The Blame Belongs to Biden
[00:00] I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.
[00:15] {{pre-roll-cta}}
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[00:43] Biden did not create low unemployment or gas prices
[04:07] Joe Biden was passing out free crack pipes
[05:48] Who are the real terrorists?
[09:41] You have a voice, even if the state says you can’t vote
[11:17] Domestic Violence Laws
[13:08] Living in China
[14:43] Officer Derrick Chauvin
[18:13] Jackson, MS is a war zone
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Commando Crow:Good morning, fellow Americans.
Commando Crow:What a privilege it is to live in the only country in the world where we can still breathe the fresh air of liberty.
Commando Crow:Welcome to episode 28.
Commando Crow:Today, the blame belongs to Biden.
Commando Crow:Hey, we want to know what you think about this.
Commando Crow:I'm Share your thoughts by emailing us at podcast at the constitution
Commando Crow:I'm your host, Chris Williams.
Commando Crow:This is my brother Patrick Williams, cohost, and we are the Constitution Commandos.
Commando Crow:For everybody who believes that Joe Biden reduced unemployment, let's be very clear about something.
Commando Crow:Let's be very clear about something here because he didn't reduce unemployment.
Commando Crow:What happened was after COVID was over, people just went back to work.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, I know.
Commando Crow:Yeah, Trump brought in over 11 million jobs.
Commando Crow:Over 11 million.
Commando Crow:He brought companies back here.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, then COVID hit, and they started trying to push for these forced mandates, and people staying at home, and not working, and getting a government paycheck, and then,
Commando Crow:yeah, when a lot of them gimmes were taken away, they started going back to work, and it wasn't new jobs, it was jobs that people left because of cOVID.
Commando Crow:Yep, it was refills.
Commando Crow:Yeah, people just went back to work.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, but there are a lot of people out there that really believe.
Commando Crow:Oh, Biden produced unemployment.
Commando Crow:No, he didn't.
Commando Crow:Oh, and don't be fooled by these gas prices either.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, they were so busy hatin on Trump that they didn't realize they Trump brought over 11 million jobs back to America.
Commando Crow:Oh, yeah.
Commando Crow:And the gas price dropped.
Commando Crow:You know, people are calling it cheap now.
Commando Crow:Don't, don't...
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:Because, you know, if you think about it, two years ago, two years ago, here in Mississippi, it was 1.
Commando Crow:86 a gallon, if I remember correctly.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: That was dang close to that, yeah.
Commando Crow:Wasn't even 2.
Commando Crow:And it stayed there.
Commando Crow:I remember looking at the gas prices going, well, how come the gas prices aren't going up?
Commando Crow:They gotta be going up eventually.
Commando Crow:The whole time Donald Trump was in office, it never went over 2 here.
Commando Crow:I don't even think it hit 2 here.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, I think it did 2.
Commando Crow:05 once, but that was like early in his presidency.
Commando Crow:Yeah, early.
Commando Crow:I mean,
Commando Crow:really?
Commando Crow:But the gas price dropped that you're seeing now, don't call that as he's reducing gas prices because guess what?
Commando Crow:We don't have any oil left in our reserves.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I mean, we do, but we have way less than we've ever had at a critical point.
Commando Crow:And if you're wondering, Joe Biden went over to Saudi Arabia and he was going to try to lick the King's boots over there.
Commando Crow:And the King wasn't playing over there and asked him to produce more oil so we can reduce our prices.
Commando Crow:He said, you know what I'm going to do?
Commando Crow:I'm going to reduce production by 2 million barrels a day.
Commando Crow:Have a nice day, joe.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, that's what I think about you and your whatever, dumbass.
Commando Crow:Yep, absolutely.
Commando Crow:But Hey, if you like Joe Biden, more power to you.
Commando Crow:Yep.
Commando Crow:Won't make any friends here though.
Commando Crow:But I'll tell you what, if you did vote for Joe Biden and you still support him.
Commando Crow:I got a car that needs to be fixed.
Commando Crow:Needs a full tank of gas.
Commando Crow:I think I need some oil and transmission fluid too.
Commando Crow:Leave your comments with your information, so I can contact you after the show, right?
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:Man, I saw, I bought a bottle of transmission, I mean a quart of transmission fluid, and I paid almost 10 for it.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Oh yeah?
Commando Crow:Oh.
Commando Crow:10 for a quart of transmission fluid, I normally pay like 2.
Commando Crow:50 for.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, it's got ridiculous.
Commando Crow:Oh, no, Joe Biden didn't do that.
Commando Crow:Don't worry
Commando Crow:He should have stayed in his basement sleeping or smoking crack or something because he's killing this country
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah,
Commando Crow:you know, he was passing out crack pipes for a while, right?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yep.
Commando Crow:I'm not sure exactly what that was about I mean, doesn't he know his son's gonna need'em
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I mean it's, but that, honest to God, he really did.
Commando Crow:Yep, he sure did.
Commando Crow:I was kind of wondering what the pipe was for if he wasn't going to serve the dope too.
Commando Crow:I mean, isn't the government into all that dope dealing?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yep.
Commando Crow:It seems like they get higher quality, so maybe that's why he wasn't getting rid of that too.
Commando Crow:He's saving that for his son.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Probably.
Commando Crow:Yeah, I could rip and tear on Joe Biden for a long time.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, I had to wake up.
Commando Crow:I mean, well, like I said, I mean, I mean, I know where I stand.
Commando Crow:I stand for limited government, I stand for small government, right?
Commando Crow:I stand for actually a reduction size of our government to get it to a reduced minimal government.
Commando Crow:Well, in order for it to be the republic it was established to be, yeah, that's exactly what it needs to be.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I mean, and golly, just think about if we could just cut the size of our government, man, I bet we could cut it 75 percent and I'd be willing to bet it'd still function and operate.
Commando Crow:And
Commando Crow:no, it'd be a well off machine then.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, and, and think about how much tax dollars we had saved.
Commando Crow:Oh my gosh.
Commando Crow:Just off of that.
Commando Crow:Oh, come on.
Commando Crow:You don't think we need a Department of Homeland Security?
Commando Crow:The F B I.
Commando Crow:The NSA.
Commando Crow:The NIA, the, I mean the CIA
Commando Crow:All American Commando: D N I.
Commando Crow:Well, none.
Commando Crow:How many security agencies do we need?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: You know, there ain't one TSA agent out there that stopped an act.
Commando Crow:I mean, an actual terrorist.
Commando Crow:Well, how about this?
Commando Crow:We don't need to worry about terrorists when the terrorists that flew into the, into the Twin Towers are walking around the next day at work in another continent.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, it's all BS.
Commando Crow:The Patriot Act needs to go.
Commando Crow:Biggest infringement on our dang constitutional rights right there.
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:And when we went and got Qaddafi, when we went and got Noriega, There was a whole bunch of false flags went up so that we would believe that we were under attack.
Commando Crow:So the country would have every reason in the world to break every law in the book internationally.
Commando Crow:So they could go take somebody out of office.
Commando Crow:They didn't like,
Commando Crow:All American Commando: well, we can't go to war unless we have the support of the public, you know, I mean, it's no different than them saying
Commando Crow:that Assad or whatever his name is, I mean Syrian president saying he was using chemical weapons on his people.
Commando Crow:And now that was bullshit.
Commando Crow:He wasn't using the chemical weapons.
Commando Crow:It was somebody else using the chemical weapons on their people.
Commando Crow:But that was the explanation is because it's so appalling to the American people.
Commando Crow:Oh, we need to go stop that.
Commando Crow:That's a ruthless monster, but it was all a lie.
Commando Crow:Every bit of it.
Commando Crow:And as bad as I hate to say it, cause I know it's still fresh on everybody's mind because it still is on mine.
Commando Crow:It was a horrifying day, but 911, that was definitely a false flag.
Commando Crow:And the sad part is, this is how, this is how depraved the people are, and I'm not just talking about the deep state, I'm talking about the people who are in the top offices in our country.
Commando Crow:They're all in it.
Commando Crow:They're all part of it.
Commando Crow:But they're willing to kill 3, 000 of their own people just so they can have an excuse to take a trip over the water so they can go make some more money.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: That's it.
Commando Crow:That's all that war was for, was to make money.
Commando Crow:And the bad part is, more people had to die.
Commando Crow:When they went over there, but we like these people.
Commando Crow:Don't we?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Nope.
Commando Crow:Not at all.
Commando Crow:I remember right before Joe Biden stole the office.
Commando Crow:I forget where it was.
Commando Crow:I want to say Pennsylvania, but there was a couple of blue collar workers really trying to get his attention, wanting him to answer some questions.
Commando Crow:And he stopped to listen to it for a second.
Commando Crow:Of course, these guys are hot under the collar.
Commando Crow:You know what I mean?
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:And, and Joe finally was Oh, shut up.
Commando Crow:You don't know shit.
Commando Crow:I was like, oh no, he didn't.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:That's your boss, man.
Commando Crow:Excuse me.
Commando Crow:You don't what, man?
Commando Crow:I wish he would have, I wish I'd have been the one he said that to.
Commando Crow:I really do.
Commando Crow:Wouldn't have to worry about him being president.
Commando Crow:Hope you're listening, big brother.
Commando Crow:Yeah, well, I think that the rest of the country, you know what, if even a quarter of our country got as irate as I have been about this administration, man, I think things would be smooth sailing right now, don't you?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, I think more than a quarter is, but I think they're trying their hardest.
Commando Crow:Be diplomatic.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I think there's a, the last thing any of us want is violence in the streets.
Commando Crow:You know,
Commando Crow:we don't need another civil war.
Commando Crow:That's for sure.
Commando Crow:And look, of all the wars we fought since the civil war, all those wars together didn't mount up to the amount of bodies we collected in the civil war.
Commando Crow:We lost almost 720, 000 people, Americans during the civil war.
Commando Crow:We don't need that again, for sure.
Commando Crow:No, but one thing we do need.
Commando Crow:Is the Patriots in this country who, and I'm not saying veterans, you don't have to be a veteran to be a Patriot, but what we really need is all the Patriots
Commando Crow:in this country to start standing shoulder to shoulder and agree if nothing else on this one thing, we're tired of our country getting ripped apart.
Commando Crow:Now, I'm not saying that'll be total unity in this country, but those of us who are still unified need to be.
Commando Crow:Identified and undivided bar none.
Commando Crow:And I've heard a lot over the last couple of years, too.
Commando Crow:I've heard a couple of people that are felons that say, well, I don't get to vote.
Commando Crow:So I don't really have a voice.
Commando Crow:Hey, look, speak up.
Commando Crow:You may not have a vote, but your voice counts.
Commando Crow:Don't be silent.
Commando Crow:And quite frankly, there are a few ideas I have about that anyway.
Commando Crow:And my personal belief.
Commando Crow:Is this.
Commando Crow:If you're out walking in the free world, you're not on paper.
Commando Crow:You've paid the society, you're not a felon.
Commando Crow:You're done.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: That's right.
Commando Crow:So don't play the victim court.
Commando Crow:Don't let them tell you you don't have a voice.
Commando Crow:You've got a voice.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:I, I don't like our, and I wish one of somebody in our listening community would double check B.
Commando Crow:Do a little, I gotta find out.
Commando Crow:I heard there was a amendment proposed or a law that was proposed that states that if there was a misdemeanor domestic assault that you were, and it was over five years old.
Commando Crow:That you could apply for and not be lying on the application to get a firearm.
Commando Crow:It must be true because what's, Hey, here's an inside tip for you folks.
Commando Crow:I did apply for a firearm.
Commando Crow:And by the way, I did my own background check for two years before I did.
Commando Crow:I went and applied for the firearm and got denied.
Commando Crow:I got denied because of an outstanding illegal U turn ticket in Florida.
Commando Crow:So don't think that a violent offense is going to keep you from getting a weapon.
Commando Crow:If you pissed in the middle of the street, you probably can't buy a weapon.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, I need to find out about that law, because I'm curious.
Commando Crow:Which it needs to not even be on the books.
Commando Crow:State of Mississippi, domestic's the easiest charge you can get.
Commando Crow:Yeah, but see, that's, I've always had a problem with domestic in the first place because, first of all, they assign domestic to anything.
Commando Crow:I've been charged with domestic for putting a note on somebody's car.
Commando Crow:I mean, ridiculous, but domestic violence, disturbing family peace.
Commando Crow:What is violent about putting a piece of paper on somebody's windshield wiper?
Commando Crow:I mean, I didn't crack the windshield or anything.
Commando Crow:I didn't step on any roaches on my way out.
Commando Crow:So I don't understand the problem here.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, it's a very vague law, man.
Commando Crow:But it's very vague for the intent of taking away your second amendment, right?
Commando Crow:The more people they can criminalize, the easier it is to get the guns off the street.
Commando Crow:Well, they're not getting the guns off the street.
Commando Crow:Not where I'm from.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Oh, I think they forgot too.
Commando Crow:We're Americans.
Commando Crow:It's not just that we're Americans.
Commando Crow:What is it?
Commando Crow:American by birth, Southern by the grace of God.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, we're the ones that put our foot on your back and tell you to fuck off.
Commando Crow:Right.
Commando Crow:Or we'll be like San Antonio, Texas.
Commando Crow:When the Mexicans say they want their cannon back.
Commando Crow:Come and get it.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, Hey, I'm a constitutionalist, right?
Commando Crow:It says point blank in the constitution shall not be infringed period.
Commando Crow:It doesn't say shall not be infringed.
Commando Crow:If you are a criminal or unless you're a criminal or you hit mama, or if you kicked the dog, or if you had too many speeding tickets, it doesn't say none of that.
Commando Crow:It says shall not be infringed.
Commando Crow:Correct.
Commando Crow:Now let's be clear on something.
Commando Crow:It's only been a hundred years ago that, well, most everybody in the West was a criminal and they all had more than one gun.
Commando Crow:Oh yeah.
Commando Crow:So, is it really that bad?
Commando Crow:I tell you this, I talked to a woman who was from China.
Commando Crow:She used to live in Beijing.
Commando Crow:She lived in A couple of other really big cities.
Commando Crow:I mean, like, is there any small place in China?
Commando Crow:But she lived in Beijing and she lived, she said, on a 30 something floor of her apartment building.
Commando Crow:And her job that she worked every day was three blocks away.
Commando Crow:And it took her two hours to get there because it's so crowded, you know?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:So I asked her about the crime in China, because with that many people bumping into each other trying to get somewhere, it seems like somebody get a little bit upset and start swinging on somebody, right?
Commando Crow:She said, no, we don't have crime in China.
Commando Crow:And I said, how do you not have crime in China?
Commando Crow:She said, everybody knows what everybody knows.
Commando Crow:Now that makes perfect sense to me.
Commando Crow:If everybody's got a gun, people won't be so quick to draw.
Commando Crow:So, why are they trying to take him off the streets?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, why do you think most of the mass shootings happen in, why do you think most of these mass shootings happen in gun free zones?
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Hello?
Commando Crow:What about kids who get taken to court or get arrested because, what, he's running around with an AR 15?
Commando Crow:Did anybody see the mass chaos that he was running into?
Commando Crow:I mean, seriously?
Commando Crow:Kid was defending himself, that was his constitutional right.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:But it's a shame that he had to break down in front of a whole courtroom because the jury found him not guilty and he's that much relieved.
Commando Crow:He should have never had to gone through that.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Nope.
Commando Crow:And I'm going to say this for the first time publicly, Officer Chavez, whatever his name was, Chauvin.
Commando Crow:Yeah, he should have never been tried definitely should have never been convicted But what they do they put a police officer behind bars probably with somebody he's arrested in past
Commando Crow:But bear in mind a couple of things first of all George Floyd was no saint as a matter of fact He was pretty hopped up when he was being taken down
Commando Crow:All American Commando: then autopsy showed that he had a fatal amount of Fentanyl on his damn system.
Commando Crow:That's why he couldn't breathe.
Commando Crow:Sheldon didn't kill him.
Commando Crow:But, also, bear in mind, Officer Sheldon is what, 5'7 weighed 140 pounds?
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:George Floyd is like 6'3 weighs 240?
Commando Crow:I'm surprised the guy actually took him down.
Commando Crow:But, he got him down.
Commando Crow:I don't think his little 140 pound bony butt was actually gonna do any trouble for
Commando Crow:All American Commando: well, he was already going down.
Commando Crow:He said he couldn't breathe when he was in the police car.
Commando Crow:I mean,
Commando Crow:he was being chased in the first place because he was already, well, he had just completed commission of a crime.
Commando Crow:I don't understand why it's showing in jail.
Commando Crow:I'll tell you why he's in jail.
Commando Crow:It's to make the cops look bad, but worse than they already do.
Commando Crow:And quite frankly, so let the criminals have another day.
Commando Crow:Violent criminals.
Commando Crow:I mean, I don't know how many people.
Commando Crow:Heard the news, but there's like five or six states.
Commando Crow:Now they got laws on the books that there's a no cash bond for what is a second degree murder, aggravated rape.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Oh, I'm in one of those states right now, Illinois, New York, California.
Commando Crow:I mean, I think Oregon and Washington is like, man, y'all, y'all are crazy.
Commando Crow:And nobody can understand why crime is so high.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I think Minnesota is one of Minneapolis.
Commando Crow:Oh yeah.
Commando Crow:It is absolutely nuts.
Commando Crow:Yeah,
Commando Crow:it is.
Commando Crow:And I wouldn't wanna be a cop right now.
Commando Crow:I wouldn't wanna be a cop, period.
Commando Crow:But I definitely wouldn't wanna be a cop right now because with all the excess crime going on, you try to do anything about it, you're gonna lose your job, go to jail, something.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:Well they've been vilified their targets.
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:I mean, they've been vilified so bad in the media that their targets, that's, they don't have to do anything.
Commando Crow:They don't have to approach you.
Commando Crow:I mean, they might not have even been looking for the guy that perpetrates the crime against them.
Commando Crow:Guy that walks up and shoots them.
Commando Crow:Yeah, it's gonna be hard to push that narrative about white cops shooting unarmed black men now, isn't it?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:It's gonna be the other way around.
Commando Crow:I mean, the only thing the cops can shoot now is their camera.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, that's about it.
Commando Crow:Because they got a stand down policy.
Commando Crow:That's your Biden administration for you.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, but these district attorneys and attorneys, states attorneys general need to get off.
Commando Crow:They, they need to be replaced.
Commando Crow:I mean, any, any official that's running for office, that people would find one organization that like Democracy Matters, or I mean, I don't even remember the
Commando Crow:name of, George Soros NGOs, but if any politician is receiving from a George Soros NGO, they don't need to be elected.
Commando Crow:Well, usually they don't get elected what do they call them?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Installed?
Commando Crow:Yeah, the not the attorney, I mean, not the district attorney here, but the solicitor's attorney here is a George Soros guy.
Commando Crow:And the sad part is, he was Clarence Thomas court clerk for like, five or six years, something like that.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, but these guys are shameful, man.
Commando Crow:I mean, I know Jackson is a war zone.
Commando Crow:I mean, it's, it's just dangerous all the way around.
Commando Crow:I don't want to drive through Jackson.
Commando Crow:I don't want to do nothing at Jackson.
Commando Crow:And it's because anybody at any time, at any location, whether it be a gas station, a red light, a stop sign, driving down a freaking highway, you could get shot.
Commando Crow:It's that easy.
Commando Crow:Oh yeah.
Commando Crow:Matter of fact, I don't know if you remember him, but I introduced you to him once, my buddy, twin.
Commando Crow:Tall black guy.
Commando Crow:I said, I always said it looked like Malcolm X on the cover of GQ.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I don't know it.
Commando Crow:You met him one day over my house.
Commando Crow:Probably don't remember him.
Commando Crow:But anyway, he got shot to death about five days ago.
Commando Crow:He made 119 for the city of
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Jackson.
Commando Crow:Yeah, I mean, not surprising, man.
Commando Crow:I mean, it don't matter who you are.
Commando Crow:You're a target in Jackson.
Commando Crow:A lot of cities around just like it.
Commando Crow:Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit.
Commando Crow:I mean, it's everywhere.
Commando Crow:New York City.
Commando Crow:I mean, it's everywhere.
Commando Crow:Oh, I was watching some, some, I'm watching stuff all the time on, but has something to do with the deep state stuff and another country.
Commando Crow:I think it was.
Commando Crow:Oh man.
Commando Crow:I can't remember now, but I'm just halfway listening to it.
Commando Crow:And all of a sudden I heard, And the lead attorney on this defense case was Chuckwe Lumamba
Commando Crow:. All American Commando: Oh my gosh.
Commando Crow:I like to add a heart attack.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: That guy's a disgrace.
Commando Crow:I can't believe he got elected again.
Commando Crow:Hell, I can't believe Benny Thompson keeps getting elected.
Commando Crow:Man, now that's serious business right there.
Commando Crow:Yeah, I don't know.
Commando Crow:What to think?
Commando Crow:Of course, Chuckwe Jr.
Commando Crow:is the one that had the fifty police cars tied up with the two buses you almost ran into that one night.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:And didn't you say that he got a, a bit of a scolding from the governor?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, but it was over the water stuff.
Commando Crow:I don't know if he got scolded about that or not.
Commando Crow:I know it was about over the water stuff because the state had to take over the water.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:The state picked that up, which was about time too.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, but it's a shame that everybody in the state's having to pay for Jackson.
Commando Crow:Because they can't handle, create a budget, handle the budget, not piss the money away.
Commando Crow:So now everybody in the state's paying for Jackson's stuff.
Commando Crow:And Jackson doesn't want anything.
Commando Crow:Jackson's not even bringing in revenue.
Commando Crow:That's what pisses me off.
Commando Crow:I mean, I could go down the list of stuff that Jackson has turned away to not make revenue.
Patrick Williams:Yeah.
Commando Crow:!I used to hate it with Dad.
Commando Crow:I said, well, what's wrong with Jackson?
Commando Crow:What do you mean, what's wrong with Jackson?
Commando Crow:Seriously?
Commando Crow:He did tell me one day about six or seven years ago that he figured out what's wrong with Mississippi.
Commando Crow:I said, did you now?
Commando Crow:Do tell.
Commando Crow:He said, well, people here just tell you what they think you want to hear.
Commando Crow:I was like, man, I knew that like 30 years ago.
Commando Crow:That's why we left in the first place.
Commando Crow:You remember when we, when we got those jobs at Tom Thumb, both of us, I know I did.
Commando Crow:I think you did at the same time.
Commando Crow:Guys at work offered to give us a ride cause our place was on the way to work.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:And I was like, nah, I'm not waiting.
Commando Crow:Cause
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, you might not show up on time or something.
Commando Crow:And I'll be late.
Commando Crow:Yeah,
Commando Crow:so we took the bus.
Commando Crow:I got my butt crawled when I got to work, of course.
Commando Crow:I couldn't blame him, but I let him, it's chewing me out.
Commando Crow:And I finally told him, I'm sorry.
Commando Crow:I said, but please understand where I come from.
Commando Crow:People tell you they're going to do something.
Commando Crow:Expect the opposite because that's the way it's going to be.
Commando Crow:But I wasn't used to that.
Commando Crow:People in Texas doing what they say they're going to do.
Commando Crow:What is this all about?
Commando Crow:What, what strange world are we living in?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Yeah, dad's got something against Texas.
Commando Crow:He said, it's the most crooked state in the union.
Commando Crow:And I'm like, really?
Commando Crow:What exactly is your metric?
Commando Crow:Yeah, where does he get that from?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I, I don't know.
Commando Crow:Was he hanging out in Pflugerville or something?
Commando Crow:And just talking to people around there?
Commando Crow:I mean, I don't get it.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I, I don't know.
Commando Crow:I mean, it's just like, I don't, I've been arrested in Texas God knows how many times.
Commando Crow:I, I would argue what he's saying.
Commando Crow:Well, I didn't, I
Commando Crow:didn't really ever get in trouble in Texas, but then I wasn't there long enough probably.
Commando Crow:But, you know, even, even when I thought I was fixing to have a bad day, It didn't go quite the way I thought it would.
Commando Crow:You know what I mean?
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:I mean, I've been pulled over several times and cops, all right, now you just take it easy.
Commando Crow:Be careful on your way home.
Commando Crow:You know what I mean?
Commando Crow:Just take your time.
Commando Crow:It'll be there when you get there.
Commando Crow:You know, I got that kind of stuff.
Commando Crow:You do that.
Commando Crow:I mean, you go five over the speed limit here, you're liable to wind up behind bars.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: I was leaving Snickers one night.
Commando Crow:I got popped.
Commando Crow:I drove my motorcycle up there.
Commando Crow:I lived about a mile and a half away.
Commando Crow:Probably three quarters of a mile cut through the neighborhood.
Commando Crow:I'm like, well, I'm pretty hammered.
Commando Crow:I'm gonna walk through the house.
Commando Crow:Nice weather.
Commando Crow:I mean, I can walk back over here and get my bike tomorrow.
Commando Crow:Dang.
Commando Crow:I didn't even get to run bird.
Commando Crow:Barely.
Commando Crow:I'm on the sidewalk.
Commando Crow:Well, I trip on one of the sidewalk lips where the driveway cuts across the sidewalk, sidewalk goes up again.
Commando Crow:I kind of tripped a little bit on that.
Commando Crow:And I mean, I didn't even get close to falling.
Commando Crow:I didn't, I still had my composure, but you could tell I halfway trip, cop pulled up, took me to jail for public intox.
Commando Crow:I told him, I said, I didn't want to drive my motorcycle and I live right over here.
Commando Crow:I'm walking home.
Commando Crow:They still arrested me.
Commando Crow:You know what I mean?
Commando Crow:I've been arrested for some stupid shit in Texas, but I still don't agree with dad's assessment.
Commando Crow:It's one of the most crooked States in the union.
Commando Crow:I still don't agree with that.
Commando Crow:I mean, anywhere you got politicians, you're going to deal with crooked acts.
Commando Crow:And I told him, I said, Dad, I said, every state in the union has got some crooked shit going on.
Commando Crow:He looked at, I don't know about any other states, really.
Commando Crow:I know Texas.
Commando Crow:Well, how do you know about Texas?
Commando Crow:You ain't never lived there.
Commando Crow:Well, that concludes our show for today.
Commando Crow:And we thank you for being here.
Commando Crow:If you liked today's show, rate it and review us on Podchaser.
Commando Crow:com.
Commando Crow:It only takes a moment, and it will help us tremendously.
Commando Crow:Subscribe to get our weekly emails and your personal copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Commando Crow:Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the Constitution Commandos, signing out.