American Spirit: Reviving the Warrior Within
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I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.
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I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
Commando Crow:and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible,
Commando Crow:with liberty and justice for all.
Commando Crow:I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and
Commando Crow:to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible,
Commando Crow:with liberty and justice for all.
Commando Crow:Good morning, my fellow patriots, and welcome to episode six.
Commando Crow:Hey, today we're going to talk about reviving the warrior within,
Commando Crow:which is the American spirit.
Commando Crow:So be sure to chime in with your knowledge and experience.
Commando Crow:Just email us at podteam at the constitutioncommandos.
Commando Crow:org.
Commando Crow:I'm your host, Chris Williams.
Commando Crow:My brother Patrick is your co host.
Commando Crow:And together, we are the Constitution Commandos.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: I really am excited about this direction that we're taking
Commando Crow:now, because I feel that instead of me getting on here and bitching, griping,
Commando Crow:and complaining and pointing out things that the people that listen to us already
Commando Crow:know, we're not making a difference.
Commando Crow:We're in an echo chamber and this way.
Commando Crow:I hope I can share knowledge with somebody that has no knowledge.
Commando Crow:I'm trying to break it down in a manner for somebody that has no training
Commando Crow:and that way they can digest it, process it, and hopefully gives them a
Commando Crow:direction to start building knowledge.
Commando Crow:We're
Commando Crow:going to motivate people to look into this stuff and take advantage
Commando Crow:of some of the information they're given.
Commando Crow:Look, I'm all about helping other people.
Commando Crow:And I understand there's not a lot of people that really give
Commando Crow:a shit about you helping them.
Commando Crow:But, was a question of me, my family, my kids, whatever, I would like to know that
Commando Crow:somebody would take an interest in that.
Commando Crow:So that's where I am.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:You gotta have allies, man.
Commando Crow:I'm not looking for pats on the back.
Commando Crow:Just You or any other veteran I know, we don't give a damn about accolades.
Commando Crow:We don't give a shit about ticker tape parades.
Commando Crow:Don't even try to give me praises in my name.
Commando Crow:Okay.
Commando Crow:A lot of the awards and the medals that I got, even when I was in the
Commando Crow:army, I wanted to give them back.
Commando Crow:It didn't mean anything to me.
Commando Crow:All I was doing was my job.
Commando Crow:So that's the way I look at this.
Commando Crow:But it's not a job.
Commando Crow:It's a note that took and my word means nothing.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:Who am I?
Commando Crow:And if it means helping other people be able to take care of themselves, take
Commando Crow:care of their families, possibly work as a community, wherever we may end up, if
Commando Crow:that's what it takes, I'm good with that.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: And see, this is the other thing about it.
Commando Crow:This direction on our podcast now.
Commando Crow:First off, any nation that thinks they're going to invade
Commando Crow:America is a foolish nation.
Commando Crow:And it's got nothing to do with America's the greatest country in the world.
Commando Crow:It's got nothing to do with we're impenetrable.
Commando Crow:It's got nothing to do with any of that.
Commando Crow:We have enemies all over the world.
Commando Crow:I'm not ever going to say that none of our enemies would ever try.
Commando Crow:But Iran will.
Commando Crow:But Attacking, okay, this is where I'm getting at, basically.
Commando Crow:Let's say it is a far fetched idea.
Commando Crow:There's so many reasons, tactically, that America is
Commando Crow:almost impossible to invade, okay?
Commando Crow:There's too many reasons, actually, but go ahead.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:Let's say that we have a red dawn moment.
Commando Crow:Let's say the information that we're passing on to people Let's say that
Commando Crow:we get enough community engagement.
Commando Crow:Let's say that there is enough people out there, average shows, that honest to God,
Commando Crow:put some of this stuff into practice.
Commando Crow:This is almost like building a militia in a sense.
Commando Crow:Not just for self preservation, but preservation of this country.
Commando Crow:And don't think I'm bullshitting.
Commando Crow:I don't think anybody can invade America.
Commando Crow:I really have a hard time.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:Not with a level of success.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:There's
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: I might be able to try to invade certain areas.
Commando Crow:I have a hard time.
Commando Crow:I still have a hard time with that one.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: They would never be able to push into the deep interior.
Commando Crow:It would just be impossible not without a land bridge.
Commando Crow:And then on top of that, they would have so many geographical obstacles
Commando Crow:that are just almost impassable.
Commando Crow:So anyway, regardless I'm not saying it's out of the realm of possibility,
Commando Crow:but The more people in this country that are trained and be selfish,
Commando Crow:look out for your own interests.
Commando Crow:By all means, don't let people take advantage of you or take what you
Commando Crow:got, if it's a survival situation.
Commando Crow:But if we ever wound up in a situation like that, it's basically our differences
Commando Crow:can be put on a back burner and the enemy of my enemy is my new friend.
Commando Crow:So we'll have a common goal.
Commando Crow:It may be a uniting moment, but
Commando Crow:To be honest, I think we already have a common goal.
Commando Crow:I just think.
Commando Crow:And I could be wrong, but I think we all have a common goal.
Commando Crow:We just don't understand that, how is it you put it we may all have
Commando Crow:a different way of going about it, but we do have a common goal.
Commando Crow:I mean that, my thing is this.
Commando Crow:The American spirit was born before America.
Commando Crow:Okay.
Commando Crow:And the thing about the American spirit, I don't guess there's really words
Commando Crow:for a description for the American spirit, but I do know this many
Commando Crow:other countries around the world have desired the same thing that we have.
Commando Crow:And, what I think is important to understand too, is that the
Commando Crow:American spirit is not dead, but the people who possess the American
Commando Crow:spirit have not figured out yet that It's under attack, right?
Commando Crow:And for that American spirit to actually be revitalized, it probably is going to
Commando Crow:take what's coming down the pipes, right?
Commando Crow:And I, I really want to see the American spirit revived.
Commando Crow:What did you call us?
Commando Crow:Colonials.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Yeah, we are Colonials.
Commando Crow:Oh, what a bad
Commando Crow:asses.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Oh, I'm in the wrong.
Commando Crow:You gotta be shitting me, man.
Commando Crow:Lady.
Commando Crow:She shouldn't have gotten in front of me anyway.
Commando Crow:She from Tennessee, she pulled over in front of me.
Commando Crow:She likes to leave 300 yards in front of her between her and the next vehicle.
Commando Crow:And I, she was really irritating me.
Commando Crow:I wanted her to find a spot in the woods to park her vehicle, but.
Commando Crow:I saw one of those over on the interstate the
Commando Crow:other day, right there on 55.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:Went straight across the median and hit that K wall on the other side.
Commando Crow:I was like, ah, 20 years ago, that would have been me that put them there.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: I'm but anyway, yeah,
Commando Crow:but yeah, the American spirit is a beautiful thing.
Commando Crow:And it's amazing to me how so many people just don't see it right now.
Commando Crow:It really is a beautiful thing.
Commando Crow:We're going to see it again.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Oh yeah.
Commando Crow:There's no doubt in my mind.
Commando Crow:We're going to see it again.
Commando Crow:Unfortunately, it's probably going to have to go to the extremes,
Commando Crow:but it will revive once again.
Commando Crow:Not looking forward to it though, cause I know what we
Commando Crow:got to go through to get there.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: We got wide open highway up there.
Commando Crow:We got four lanes of nothing going on.
Commando Crow:And we got between nothing going on and where I'm at, we got
Commando Crow:four lanes of people bullshit.
Commando Crow:But I'd like also, yeah, but I'd like also for people to especially
Commando Crow:the people that have zero Alright.
Commando Crow:have any type of interest in.
Commando Crow:A lot of people think it's just What do they call it?
Commando Crow:Larbinger Larbinge Roleplayer Whatever.
Commando Crow:A good ok
Commando Crow:Alright, go ahead
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: A lot of people know what Airsoft is But it
Commando Crow:is a good resource For the average civilian to go to, you got to buy gear.
Commando Crow:A little baby's hurt when you get shot while by your gear, be safe with it,
Commando Crow:but start going to these airsoft ranges.
Commando Crow:You will meet combat veterans.
Commando Crow:You will meet police officers and SWAT officers.
Commando Crow:You will meet people that have levels of training that do airsoft.
Commando Crow:to maintain a level of situational awareness and things like that.
Commando Crow:Not just that you can go to paint, solve they have war games with
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: they do with paint balls.
Commando Crow:They also, but see the airsoft, you can get rifles that actually
Commando Crow:have a straighter trajectory.
Commando Crow:The airsoft BBs are less effective and they're high enough velocity.
Commando Crow:You don't want to go into airsoft.
Commando Crow:See, paintball, a lot of people will use goggles and no helmet, or they'll go in
Commando Crow:there with no real chest blades, or body, a kit, what they call it, body armor
Commando Crow:airsoft.
Commando Crow:I just know that out there is an option.
Commando Crow:If you don't have the airsoft around.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: If you have airsoft around or paintball,
Commando Crow:yeah,
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: go to these ranges, talk to people, find groups of veterans
Commando Crow:that utilize these resources, ask them to help you out to get you rigged out
Commando Crow:with gear, to have a good functional kit, ask them to teach you movement
Commando Crow:skills, formations movement, how to clear buildings, These are all things
Commando Crow:that will teach you combat situations.
Commando Crow:And you would be surprised.
Commando Crow:You shot a couple of times in one of those environments, and you'll
Commando Crow:understand that it's not pleasant.
Commando Crow:So it becomes very real in a sense.
Commando Crow:You will feel that.
Commando Crow:The adrenaline rush, you will get yourself in a position to where you might be
Commando Crow:pinned down and you're freaking out.
Commando Crow:You get shot.
Commando Crow:You're not going to die, but it hurts.
Commando Crow:So you're not going to want to get shot.
Commando Crow:It'd be like, Oh, I'm pinned down.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:And look, I was just in Port Polk.
Commando Crow:We didn't use live rounds.
Commando Crow:We use soft, nothing.
Commando Crow:We didn't use paint balls.
Commando Crow:It was miles gear and blanks.
Commando Crow:Yep.
Commando Crow:And I'm going to tell you,
Commando Crow:I think I called you when I first got back from Fort Polk.
Commando Crow:I was like, I ain't never been so freaked out my damn life.
Commando Crow:It wasn't actually a war situation, but
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: It is a war simulation, but
Commando Crow:without live rounds, even in what just miles gear.
Commando Crow:You say just miles gear, but.
Commando Crow:You put yourself in that high intensity situation, and you're gonna pucker up.
Commando Crow:That's what
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: used to make the American Fighting Man the most
Commando Crow:dangerous soldier on the planet, was because we actually spend, we
Commando Crow:have a bigger budget than like 70 something countries put together.
Commando Crow:But, Things like that put you into situations that are emulating the
Commando Crow:actual battlefield of the theater that you're going to be looking at.
Commando Crow:And
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: it puts you in positions that when you are actually
Commando Crow:in theater of combat, that you are so well herst that it is you respond.
Commando Crow:It's muscle memory.
Commando Crow:It's,
Commando Crow:you don't panic.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: You'll still panic, but you'll handle it better.
Commando Crow:Right.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Yeah.
Commando Crow:Your training kicks in.
Commando Crow:You're trying to say, I've been through something like this before.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: You react better and calmer than you would if
Commando Crow:you were just straight out of bootcamp thrown into a combat situation.
Commando Crow:So for even the average civilian, I don't even care if you like me and you've been
Commando Crow:in the military, got out 20 years ago, and you want to brush up on your skills.
Commando Crow:Find an airsoft community, find a paintball community,
Commando Crow:go out there and get engaged.
Commando Crow:These people are not out there.
Commando Crow:They don't hate you.
Commando Crow:If you talk to them, you will get a lot of assistance.
Commando Crow:You will get a lot of information and knowledge.
Commando Crow:But I think
Commando Crow:That too, because these guys just, a lot of them are, a lot
Commando Crow:of them have been through a lot of specialized training and they're not going
Commando Crow:to look down on you because you haven't.
Commando Crow:They know that their knowledge is beneficial to you and
Commando Crow:they are willing to help you.
Commando Crow:They're not going to dog you because you did not do what they did.
Commando Crow:Plain and simple.
Commando Crow:Not everybody is.
Commando Crow:Not everybody can do what they did.
Commando Crow:It's a very few number of people.
Commando Crow:So they're not, they don't look at you any less than they are and they
Commando Crow:will be willing to train you and they are very good at what they do.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: And I just understand that you have less experience.
Commando Crow:So if you do get absorbed in a small team of people that do airsoft
Commando Crow:regularly, they might put you on point.
Commando Crow:Don't look at that as a bad thing.
Commando Crow:Young guy always get point when you're in a military and alive situation.
Commando Crow:And that's usually the first guy that gets hit.
Commando Crow:Take that opportunity
Commando Crow:To learn.
Commando Crow:Start,
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: learn.
Commando Crow:Situational awareness is what helps.
Commando Crow:But that point guy is vital for the survival of everybody else on the team.
Commando Crow:You are the sacrificial lamb, but believe me, there are things that, but
Commando Crow:you are the most important lamb on field, every, yeah,
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: you get shot in the air.
Commando Crow:Softer.
Commando Crow:A paintball situation.
Commando Crow:You will live to see another day.
Commando Crow:You get shot in a combat situation, you might die, not so much so look at it as
Commando Crow:you get shot, understand why you got shot.
Commando Crow:Have a, we call it an a, a R after action Review.
Commando Crow:Review.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: So if you're with some seasoned professionals after
Commando Crow:a combat simulation in an airsoft or a paintball setting, have an a R, right?
Commando Crow:Sit down, keep your mouth closed unless you're asking questions.
Commando Crow:Or being asked a question.
Commando Crow:The bottom line is they learn.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Yeah, that's the point.
Commando Crow:You want to absorb more than you spout.
Commando Crow:Now, granted, you will have a lot of questions.
Commando Crow:Ask those questions at the appropriate time.
Commando Crow:If somebody is giving you and their version, their perspective of what went
Commando Crow:wrong, they will also give you their perspective of what you did right.
Commando Crow:So listen and learn from it because these are very They're real
Commando Crow:scenarios that you get to live from.
Commando Crow:And they're probably the most critical to your survival.
Commando Crow:Really they are.
Commando Crow:Oh.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: There are very few airsoft that I can
Commando Crow:think of do things like evasion.
Commando Crow:I'm sure they do evasion to a point to get to an objective before they have contact.
Commando Crow:But, just, it's a, you can't even begin to say how useful that tool would be.
Commando Crow:That's all I'm saying.
Commando Crow:, Commando Crow: how many times have you been one?
Commando Crow:Been through an a r
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Oh man I couch hundreds of AORs.
Commando Crow:Every time we had an exercise or a deployment, we have aart Had you
Commando Crow:every one of them.
Commando Crow:Man, I'm getting so tired of these sons of bitches.
Commando Crow:I ain't No, I
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: knew the importance of them.
Commando Crow:I knew the importance of them.
Commando Crow:Yeah,
Commando Crow:I did.
Commando Crow:So
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: my ears were white ass open.
Commando Crow:I did have questions at times but I made sure that I directed.
Commando Crow:Most of my questions actually got answered
Commando Crow:before the end of the AAR.
Commando Crow:And quite frankly, now you remember where I was at.
Commando Crow:I didn't do anything like you did, but sitting on a tarmac and doing
Commando Crow:an AAR, a lot of what I learned surprisingly came from what other people
Commando Crow:did, whether it be right or wrong.
Commando Crow:And that's that, the AAR was beneficial for me.
Commando Crow:I used to look forward to going to an AAR, to be honest with you, because I learned.
Commando Crow:What I needed to know,
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: absolutely.
Commando Crow:And if you get engaged in these types of war themed games, like air,
Commando Crow:soccer, paintball another thing.
Commando Crow:If you get engaged with a team, one specific team, and you're going out there
Commando Crow:all the time in the same group of fellas, you're very likely have op order briefing.
Commando Crow:There will be some type, I haven't participated in airsoft.
Commando Crow:I would like to, but I don't know of where an airsoft range is in my area.
Commando Crow:More than likely there will be an objective.
Commando Crow:Yeah, more than likely there will be some type of an objective
Commando Crow:and you'll have multiple teams.
Commando Crow:Your team will have an objective.
Commando Crow:Your team isn't going to sit there and probably have an open
Commando Crow:meeting with the other teams.
Commando Crow:You'll probably be off your team by themselves and y'all will have somebody
Commando Crow:anybody that's a veteran or current military that participates in this.
Commando Crow:I would be willing to bet that they operate in those environments
Commando Crow:with a chain of command.
Commando Crow:You will be somewhere in that chain of command.
Commando Crow:And one guy I'll give an op order briefing.
Commando Crow:This is our key objective.
Commando Crow:This is, we break contact until we get there.
Commando Crow:We evade, we, we do, if there is an op order briefing or a pre
Commando Crow:operation briefing, they will tell you what the objective is and what
Commando Crow:each person in a team's role is.
Commando Crow:So absolutely.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: You take your op order briefing.
Commando Crow:I don't care if you got to have a notepad because.
Commando Crow:Believe me, soldiers carry notepads.
Commando Crow:They take notes.
Commando Crow:Take your notes.
Commando Crow:Take your notes.
Commando Crow:Listen.
Commando Crow:And then when you get into your war simulation, execute on what they said.
Commando Crow:And if you're unclear on what your specific mission is, ask before it starts.
Commando Crow:Then when you go to AAR, you've already been briefed on the mission.
Commando Crow:Then you executed the mission.
Commando Crow:Now you get to find out what are your shortcomings?
Commando Crow:What do I need to do better?
Commando Crow:How as a team can we work to better?
Commando Crow:What did I do that left my team members in the lurch?
Commando Crow:How do I correct that so I can lift the whole team is how do I become
Commando Crow:more of a benefit or an asset?
Commando Crow:These are all important things, but
Commando Crow:if
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: you can find yourself an airsoft community,
Commando Crow:that would be an awesome resource.
Commando Crow:Awesome.
Commando Crow:What I'm going to be looking for one.
Commando Crow:I'm not familiar with the airsoft community, but I do know we have
Commando Crow:several paintball places around here.
Commando Crow:Yeah, no, your
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: airsoft community.
Commando Crow:And I don't know if you're familiar with the equipment, dude, you get ARs.
Commando Crow:You can get freaking man.
Commando Crow:Yeah, I'm familiar with it, because you can get it
Commando Crow:from like T Mobile and Amazon.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Oh, and do you just It's real looking.
Commando Crow:Okay.
Commando Crow:It is.
Commando Crow:It puts you in a combat.
Commando Crow:The equipment looks real and you can actually buy things like real
Commando Crow:armor carriers, plate carriers.
Commando Crow:A lot of people that do that.
Commando Crow:They train with real plate carriers, so it's not a lot of them that do that.
Commando Crow:You have to move with it.
Commando Crow:You need to be able to go with it.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: That's right.
Commando Crow:You have to be able to train like you will fight.
Commando Crow:And
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: a lot of people that are in the Airsoft community,
Commando Crow:they do it to keep skills honed, and they do it for real world situations.
Commando Crow:So they train with real equipment.
Commando Crow:A lot of them.
Commando Crow:Okay, for the next episode then, I'll make sure that I have some
Commando Crow:locations found for that type of thing.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Yeah, I would love to get engaged in some Airsoft stuff I
Commando Crow:wouldn't even mind starting my own team.
Commando Crow:I don't care how, I don't care how experienced they are, or how inexperienced
Commando Crow:they are, I think it would be pretty fun.
Commando Crow:Okay.
Commando Crow:Hey,
Commando Crow:look, I think the least experienced people will be
Commando Crow:the most important ones to have, to be honest, because, are we like
Commando Crow:reverse engineering right now?
Commando Crow:You know what I mean?
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: The people with the
Commando Crow:least experience need to really have the training as much as we do.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: Yeah, but one of the things you got to be
Commando Crow:careful about, because you don't know who you're training mentally.
Commando Crow:You don't know their mindset about everything.
Commando Crow:Yeah.
Commando Crow:What I mean by that is if you teach somebody bad habits, it's hard to
Commando Crow:break bad habits for some people.
Commando Crow:And I, with my limited knowledge, don't get me wrong.
Commando Crow:I've got a great deal of knowledge because of what I did and a training that I did
Commando Crow:go through while I was in the airborne.
Commando Crow:I went through a lot of specialized training.
Commando Crow:I don't want to teach somebody with minimal to no experience and then
Commando Crow:have them say, oh, I was taught by this paratrooper and this is it?
Commando Crow:No,
Commando Crow:you know this.
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: This is the, no.
Commando Crow:I
Commando Crow:know where you're,
Commando Crow:All-American Commando: I want people that can take the information I got,
Commando Crow:apply that information, and then I want people maybe less experienced.
Commando Crow:Then I want people more experienced because I want to learn also.
Commando Crow:That concludes our discussion today and we
Commando Crow:appreciate you for listening.
Commando Crow:We want to hear your views and comments about today's episode.
Commando Crow:Just send us an email to podteam at the org.
Commando Crow:Also, visit podchaser.
Commando Crow:com to rate and review our podcast to let us know how we're doing.
Commando Crow:It only takes a moment, but it helps us tremendously.
Commando Crow:Until next time, and on behalf of my brother and myself, we're the Constitution
Commando Crow:Commandos and we're signing off.