Population Control


[00:00] The Pledge of Allegiance

[00:15] {{pre-roll-cta}}




Chris Williams:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

Chris Williams:

Good morning my fellow Americans.

Chris Williams:

So glad you're here today and welcome to episode 22.

Chris Williams:

Hey, it's also when you can wake up to a breath of fresh air of liberty.

Chris Williams:

That gets that American spirit going, doesn't it?

Chris Williams:

Hey, today we're talking about population control.

Chris Williams:

We'd like to hear what you think about it.

Chris Williams:

Weigh in on the conversation at podcast@theconstitutioncommandos.org.

Chris Williams:

I'm your host, Chris Williams.

Chris Williams:

My brother Patrick Williams' co-host.

Chris Williams:

We're the constitution commandos.

Chris Williams:

Let's go back to that Hawaii thing though.

Chris Williams:

I, I was looking at some of his clips last night.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

That's horrifying.

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, there's too many unanswered questions and there's

Patrick Williams:

But let's, let's take away conspiracy theories and let's

Patrick Williams:

People see the Hawaii fires.

Patrick Williams:

There were a number of small fires that were started at

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

what I was gonna ask.

Chris Williams:

What was that?

Chris Williams:

What was the origin of those fires?

Chris Williams:

Because I didn't, I mean, the news that I saw said they didn't know where

Patrick Williams:

well, there were, well, there's people that

Patrick Williams:

You know, the, I mean, a geothermal imaging.

Patrick Williams:

It showed where the fires started and they all started at relatively the same time.

Patrick Williams:

It's no different than the fires in Canada.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Most of them started at the same time, but in different areas.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

So you got, you got fires that start at relatively the same time.

Patrick Williams:

You have a more than robust siren system on the island.

Patrick Williams:

I can't remember how many, it was like 111 or something,

Patrick Williams:

I heard the number, but I'm trying to recall it.

Patrick Williams:

I can't remember.

Patrick Williams:

It's an astronomical number of sirens for emergencies like typhoons,

Patrick Williams:

But they have all kinds of scenarios where they use these sirens.

Patrick Williams:

Not one of those work.

Patrick Williams:

Or not that they didn't work, they were not activated.

Patrick Williams:

None of them were turned.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, you know broadcasting at all.

Patrick Williams:

Not one of 'em did.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

There were some people that received texts, but the fire moves

Patrick Williams:

So it leads me to believe that texts were never sent to those

Patrick Williams:

The towers or what have you, or the power lines, they should have

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

You can't ignore the fact that there were large investment firms like

Patrick Williams:

Now you turn around and look at it.

Patrick Williams:

Hey, Oprah's house didn't get burned.

Patrick Williams:

Oprah's house is still standing, but you had people rushing in trying to buy land.

Patrick Williams:

Well, that was halted.

Patrick Williams:

The government says they're going to seize the land, so, and their excuse

Patrick Williams:

Well, that's all bullshit because what Hawaii is going to do, and they

Patrick Williams:

They say, well, they were already in the act of committing these 15 minute cities.

Patrick Williams:

Why would they destroy what they've already done?

Patrick Williams:

Well, they would destroy it.

Patrick Williams:

People didn't wanna sell this real estate.

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, to gain all this real estate and you can't have an enslaved people in this

Patrick Williams:

You're going to develop a level of animosity between the two separated

Patrick Williams:

We can't have that.

Patrick Williams:

It's gotta be one across the board in Hawaii.

Patrick Williams:

Well, I believe that and, and whether I'm right or wrong, I, I don't know.

Patrick Williams:

I do know that they've also had bad forestry management.

Patrick Williams:

Not unlike California.

Patrick Williams:

Fires seem to burn when you give them fuel.

Patrick Williams:

If you have a bunch of dead grass and overgrown.

Patrick Williams:

You're going to have a fire that gets outta hand, especially in hurricane.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

You know, velocity winds, right?

Patrick Williams:

So they had bad ecological or environmental efforts

Patrick Williams:

They neglected it.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, there are too many things that point to an intended act, and

Patrick Williams:

Coming to this assessment because I am seeing all of these little

Patrick Williams:

We're gonna burn 'em out.

Patrick Williams:

Now, insurance companies aren't getting, they're not gonna be, they're

Patrick Williams:

So now you have burned out locks.

Patrick Williams:

The Hawaiian government is rejecting the access, denying the access.

Patrick Williams:

The residents that lost their homes to go in and check on their

Patrick Williams:

I mean, why would anybody do that?

Patrick Williams:

It tells me that they want the land.

Chris Williams:

Well, you've got plenty to back that up with.

Chris Williams:

I mean, to me, your theory sounds about pinpoint accurate simply

Chris Williams:

I mean, let's go back to the Let's go back to the Texas Ranger Stadium.

Chris Williams:

Remember when we were living in in Fort Worth?

Patrick Williams:

Oh, yeah.

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

They were trying to buy up that whole community

Patrick Williams:

Well, a lot of holdouts.

Chris Williams:

Yeah, there.

Chris Williams:

There were a lot of holdouts, but essentially what they did, they gave

Chris Williams:

Now you got a new Texas Ranger stadium.

Chris Williams:

We know that's a possibility.

Chris Williams:

We also know that BlackRock's buying up a lot of real estate everywhere

Chris Williams:

They're trying to buy people out, move 'em into the city, but they're not just buying

Patrick Williams:

And they're doing it out of cities and suburbs.

Patrick Williams:

'cause part of the World Economic Forums 20 Agenda 2030 is you will own nothing.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And you happy and be happy about it.

Patrick Williams:

There will not be any homeowners if they keep going this way.

Patrick Williams:

You will only be a tenant.

Chris Williams:

That's right.

Patrick Williams:

You will pay rent and you will not own your property.

Chris Williams:

They won't sell it to you.

Chris Williams:

And how many times have you

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, they'll sit on forever.

Chris Williams:

How many calls have you gotten about buying your house?

Patrick Williams:

I can't tell you how many, and every time I ask 'em if

Patrick Williams:

I love it.

Patrick Williams:

Dumb asses.

Patrick Williams:

I wish one of them would say, yeah, we work.

Patrick Williams:

We get, they own us.

Patrick Williams:

They're our parent company.

Patrick Williams:

I'd tell 'em right off the bat, y'all can go suck a bag of dicks.

Patrick Williams:

I tell 'em so straight and clear.

Patrick Williams:

I'd even speak slowly so they could understood.

Patrick Williams:

Understand it.

Patrick Williams:

I'd be like, Hey, could you please hit record?

Patrick Williams:

Make sure you record this conversation.

Patrick Williams:

You know, for training purposes, right?

Patrick Williams:

Quality training, a bag of dicks.

Chris Williams:

You've been trained, but things like that we know are happening.

Chris Williams:

I mean, so it's not a farfetched theory and this deal in Hawaii, I mean,

Chris Williams:

I can't think of anything else that would be, I mean, you saw the

Chris Williams:

I mean, that place is crispy.

Patrick Williams:

You know, look, are there other plausible explanations?

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

I can't think of one.

Patrick Williams:

I heard their inf Well, I heard their infrastructure's bad.

Patrick Williams:

Same in California pg and e, they've been sued so damn many times because

Patrick Williams:

Well, I'm not saying that didn't happen in Hawaii either, but I'm saying with

Patrick Williams:

This isn't just power lines just so happened at a certain time

Patrick Williams:

I, I don't believe that.

Patrick Williams:

I just don't believe it.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Well, I mean, look at

Chris Williams:

the other, look at the other aspect of it.

Chris Williams:

I've seen several reporters have already tried to chase Biden down and ask him

Chris Williams:

He just throws his hand up and keeps walking.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

If he gives that much acknowledgement.

Chris Williams:

And let's go back to the East Palestine, Ohio fires.

Chris Williams:

I mean nothing.

Chris Williams:

I mean, hey.

Chris Williams:

Hey, look, when he should have been up in East Palestine, at least given

Chris Williams:

He sends Janet Yellen over to Ukraine with another $1.2 trillion check.

Patrick Williams:

Or billion or something,

Chris Williams:

whatever it was.

Chris Williams:

But we, we got a, we got chaos in East Palestine.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

As I'm saying, the same thing happened here in Hawaii.

Chris Williams:

And, and

Patrick Williams:

well he approved another 200 billion to

Chris Williams:

There you go.

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

and not to mention,

Chris Williams:

but he give everybody in Hawaii a $700

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Yeah, that's gonna cover their million dollar properties.

Patrick Williams:

And then not to mention, like I told you, they said that FEMA or E P a,

Patrick Williams:

And you know what?

Patrick Williams:

These people lost everything.

Patrick Williams:

There are locals that are trying to get supplies to the people that lost their

Patrick Williams:

The only people that is allegedly able to distribute there is the Red Cross and it's

Patrick Williams:

They should be thrown in prison.

Patrick Williams:

The Red Cross should be disband and thrown in prison.

Patrick Williams:

It's only like, it's less than 10% of what they raise actually goes for anything.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

It's horrible and, but they're turning people away that are

Chris Williams:

And what did you say earlier, before we started this about

Patrick Williams:

Yeah, there was somebody that prepared like 150 or 200 meals, and

Patrick Williams:

I'm going off a memory, but there was over a hundred to about 200 whatever.

Patrick Williams:

They were prepared and they, the government turned them back.

Patrick Williams:

Denied them access to give this food to the people of that camp.

Patrick Williams:

, , it's wash, rinse, and repeat.

Chris Williams:

Some or another.

Chris Williams:

It the bandwidth weakened.

Patrick Williams:

You know, if, if the government would get out of

Patrick Williams:

And not to mention, the largest military base in the Pacific

Patrick Williams:

Can somebody explain that one to me?

Patrick Williams:

I mean, Why, and I remember you had 82nd Airborne and a bunch of

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

There was regular military down there, active, regular military, active duty,

Chris Williams:

military, national Guard.

Chris Williams:

There was,

Patrick Williams:

so why aren't they sending active duty military

Patrick Williams:

Over to help these people.

Patrick Williams:

That's the government's call.

Patrick Williams:

Why are they not doing it?

Patrick Williams:

You don't have to agree with me that the government's wrong for this, but you

Patrick Williams:

Why aren't they sent to give relief and aid?

Chris Williams:

More importantly, why are the people that are trying to

Patrick Williams:

It's because the government does not give a rats behind

Patrick Williams:

I don't care what state you live in, if you think the government is there

Patrick Williams:

The, the government hates you.

Patrick Williams:

They think you are abhorrent.

Patrick Williams:

They think you are a nuisance on their way of life.

Patrick Williams:

They don't want you, they want you to die.

Chris Williams:

That's what they want.

Chris Williams:

We've been saying that since we started this podcast, they only want 500 million

Chris Williams:

Outta 8 billion people.

Chris Williams:

And Patrick, you showed me pictures of Wyoming this week.

Chris Williams:

Man, that's a lot of landscape that hasn't been populated yet.

Chris Williams:

So where is the overpopulation on the planet?

Chris Williams:

You know,

Patrick Williams:

there isn't any

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

and we're not the only country with that much barren land.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, I'm sure not barren is just unoccupied.

Patrick Williams:

Well, I mean, that's what I'm saying, but I mean, you go to Africa.

Patrick Williams:

I ain't never been to Africa, but I've done seen a lot of pictures and I've

Patrick Williams:

You can go to places in Africa and not see another person for a fucking week.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

So I mean there's, there's land all over this planet.

Patrick Williams:

There is no overpopulation.

Patrick Williams:

You look at the major.

Patrick Williams:

Nations in this world.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Japan, China, America well, Russia, their population decreased, was

Patrick Williams:

Engagement in Afghanistan.

Patrick Williams:

I mean there was a time where Russia, it was like eight to one women to men.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Because of their war in Afghanistan.

Patrick Williams:

But Japan's problem right now is they are already in China too.

Patrick Williams:

Their one child policy for a long time killed them.

Patrick Williams:

They cannot get people, there is nobody body, population they got,

Patrick Williams:

Nobody exists.

Patrick Williams:

They discouraged having people, babies.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

In America, we don't just have a population that thinks having a

Patrick Williams:

We encourage you to abort a child.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, yeah, I mean, we're doing it at like a, a rate that

Patrick Williams:

Don't even get me to, you know, mention the black population.

Patrick Williams:

The black population is around 13% of America.

Patrick Williams:

You gotta go back.

Patrick Williams:

When was the induction of Planned Parenthood?

Patrick Williams:

Margaret Sanger is a eugenics.

Patrick Williams:

She hates black people.

Patrick Williams:

She has said it many, many, many, many times, and that's why all your

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

If you were to have never allowed Planned Parenthood to conduct their

Patrick Williams:

It'd probably be 25%

Chris Williams:

or better.

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

I think Ted NuGet was one that I heard mentioned that we have a

Chris Williams:

We're not giving birth to enough babies.

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

That's right.

Patrick Williams:

You know, Elon Musk has even said the same thing.

Chris Williams:


Patrick Williams:

We don't have an overpopulation problem, but we

Patrick Williams:

For under population.

Chris Williams:

That's right.

Chris Williams:

And I think it was as, as of 1992, this is old statistic, but as of 1992,

Chris Williams:

And for the, you know, just so everybody knows, we lost 58,200 soldiers in Vietnam.

Chris Williams:

And we're aborting more than that every year.

Patrick Williams:

Mean, You know, but people want to say, you know,

Patrick Williams:

Oh my, it's my body, my choice.

Patrick Williams:

But then you're gonna bitch about the minority class is underrepresented.

Patrick Williams:

Well, hey, go have another abortion.

Patrick Williams:

Let's kill off the future doctor.

Patrick Williams:

Or the, yeah, that

Chris Williams:

the future president

Patrick Williams:

or a, yeah.

Patrick Williams:

So yeah, we have no idea what that child was gonna be.

Patrick Williams:

Might have been.

Patrick Williams:

The greatest thing of that time might have come from that child.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

But you don't even give it an opportunity because your body, your choice.

Patrick Williams:

You don't want to be inconvenienced with a baby, but you wanna lay

Patrick Williams:

You just don't want the baby.

Patrick Williams:

Oh, is that how people get babies?

Patrick Williams:

They have sex.

Chris Williams:

Oh my goodness.

Patrick Williams:

Is that,

Chris Williams:

who would've thought?

Patrick Williams:

I thought babies came from stor.

Patrick Williams:

I thought babies came from storks, right?

Chris Williams:


Chris Williams:

Sure they did.

Patrick Williams:

I mean, if people stupid, they want all the fun

Chris Williams:

Well, this issue in Hawaii is very, it, it speaks volumes to

Chris Williams:

It is all a part of reducing the population.

Chris Williams:

That's all it is.

Chris Williams:

And yeah.

Chris Williams:

You know,

Patrick Williams:

I would like to know about the miracle construction

Chris Williams:

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Patrick Williams:


Chris Williams:

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

But she's also one of those that's been buying up land down there.

Chris Williams:

I would like

Chris Williams:

to economic forum.

Chris Williams:

And I hate to even admit that she's from Mississippi,

Patrick Williams:

so man, she's a fucking man.

Patrick Williams:

I, I can't stand that woman.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Gotta know you.

Patrick Williams:

And she thinks she's God, she is anti-Christian, man.

Patrick Williams:

She thinks she's like a God.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And she promotes that to people.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

Like, you're your own God woman, you.

Patrick Williams:

Burning a piss of hell.

Patrick Williams:

You can take your billions of dollars and go on a piss away now

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

You, you would give your billions of dollars for a glass of ice water

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

And, but that's all right.

Patrick Williams:

She, she's good with her.

Patrick Williams:

She's good with going to hell.

Patrick Williams:

She can.

Patrick Williams:

Keep doing what she's doing.

Patrick Williams:

Stay the course lady.

Patrick Williams:

Be strong.

Patrick Williams:

You go right ahead.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

I know about y'all, but I'm terrified of the flames of hell.

Patrick Williams:

I don't want go there.

Patrick Williams:

I'm a broke man for a reason.

Chris Williams:

Well, that concludes our show for today and we thank.

Chris Williams:

If you like the Go Show, rate it and review us on po chaser.com.

Chris Williams:

It only takes a moment and it will help us tremendously subscribe

Chris Williams:

Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the

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