax dollars
Patrick Williams:too, mind you.
Patrick Williams:Well, people have to, eventually they have to understand that everything that Biden has done in this country as president.
Patrick Williams:It's kind of been a, it's been a direct assault on the well being of our nation.
Chris Williams:Absolutely.
Chris Williams:And, and the next two that I'm thinking of bringing up are, are the two that really infuriate me.
Chris Williams:I'm, I'm, we are veterans, so I'm pretty sure that there are veterans.
Chris Williams:That are listening to us gripe about this right now, and if you know a veteran, please go ask him, how does he feel about this?
Chris Williams:When we pulled out of Afghanistan, most five year olds know that you don't just grab your troops and leave.
Chris Williams:Especially, you don't leave how many millions, billions of dollars of high tech equipment, full of our classified information.
Chris Williams:We didn't bother zeroing anything out, we didn't blow anything up, we just left it.
Chris Williams:They can have it.
Chris Williams:Let's not, you know, forget the equipment.
Chris Williams:What about all the American civilians that are, that we left over there?
Chris Williams:And let's not forget the interpreters who helped us out.
Chris Williams:And they were promised citizenship in the United States with their families because we knew if we left them behind, they were going to get killed.
Chris Williams:We haven't been back over there to make any rescue attempts.
Chris Williams:We just left them.
Chris Williams:Your troops leave last, period.
Chris Williams:The other one, when Israel was taking those 8, 000 missiles for that week, and somebody finally asked Biden, the question should have been asked
Chris Williams:a week before, are we going to go help Israel, his response, they're a sovereign nation, they have the right to take care of herself, and I'm like.
Chris Williams:You did not just turn your back on Israel.
Chris Williams:You got
Patrick Williams:a wrong answer, bud.
Patrick Williams:Anybody
Chris Williams:who has any doubts about what happens to a country if you turn your back on or attack Israel, just go look through history.
Chris Williams:You haven't got to read the Bible to figure it out.
Chris Williams:Look at Africa.
Chris Williams:I'm telling you.
Chris Williams:Egypt, Palestine.
Chris Williams:Most countries don't bode well when they, when they mess with Israel.
Patrick Williams:Well, I just, I wish people would be able to piece two and two together and come to understand that this administration, well, in my opinion, is run by Obama for the Biden.
Chris Williams:No, it's not.
Chris Williams:It's run by the Chinese
Patrick Williams:president.
Patrick Williams:Well, I know, but I mean, you turn around and you look at, look at all the people in the cabinet.
Patrick Williams:They're Obama's cabinet.
Patrick Williams:Obama said point blank that he would,
Chris Williams:he would love to sit in his boxes and have a microphone and tell us somebody else
Patrick Williams:what to do.
Patrick Williams:And then look at Victoria Nuland.
Patrick Williams:Victoria Nuland, I mean, she was in an embassy over in Ukraine.
Patrick Williams:She's the one that coordinated.
Patrick Williams:The freaking color revolution in Ukraine in 2014.
Patrick Williams:I mean, we, we, we, we got people that are directly against our country working in the highest levels of government and throughout the bureaucracy.
Patrick Williams:They hate our country.
Chris Williams:That's it.
Chris Williams:And the only reason they're there, this is why I got so mad at the politicians for the last couple of years.
Chris Williams:It kept getting on TV.
Chris Williams:Well, Biden needs to do this.
Chris Williams:Biden, y'all shut up.
Chris Williams:Y'all are in a position of authority.
Chris Williams:You're in a position where you could do something about it.
Chris Williams:Quit talking about what Biden needs to do because Biden is doing exactly what he's being paid to do.
Chris Williams:I mean, he's in bed with China.
Chris Williams:That's the bottom line.
Chris Williams:Quit talking about what Biden needs to do.
Chris Williams:You do what you need to do, which is what I've been saying to every American I talked to, we need to do what we need to do before we can't do it.
Chris Williams:I
Patrick Williams:said, the people that that miss all of this, that can't put two and two together, man, they're just got their heads buried in the sand.
Patrick Williams:That's exactly right.
Patrick Williams:But they're, well, they're also complicit because it's no different than what I've said before.
Patrick Williams:They would much rather see this country fail than to have somebody like Trump in office.
Patrick Williams:They don't care about the country.
Patrick Williams:They just have a personal vendetta against somebody because he don't talk like them.
Patrick Williams:He don't act like them.
Patrick Williams:He won't follow.
Patrick Williams:I got news.
Patrick Williams:Well, and that's good because the only orders he needs to follow are from the citizens.
Patrick Williams:And you know what?
Patrick Williams:I, I, I would much rather somebody like Trump be in office, pisses people off because of his speech, the way he carries himself.
Patrick Williams:That is some have some polished politician up there that's going to destroy us, you know, and, and I'm sorry, Trump bank control.
Patrick Williams:That's why, that's why they're out to get him.
Patrick Williams:And he can't be bought.
Patrick Williams:That's the whole reason.
Patrick Williams:That's right.
Patrick Williams:That's the whole reason they're out to destroy him.
Patrick Williams:That's
Chris Williams:it.
Chris Williams:That's exactly right.
Chris Williams:You know, this deep state issue that we've had has been going on for a lot of years, a lot, apparently a lot more years than the American public was even aware of.
Chris Williams:Simply because the deep state has managed to play the illusionist for so long.
Chris Williams:The bottom line is, now it's time to wake up.
Chris Williams:It is way past time to wake up.
Chris Williams:You know, I've asked people in the last year or so if they know what the Declaration of Independence says.
Chris Williams:And then I tell them, hold on.
Chris Williams:Don't answer that.
Chris Williams:I'm going to answer it for you.
Chris Williams:You don't know what the Declaration of Independence says.
Chris Williams:The reason I know that is because we weren't taught what the Declaration of Independence says.
Chris Williams:And if anybody in our generation or past generations knew what the Declaration of Independence says, this government would have been overthrown 150 years ago.
Chris Williams:But either way it goes, nobody needs me and you telling them that politicians in office are lying.
Chris Williams:Everybody's known politicians lie ever since we were kids.
Chris Williams:But we don't really have to prove that they're lying because they're being so blatant about it now.
Chris Williams:What was that Joe Biden said during the campaign was Oh yeah.
Chris Williams:Some, somebody asked him about executive orders and he said only dictators run a country by executive order.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:Try to find that news report.
Chris Williams:Now you won't find it.
Chris Williams:It's been pulled, but how many executive orders has Biden signed now?
Chris Williams:I mean, now he's going so far as to tell people, I'm pardoning everybody with that has a felony arrest with a misdemeanor marijuana charge.
Chris Williams:Well, first of all, you just bought a few votes because of stupid people, because there's no such thing as a misdemeanor felony arrest.
Chris Williams:Yeah.
Chris Williams:Duh.
Chris Williams:Or a federal arrest, I should say.
Chris Williams:And then just recently, what was this oh yeah, the student forgiveness loans.
Chris Williams:Student loan forgiveness.
Chris Williams:Hoax.
Chris Williams:Hoax a million.
Chris Williams:Now the 22 midterms are over, and guess what, a bunch of people voted the wrong way thinking they're going to get out of paying for their loans, and guess what,
Patrick Williams:not happening!
Patrick Williams:Yeah, not happening.
Patrick Williams:Judge put a
Chris Williams:stop to that.
Patrick Williams:That's because these stupid people that voted for it don't understand the, the jobs of each of the three damn Branches of government.
Patrick Williams:That's up to the legislative branch.
Patrick Williams:Congress holds the purse strings.
Patrick Williams:The president doesn't.
Patrick Williams:The president can't make that
Chris Williams:call.
Chris Williams:He can't even put in
Patrick Williams:an executive order.
Patrick Williams:Yeah, and not only does Congress hold the purse strings, they would have to pass the law, then send it to the Senate.
Patrick Williams:I don't know why they didn't do that while they had the presidency, the House, and the Senate.
Patrick Williams:If they wanted it to happen, and I will tell you, they didn't want it to happen.
Patrick Williams:They wanted to use it to pander to their...
Patrick Williams:Dumbass constituents, and I'm sorry if I'm pissing people off, because I hope it does offend some of y'all, because if you voted for Biden and
Patrick Williams:believed any of this shit, you're a dumbass, because you don't understand the principles, the basic functions, and the principles of our government.
Chris Williams:Well, that concludes our show for today, and we thank you for being here with us.
Chris Williams:If you liked the show, rate it and review us on Podchaser.
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Chris Williams:It only takes a moment and it would help us tremendously.
Chris Williams:Subscribe to get our weekly emails and your personal copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Chris Williams:Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the Constitution Commandos.
Chris Williams:Signing off.