Site Security Preservation of Life
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.
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I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
Commando Crow:And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible,
Commando Crow:with liberty and justice for all.
Commando Crow:Good morning, my fellow Americans.
Commando Crow:I hope your new year is starting out well.
Commando Crow:We're about to kick off the second episode of 2024.
Commando Crow:And we'd like to hear your opinions and thoughts on this new direction
Commando Crow:we've taken in our conversation.
Commando Crow:Conversations, just drop us an email at pod team at the
Commando Crow:constitution commandos org.
Commando Crow:Don't forget to sign up for our weekly emails.
Commando Crow:We'll never miss a new episode.
Commando Crow:My name is Chris Williams.
Commando Crow:I'm the host.
Commando Crow:My brother Patrick Williams is co-host, and together we
Commando Crow:are Constitution commandos.
Commando Crow:There's when, before both of us went in the military, you had told me you
Commando Crow:were doing something just to get ready.
Commando Crow:And just so everybody knows, we were not spring chickens
Commando Crow:when we went into service, but.
Commando Crow:There was something you were doing that I started doing.
Commando Crow:I thought it was pretty cool, you know, because, you know, we don't really know
Commando Crow:what to expect going into bootcamp.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:We've been told the stories.
Commando Crow:We kind of have an idea, but we don't really know.
Commando Crow:But remember you told me that every time you cross the threshold
Commando Crow:of a door, you would drop, do 10 pushups or 15 pushups, 20 pushups.
Commando Crow:Now here's the thing.
Commando Crow:That's a cool thing to do just to get in shape.
Commando Crow:But while you're down there doing those push ups, be looking around
Commando Crow:the floor and see what may be in the way, see what might be useful.
Commando Crow:You know what I mean?
Commando Crow:Use that 10 push up time to, to discover things.
Commando Crow:Look around.
Commando Crow:I mean, and if you, I mean, in a dwelling, if you have a place to live right now,
Commando Crow:that is your most important place.
Commando Crow:You need to know it above all else.
Commando Crow:And I'm not talking about within the four walls or the confines of your dwelling.
Commando Crow:You need to know the boundaries that, you know, the external parts as well.
Commando Crow:So when you cross a threshold, do your 10 push ups and see if you
Commando Crow:can find your fire extinguisher or, you know, your screwdriver.
Commando Crow:I mean, whatever.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: You can multitask.
Commando Crow:Look at things like your carpet corner is lifting a little bit.
Commando Crow:That's a trip hazard.
Commando Crow:You know, find little things like that.
Commando Crow:I mean, you just want to make sure that you have awareness.
Commando Crow:I mean, from the ceiling to the floor, every piece of furniture,
Commando Crow:all of your emergency supplies, you need to have situational awareness.
Commando Crow:That's right.
Commando Crow:And if you think any of this sounds crazy, just wait
Commando Crow:until the lights go out and you can't turn them back on and you
Commando Crow:trip over that corner of the carpet.
Commando Crow:You look back on it and say, man, I should have paid attention to that.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well, I mean, once again, that's where
Commando Crow:the beauty of this is right now.
Commando Crow:You don't have to do this or you're not in a situation where
Commando Crow:it's mandatory to accomplish this.
Commando Crow:So get ready now.
Commando Crow:And occasionally when it's dark outside, you have no sun coming in, right?
Commando Crow:Tell yourself, Oh, I'm going to find my first aid kit.
Commando Crow:Go with no lights on and get your first aid kit.
Commando Crow:And then, like
Commando Crow:I said, I can't emphasize this enough.
Commando Crow:Start training, period, in the dark.
Commando Crow:If the sun's out, blindfold yourself, practice.
Commando Crow:Believe me, it will
Commando Crow:All American Commando: be important.
Commando Crow:Absolutely.
Commando Crow:I would say another thing that goes along with sight defense, or when I say
Commando Crow:sight defense, I'm saying everything I say when I say sight defense is
Commando Crow:basically preservation of life, because you have to be smart and you have to
Commando Crow:understand there are times where you will not be able, or it would not be
Commando Crow:smart, to maintain your location and you will have to leave your location.
Commando Crow:Chris, are you still there?
Commando Crow:Yeah, I am.
Commando Crow:Sorry.
Commando Crow:I was blocking out background.
Commando Crow:Okay, but when we're talking about site defense, it's important
Commando Crow:to get to know and do it now.
Commando Crow:You don't have to bring politics into the picture.
Commando Crow:You don't have to go out and just openly express ideologies.
Commando Crow:But meet your neighbors.
Commando Crow:Please meet your neighbors.
Commando Crow:That right there will be one of the things that will enable you
Commando Crow:to stay at your place longer.
Commando Crow:If you meet your neighbors, you find out.
Commando Crow:Like I said, don't bring up politics.
Commando Crow:That's nothing but a divider.
Commando Crow:Nowadays, people are on such opposite ends of the spectrum.
Commando Crow:And some people get so hostile, don't create a problem.
Commando Crow:Just talk to people, ask.
Commando Crow:Kind of vague questions.
Commando Crow:Get to know your neighbor and get to know how they feel about certain situations.
Commando Crow:And if those things arise, you know, these, whether it be a hurricane or
Commando Crow:tornado or societal breakdown, are they willing to be a community for
Commando Crow:the good and not to be a disruptor?
Commando Crow:And.
Commando Crow:And look, before
Commando Crow:you even engage in those conversations, and, and Patrick,
Commando Crow:I'm saying this with you here, before you even get engaged in those
Commando Crow:conversations, just be a neighbor.
Commando Crow:You know, if you see your neighbor's grass is getting tall, just help
Commando Crow:them out and build relationships.
Commando Crow:Cause if you don't have the relationships, I promise you, it's only, it's only
Commando Crow:going to be worse than you can imagine.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Absolutely.
Commando Crow:And once you develop your Your relationships in your immunity, I'm going
Commando Crow:to continually utilize myself as examples.
Commando Crow:And when I say no, your neighbors and develop the community, I'm not talking
Commando Crow:about the municipality that you live in.
Commando Crow:I'm talking about the people that live on your street, live on your block.
Commando Crow:Live in your neighborhood.
Commando Crow:This is why I say in your neighborhood.
Commando Crow:My home, if I had to stand alone, You'd be screwed.
Commando Crow:is completely indefensible.
Commando Crow:I have too many avenues of
Commando Crow:and I don't just stop with my neighbor to the left and to
Commando Crow:the right or across the road.
Commando Crow:I go over time and I meet the neighbors that live down the road
Commando Crow:and around the corner or I meet the neighbors that live behind me.
Commando Crow:If I do that then and I'm not saying look in a bad situation.
Commando Crow:Everybody has a use.
Commando Crow:So when I say this, I don't mean it like use your neighbor.
Commando Crow:That's not what I'm talking about, but that is a resource.
Commando Crow:Your neighbors will look out for you.
Commando Crow:You will look out for them.
Commando Crow:And if all possible, only willing participants.
Commando Crow:I mean, don't just go around and start asking people, Hey, well, can
Commando Crow:I get your phone number and all this, that, and the other, I want to start.
Commando Crow:What we called an alpha roster or an alert roster in the military.
Commando Crow:That's kind of like a pyramid.
Commando Crow:It's no one
Commando Crow:who can do what, where they can be best
Commando Crow:All American Commando: suited.
Commando Crow:Yep.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:But you'll have a commander at the top of the pyramid.
Commando Crow:And then he's going to have a sergeant that he calls the first sergeant is
Commando Crow:going to call his platoon sergeants and the platoon sergeants call people
Commando Crow:in their section sergeants, then the section sergeants call the people
Commando Crow:in their section and eventually everybody on that list has knowledge
Commando Crow:of what's going on at that moment.
Commando Crow:So, right, developing.
Commando Crow:You know, if you have a babysitter, you'll have your pediatrician's number
Commando Crow:listed, you'll put your number on there, you'll put the location's phone
Commando Crow:number of where you're going to eat, or, you know, you will put a list
Commando Crow:of numbers for emergency contacts.
Commando Crow:That is basically what an alpha roster is.
Commando Crow:So if you get to know your neighbors, me, I have a retired Marine across the road.
Commando Crow:I have a retired colonel living right next door to me.
Commando Crow:I used to have a deputy sheriff on the other side.
Commando Crow:I've got my son in law lives down the road for houses.
Commando Crow:I've, I have a pretty decent knowledge of people on my road,
Commando Crow:but I have to go further and meet people around the corner on the
Commando Crow:road behind me and things like that.
Commando Crow:And after you develop these relationships or while you're
Commando Crow:developing them, talk to your neighbors.
Commando Crow:They might have a specific skill that you don't have.
Commando Crow:So if it comes to a point of a societal breakdown or a long period
Commando Crow:of time with no power or water, they might be able to do something.
Commando Crow:to benefit you and some other people in the neighborhood.
Commando Crow:But at the same time, you yourself will probably have a skill that will be needed
Commando Crow:by somebody else in your community and you have to be able to help them out.
Commando Crow:So the ultimate goal is to have all the eyes in the community for the rest of the
Commando Crow:eyes in the community and That will enable you to stay in your home much longer.
Commando Crow:You know, you bring
Commando Crow:that, all that, all that right there, and I didn't even
Commando Crow:think about it until you just now said something, but I know like when we were
Commando Crow:kids growing up where we grew up, which we were actually pretty lucky growing
Commando Crow:up where we grew up, but um, if ever we went, let's say we went to Atlanta or we
Commando Crow:went to, let's say we went to Talladega, we were usually gone for a week, right?
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:We'd go for.
Commando Crow:We'd go for the races leading up to talent.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: For four or five days.
Commando Crow:Yeah,
Commando Crow:we'll be there for qualifying.
Commando Crow:We'll be there for the dirt races.
Commando Crow:I mean, it was basically our vacation, but the bottom line,
Commando Crow:we was gone for at least a week.
Commando Crow:But when we left back then, you know, there were neighbors that knew we were
Commando Crow:leaving a couple weeks in advance, keeping an eye on our house type of thing.
Commando Crow:Right?
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Collect our mail.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:I can't think of a time since we left there that that's happened.
Commando Crow:I didn't think about it until you started talking about that, but yeah,
Commando Crow:who watches after each other anymore?
Commando Crow:I mean, if you don't have those relationships, you don't have people
Commando Crow:watching after you probably watch it for you to leave, but that's about it.
Commando Crow:But anyway, I just, I just thought about that when you said
Commando Crow:All American Commando: that.
Commando Crow:So go ahead.
Commando Crow:And this is site security.
Commando Crow:Hold on, he's breaking up.
Commando Crow:Hold on.
Commando Crow:Can you hear me?
Commando Crow:I think it's coming back.
Commando Crow:Yeah, there you are.
Commando Crow:Okay.
Commando Crow:Go ahead.
Commando Crow:All right.
Commando Crow:So if you have a neighbor and you know they're going to go out of town for
Commando Crow:a week or two, then if they get the newspaper, Well, their house becomes
Commando Crow:an obvious target if they've got a week's worth of newspapers sitting on
Commando Crow:the driveway or on the front doorstep, collect their newspapers for them.
Commando Crow:If somebody wants to come back, a lot of mailboxes are on the curb.
Commando Crow:Now, if somebody drives by and looks in a mailbox and the mailbox is slapped full,
Commando Crow:they know that somebody that's right.
Commando Crow:So their home has just been marked as a target.
Commando Crow:Right.
Commando Crow:An easy target.
Commando Crow:So if you get to know your neighbors, that is called site security.
Commando Crow:And if you also get to know your neighbors and you go out of town, ask those people
Commando Crow:to do those little things for you.
Commando Crow:And is it going to prevent a break in?
Commando Crow:No, because a determined criminal is going to do something anyway,
Commando Crow:but it will deter a break in.
Commando Crow:Yeah,
Commando Crow:and, and the thing is, I know there's somebody, there's a lot
Commando Crow:of people I know that will, you know, there's a lot of people that will say
Commando Crow:something stupid like, I don't care about my neighbors, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Commando Crow:That's their business, not mine.
Commando Crow:But here's the thing, when you leave your house for a week, and people start
Commando Crow:noticing the newspaper pile up, or the mailbox is overflowing, that means
Commando Crow:your neighbors aren't watching you.
Commando Crow:It's not just that you're an easy target because you're not there.
Commando Crow:Your neighbors ain't watching after you.
Commando Crow:So, it's basically hand you over to the wolves.
Commando Crow:I mean, You know what I mean?
Commando Crow:Your neighbors aren't watching either.
Commando Crow:So it makes it an easy target.
Commando Crow:I mean, why not?
Commando Crow:They move, put a moving truck up there in the driveway, kick the
Commando Crow:door in, move everything out.
Commando Crow:All American Commando: Well,
Commando Crow:that's it for today.
Commando Crow:Thank you for joining us.
Commando Crow:Hey, if you liked this episode, register for the constitution commandos basic
Commando Crow:membership, 10 a month, or you can.
Commando Crow:Leave us a tip at constitutioncommandos.
Commando Crow:org or slash support.
Commando Crow:Hey don't forget to rate us on thepodchaser.
Commando Crow:com and leave us a review to let us know how we're doing.
Commando Crow:Until next time and on behalf of my brother and myself we're the Constitution
Commando Crow:Commandos and we're signing off.